You’re a dreamer and a hustler at heart....

with BIG goals you want to achieve, but you’re struggling to make it happen.

Do you wonder, Why is it so hard to get started and follow through?” 🤷🏽‍♀️

It’s OK if you feel this way, it’s completely normal! You’re so not alone in this.

You want to achieve your goals but:



And that I can help you overcome all of these challenges and more?

Let’s be real for a minute, building your dream life or business is challenging AF.
Especially, when you’re trying to do it ALL on your own. 

About It's All You Boo

There will be days you want to cry 😭, give up and feel like you can’t do this (*hands you a tissue* ), but I promise you there will also be days where you’ll feel incredibly motivated and on fiyah 🔥 (*hands you the glitter*).

The beautiful thing about it is that the farther you go the easier it gets.
Think fewer tissues and way ✨more glitter.✨

Getting started and believing that you can are the hard parts, but once you do, you become unstoppable. 

And trust me, if I can do this, so can you! I’m not special in any way, other than maybe I was crazy enough to believe that I could do this. 😅

Hey boo, I'm Nadalie!

I’m here to help you slay your goals, so you can live your dream life with confidence + action!
My philosophy is simple, it's all you boo!

Having S-L-A-Y-E-D my goals of…

  • – getting my MA with straight As✔️
  • – running a successful side-hustle✔️
  • – escaping the 9 to 5 ✔️
  • – earning an income from my blog ✔️
  • – becoming a published author ✔️
  • – building a profitable online business ✔️

I know a little something about what it really takes to achieve your goals.🙌🏽

I also know that it is way too easy to get caught in the planning trap. I would try to get started, but I was held hostage by my fears, unable to get started! 😰

Can you relate?

After months of struggling, literally at my breaking point with my bank account way below zero, it hit me like a slap in the face… 😱


Pretty and perfect plans, indecision, and perfectionism do NOT get you there. ✋🏽Doing whatever it takes to push past every excuse, gain the confidence to finally take action, DOES. 💪🏽

I stopped searching for the “secret sauce” in every course, book, and expert out there, to instead focus on implementing all that I already knew. 💡 And trust me, YOU know way more than you think.

You struggle, get stuck, feel lost or like a failure, get overwhelmed because you obsess over “the why I can’ts” (i.e. I’m too broke, too tired, it’s too hard, I’m too busy, I don’t know-how, no one will care, I’m so behind…) instead of harnessing all my “why I cans.” 💫

Those whys are who and why you are, your amazing abilities and what you have to offer the world just as you are, your dreams and motivations for making a difference and changing your life. All that good stuff that makes you, you. 😍

Everything that’s within you, just waiting for you to believe it’s there.💖

In 2016, I founded It’s All You Boo, dedicating it to all the dreamers and hustlers just like you because I wholeheartedly believe that the secret to your success is you. 👩🏽‍💻💭 Now, with over 300 blog posts curated from the best writers, and courses and printables created by yours truly, It’s All You Boo has everything you need to set and slay your goals. 👏🏽

My signature product, the Slay Your Goals Printable Planner has helped over 1,000 and counting goal slayers transform their intentions into actions. 🗓 And my first book, Conquer Procrastination is now available wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and Chapters.📖  


Yes, even if right now you’re a hot mess, falling apart, doubting everything, and still don’t think you can actually do this.😶

Even more so, if you’re going at this alone, with limited resources, up working late nights after work, school, or while the kids are asleep.😮

I know you might not believe me just yet, seeing as we just met and all, but you got this!👌🏽
You just need a little help getting started!

Say it with me, "I can do this!"


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