What the heck does it mean to be a Unicorn?
Why do you even want to know how to be one?
Want to be a unicorn? Ready to be your most authentic self? Click here for 5 steps you need to take to unleash your inner 🦄 #Unicorn #BestSelf #SelfAcceptance
Well, if I told you that three years ago, I thought anyone who was obsessed with Unicorns was a little eccentric, you would probably wonder why I am now a coach for them!??
My journey to discovering my true gifts and talents and embracing it wholeheartedly is what lead me to where I am now.
Being a unicorn is about unleashing your imaginative, creative, fun and silly side that may be tucked away and in hiding. See, we all have unique gifts, which I call your awesome sauce, that we were born with.
Unfortunately, we have been conditioned and raised in a way that really has kept us restricted and forced that side to go into hiding. Well, I say, f*ck that shit!!! It’s time to unleash your inner Unicorn.
Best of all, when you start to embrace your inner unicorn, it can really help you attract the tribe that absolutely loves you!
Not About Being Your Authentic Self
Now let me get this clear. This is not another way of saying “Be your authentic self”…blah blah blah. We are always being our real self!!
We are always operating from a place of doing our best at that time, whether it is fear, ego, vulnerability, pain or joy! That is totally real and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
It is always changing…and that’s a good thing!
Being a unicorn is all about letting your personality shine. It’s about being clear on the essence of who you are and what you were born to do.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How To Be Your Best Self
Now some of you already are badasses and have kick-ass personality and kudos to you for that. But let me ask you this,
- Is it a mirror of what you think people want you to be?
- Are you using all your talents?
- Have you found a way to combine your real gifts with your fun side to show up in the world?
Well, the reality is, most of the world isn’t and I am on a mission to change that.
Two Big Reasons You’re Not Being a Unicorn
The reason why I am so passionate about this is that I spent over 10 years training, coaching and developing people and there are 2 things that kept coming up for me.
- One is that most people hate what they are doing.
- Second, is that most people have no clue what it is that they actually want to do!
So they stay where they are, trying to fix their weaknesses and wonder why they keep living on autopilot. Well, let me tell you, that sucks! When I spent time with my associates, client, and teams, it became obvious to me.
Very few had a handle on what their true gifts were. So many had amazing talents that were not being utilized. Worst of all, they were in places where they were forced to fix their weaknesses. How sad!
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Are You a Magical Unicorn Waiting to Be Free?
All these unicorns are hidden away doing shit that they hate. Unicorns know that the more time they spend working on their weakness, the more it takes away from them honing in on what they are meant to do. Your soul call. What you were designed to do and do easily!
Unicorns fart rainbows for Pete’s sake!! They are colorful, majestic, magical and most of all, they stand tall in their greatness. The key thing is, they own their magic, their awesome sauce, and their greatness. They know how to shine. They know that in a world of unicorns, that there are other unicorns that shine in ways they don’t and together they stand tall and lift each other up! That is what it means to be a unicorn.
5 Ways to Discover Your Inner Unicorn
So how does one start to discover your inner unicorn? Here are a few ways.
#1. Unicorns Love to Play and Have Fun
They are not afraid to be silly, have fun and laugh at themselves. A lot of us are so damn serious all the time. Chill the eff out!!! When you allow playfulness into your life, you can start to relax.
Being in a place of play can really bring forth some clarity. You can start to see things differently. New ideas start to arise and most of all, it takes away some of the fears we have that limit us from taking action! Here are some ways to start adding play into your life.
- Be a kid again. Pick your favorite board game from when you were young and have a game night!
- Watch your fav cartoon or rediscover a past time that you may have totally forgot about. You may start laughing in ways that you forget even existed
- If that is too far out of your realm right now, try doodling, drawing, painting and watching funny movies. As long as you can laugh, you are having fun
#2. Create Goals that Set Your Soul on Fire
I lived an unconscious lie for years of my life working on goals that I thought I wanted. They were stable, I liked the company, moved me up the ranks, allowed me to buy my first home and my badass jeep… JEEP LIFE!
Unfortunately, while on my journey to discovering my inner unicorn, I realized that I was playing it safe. It led me to one of the worst places anyone can be, which is complacency. BLLEHHHH!! Ask yourself this:
- On a scale from 1-10, how excited do you get when you think about your goals?
- How long have you had it?
Setting the right goals starts with alignment. They connect to who you really are. Creating aligned goals can be tricky but once you get real honest with yourself, the process is easy!
👉🏽 RELATED POST: The Powerful Goal-Setting Formula for Creative People
#3. Show Up in the World as You Really Want to be Seen
There are many of us that are showing up in a way that we think others want us to behave and don’t even know we are doing it! Yes, we are sometimes blind to it. I know because I have been there. Here are a few steps for you to connect with.
- Write out how you want to be seen or known
- Make a list of what your values are
- Set one tiny action that you can take to work towards what you wrote in step 1
- Don’t beat yourself up over the fact that you may have been pretending is some way. One of the traits of being a badass unicorn is to not make yourself wrong!
It can take some soul searching to really dig deep to get honest with yourself but trust me, it is worth it!
#4. Connect with Your Unique Awesome Sauce
This is your true gifts and talents. This stems from your passions most of the time. Here are a few things to consider when discovering your gifts.
- What do you always gravitate to?
- What could you talk about for hours and can’t seem to shut up about?
- Ask others what they think you are good at? You may be surprised at what you find out!
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I didn’t realize that one of my gifts was coaching and helping others recognize their gifts until my associates kept telling me that I should start charging for my time when I was just helping them out! You all have hidden gifts, trust me. Once you know them, it can help you own your greatness.
#5. Let Your Weirdness Out
We are all weirdos…some secretly and some openly. I will let you in on a little secret…your weirdness is only weird because everyone is hiding it!!
The sad part about this is that most of us were born sharing our gifts and being weird and it stopped when we were young. BOO!!! Why? Well because good old society and our unknowing parents had us conform to being quiet, not be curious and ask questions and most, not all, were made to be wrong when we were just expressing ourselves.
Now before we get into a frenzy about society and blaming our upbringing, let’s focus on the now.
- Embrace your uniqueness. Think about the things that make you different whether it be in relationships, business, parenting or just you! Express it in a way that feels good to you such as writing, drawing or speaking
- Take a picture of you acting silly….yup, start with some silly filters of you need. Then you can move to a video and then when you are ready… share it on social media! When you do…please tag me as I love to see your unicorns unleashed!
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Find Yourself
Let’s be honest. Stop acting as you don’t dance around the house to songs that you don’t want to admit that you like, that you need to be serious all the time because you are a parent, that liking unicorns at the age of 35 makes you less competent.
As long as it is not destructive to you, other people and your health, LET YOUR WEIRDNESS OUT.
Shine bright! Being a unicorn is all about letting your personality shine. Stop trying to fit in! Be the unicorn you were meant to be. Fart rainbows already!🦄🌈
Being a Unicorn Changes Your Life and Business
For those who are still wondering why this matters, well consider this. If you are in any relationship, romantic, friendship, business etc, isn’t it exhausting to have to hold back? Isn’t it tiring to have people in your life that don’t really vibe with you?
When you embrace and unleash your gifts and talents, you will also attract the people who just get you!
For those who are entrepreneurs or building a business, this is crucial as this is a mirror of our culture. It is what helps you stay grounded in your ideas. You will never have to second guess your ideas, as you will know who you are at what you stand for. It becomes the vibration of your business and your ideal clients will flock to it.
Get Your Superpower Discovery Guide👇🏽
You’ll discover 20 ways to find what makes you magically unique. Go on, get your unicorn on!
Ready to be the amazing unicorn that you are? Let’s recap everything we’ve covered:
- It’s not about being your authentic self
- There are two reasons you’re not being a unicorn
- Five ways to discover your inner unicorn
- Unicorns love to play
- Set goals that set your soul on fire
- Show up in the world as you really want to be seen
- Connect with your unique awesome sauce
- Let your weirdness out
- Being a unicorn changes your life and business
My mission is to have a world of people who know what their talents are, use them to work on their purpose and get compensated to do what sets their soul on fire.
I truly believe that when we can all own our greatness, we can live the lives that we intended to have. Be a badass.
Unicorn and get out there and fart rainbows everywhere you go!
Are you ready to become a unicorn?
More About Guest Contributor
Crystal is a Mindset and Confidence Coach for Unicorns at Revamp Your World. She is on a mission to help fellow unicorns who are struggling to turn their creative ideas into inspired action. Her approach is that things can be simple and fun. Having the ability to help identify strengths and see gaps in plans has allowed her to be able to help others hone into their unique selling position. She is a firm believer that once you know your own gifts, your dreams can begin to feel possible.
Last Updated on July 11, 2021