Have you been making these 3 goal slaying mistakes?
Frustrated that you haven't achieved your goals in life or business? Are you making these 3 major goal slaying mistakes? #goalsetting #goals #slayyourgoals
Hold up, wait a minute.
Are you frustrated that you haven’t achieved your goals in life or business? That you’re stranded in planning land, unable to make your dreams a reality.
Could you not be making progress because you’re making these major mistakes over and over.
The tricky thing about these mistakes is that they’re subtle, almost like a subconscious gesture you don’t even realize you’re making. These aren’t the type of mistakes you make when you try and fail either, these major mistakes keep you on the bench. They stop you from trying altogether.
These goal slaying mistakes keep you in the waiting room, unable to get started, take action, or follow through on your plans and goals.
Table of Contents:
Goal Slaying Mistakes:
Each one of them is the result of a myth about achieving your goals. Commonly held misconceptions by almost everyone about what it takes to make it, well everyone but the people who are too busy slaying their goals. These myths are undercover, posing as common wisdom, so we believe them.
Most people fall for them at one time or another (and perhaps still do). From scrolling past someone you love to hate on social media and think “her life must be perfect” or think about getting started by concluding “now is not the right time.”
⚠ PUMP THE BREAKS! ⚠ Let’s stop making these mistakes.
Caution, here are 3 major mistakes you’re making that are preventing you from slaying your goals.
Are you making these major goal slaying mistakes?
⚠Mistake #1⚠
Thinking you need to have a PRECISE PLAN and GOALS before you can start.
Most people think that they need to know exactly what they want before they can get started. That they need to know all the steps before they can even begin. With every step, decision, possibility, outcome, and obstacles outlined neatly.
Are you waiting to have a precise plan before you get started? Maybe you’re waiting until you’ve made the right choice, or decided on your next move.
Perhaps you’re struggling to set specific and meaningful enough goals? And you’re not sure where or how to start so you’ve given up on goals entirely because you don’t know what they should be. “Peace out goals, I guess I can’t get started” you may not think exactly that, but by waiting that’s exactly what you’re doing.
➡ But guess what?! You don’t need specific and precise plans or goals to get started.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: The Problem vs. The Promise of Plans
Here’s why! People who believe that precise plans are required start planning, researching, and goal setting… and YEARS later… they’re still planning and researching. “How’s that plan coming, dude?”
They’ve planned themselves into a corner and just can’t get started. All dazed and confused, asking questions like, “where’s the starting line again? What was I even trying to do?” They’re completely overwhelmed and their plan is overcomplicated.
Do you know the feeling?
Are you caught in the planning trap? Or in indecision prison?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You Need to be Setting Intentions Instead of Goals
I remember spending half a year unable to stop writing business plans, taking course after course, researching every tiny detail trying desperately to “figure it all out” before I started. And guess what, most of what I predicted didn’t pan out as I thought. And I’ve got plans for a business and charity I never started, collecting digital dust. Don’t waste the time!
You are not a corporation or a country, you are a person, you don’t need crazy plans to take action.
▶ You act, then you worry about the specifics later when you actually need to and have a better picture of what you’re facing. You can’t know this from the bench, you think you can predict it, build in contingencies and learn it all before you start. All you’ll ever know for sure is your next move and where you want to get. So stop waiting!
Are you making the mistake of creating precise plans? Or waiting to set specific and meaningful enough goals?
⚠Mistake #2⚠
Waiting for PRETTY PERFECT timing when you have more time, money and energy.
Most people think that they need more time, more energy and more money to achieve their goals. That their lives are too messy, with too many responsibilities and too much going on. That they just can’t!
Are you waiting to have an “Insta-pretty” life before you pursue your dreams?
Do you wonder if she’s successful because she has it easier than you? Like, “OMG their life must be so perfect, they must not have kids, a full-time job, homework or any other challenges” (in your best valley girl accent). Sounds ridiculous when you say it like that, but do you think a version of this when you scroll past her “insta-pretty perfect” life?
Maybe you’re sitting around waiting for PERFECT timing? For all your ducks to be in a row. Ducks being education, job, car, partner, house, dog… whatever your ducks are. We all have them.
➡ BUT, congratulations you have arrived already arrived! You don’t need a perfect life to achieve your goals. Perfect timing does not exist!
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You Need to Stop Stressing about Being Perfect
Here’s what happens to people who believe this they’re “busy” waiting for the stars to align, wishing for things to be better, for angels to sing and clouds to part. But years later.. They’re still waiting for their moment.
Thinking, “oh no, not me?! And certainly NOT now, I just cannot (insert reason here). When (mythical moment) happens.”
What’s your mythical when? Is it when you’ve paid off your debt, got a promotion, when the kids are older… when you’ve…?
The problem with when is that it always moves. One when becomes another. First, it’s when you get a better job, then it’s when you get a promotion and before you know it, it’s when you’re retired (which basically means never).
Is this you? Are you wishing on a star?
Are you waiting for “perfect timing”? When it’s the “right time” to take action?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You’ll Never Actually Achieve Your Goals
Before I started It’s All You Boo, I was so down on myself about where I was. I couldn’t stop thinking, “why would anyone want to read about my messy life? Who cares about some chick who has no job and is figuring her ish out”? Especially when there are so many other bloggers out there already who are doing great. I wondered, what I could contribute. This kept me from getting started.
▶ It’s NOT a competition. I know it can feel like one, especially in the age of social media where we’re vying for likes and hearts from strangers. But it isn’t. You don’t need what others have, where you are right now is as “pretty perfect” as it ever needs to be. Until you embrace that, you’ll never achieve your goals. You’ll always be waiting for when. Starting thinking about today, and right now.
⚠Mistake #3⚠
Believing that you need to be PASSIONATELY POSITIVE about your goals.
Most people also think they just need to be “motivated enough” to get started. That when they “feel” like it and then they’ll do it.
That they need to be fearless and 100% confident that they can achieve their goal. This “can do, you can’t stop me” attitude.
We can feel the emotion of where we are now, whether that’s anxiety, stress, disappointment, regret, and fear, and think that we can’t get past it. That those magical people are doing their thing, slaying their goals, must just NOT have these challenges. “Why is she so happy, smiling all the time?” Once again, it sounds silly to say, but how many times do you think it.
Listen, I don’t know about you but I’m not one of those smiling all the time, positive 100% of time people. Sure I am in most of my photos, but you don’t see the moments between smiles. We all have self-doubt, we all wrestle with fear, you may not see it but I guarantee you that EVERYONE does.
➡ Good news, you don’t need to be this happy-go-lucky person in order to achieve your goals. You don’t need to drink the kool-aid and “pretend” that you’re not afraid, or anxious or worried. Life is real, you’re doing to feel the ups and the downs. BUT those feelings don’t have to stop you from taking action.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: 8 Motivation Killers You Need to Know About
What about this… Do you believe that staying power and following through is all about maintaining motivation?
Perhaps you set goals, then try to get passionate about achieving them. Have you ever done that – set big goals for yourself then been SO unmotivated to get started. Been there, done nothing.
The honest truth about motivation is that it comes and it goes. Motivation will NEVER get you to the finish line, even if it gets you out the door.
Are you waiting to feel motivated enough?
Thinking that maybe then if you could just feel that way, you’ll start, maybe then you’ll follow through.
I used to wait for motivation, thinking all I needed to be successful was to feel like it. I’ve realized and maybe you have too that it’s like predicting the weather… sometimes it’s sunny and you’re on and other things it’s raining and you’re NOT interested.
▶ Your emotions and feelings don’t have to stop or start you. You’re not the weather, there’s a most predictable, bankable way to get started and it’s called momentum. Moving, getting up, taking that first step gives you motivation. It doesn’t just hit you with a bolt lightninging out of the blue. Get up and get your motivation!
👉🏽 RELATED POST: 54 Experts Share How to Get Motivated
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Are you wishing and waiting and hoping for a plan, a perfect life or to feel passionate?
The time has come to stop creating precise plans, waiting for perfect timing and hoping to wake up passionate.
It’s time to S-L-A-Y your goals, not just set them.
What goal slaying mistakes are you making?
Last Updated on July 11, 2021