What does it mean to slay my goals?
How exactly do you slay your goals?
Are you tired of just setting goals? If you're ready to finally SLAY your goals, click here to find out what that really means. #slayyourgoals #goalslayer #goalsetting #llifehack
What’s in a word like “slay”? A whole lot if you ask me.
And you should, because in 2016 when the phrase “slay your goals” wasn’t as popular as it is today, I wrote a blog post titled “How Do I Slay My Goals?” I then created the 10-Step Slay Your Goals Guide and launched the Printable Slay Your Goals Planner for that exact reason. Somehow a few years later I’ve been dubbed, “the queen of slaying goals.” (There’s a serious branding lesson in here somewhere).
Back then though, the term offered a fresh, yet fierce take on a topic that’s become so regurgitated and predictable. “Set S.M.A.R.T. goals, break your goal down, improve your time management…” blah blah. *Shh*
Read my lips, S-L-A-Y your goals.
Let’s be honest now, goal setting isn’t sexy, but slaying your goals is.
Table of Contents:
Everyone and their mom (seriously mom you need to stop), is telling you that you need to slay your goals. Well at least from what I’ve noticed of late, everyone on Pinterest is. The more pins and posts I see popping up with the term “slay your goals” the more I wonder if they’re using the term correctly.
Are they telling you to push goal setting to the side, to get up and take action, like now? Or is it the same ol’ goal setting advice you’re beyond tired of hearing. Maybe you’ve implemented these tired and not so true methods in your pursuit of happiness and bossness, but you’re not getting results.
Or perhaps, you’re legit wondering what’s the meaning of “slay my goals”? Sorry boo, no Urban Dictionary definition for this one (as yet).
Slay, what?
Read on to define, differentiate and determine how you can slay your goals, instead of setting or even achieving them.
What’s the Meaning of “Slaying My Goals”
Why not just say, achieve your goals, reach or even accomplish your goals? Is there even a difference?
Let’s start by saying that “slaying your goals” is NOT synonymous with “achieving your goals.” There’s a bit more to it than that. This isn’t your generic approach to goal setting or even achieving your goals.
There’s a fierce and fearless mentality required when “slaying your goals.” Even just using the word “slay” in urban vernacular has connotations of power, strength, and swagger that you cannot convey in words like “achieve,” “reach” or even “accomplish” (you can try tho!).
To slay is to “killed it. succeeded in something amazing” (Urban Dictionary)
So let me ask you, do you want to achieve your goals, or do you want to slay your goals?
Do you want that feeling of “hey, I did it” (checked something off your to-do list) or do you want that “yohhh, I slayed my goal” (arms up doing a victory strut)?
But, hey it’s not just about attitude, how you feel when you do, or how you express it. There a deeper transformation when you start slaying your goals.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: 47 Experts Share How to Achieve Your Goals This Year
Slay Your Goals Defined
Let’s start with a definition, then break down what that means for you and how you approach your goals (with swagger or with stress, you decide.)
To slay your goals is to achieve your goals without excuse or apology.
I’ll take it farther by saying it’s to get sh*t done, to meet deadlines and commitments with determination. To “crush” or “kill” your plans, and whatever you set out to accomplish.
Does this sound like you?
Are you achieving your goals without apology or excuse?
Or are you constantly thinking of reasons why you can’t, doing everything but what you need to, going to bed each night apologizing to yourself for not getting started… yet again?
Slaying your goals is the next level, it’s elevating your approach to achieving your goals and dreams.
I know what you’re thinking, but what does that look like? How do you know if you’re slaying your goals or not?
Let’s break it down.
What Does “Slaying My Goals” Look Like?
Let’s go through the motions of slaying your goals together to make this as tangible as possible.
When you’re slaying your goals, you are doing…
- Making resolutions and setting precise goals
- Writing in your planner and journal about it
- Waiting to figure out what the “right” move is
- Procrastinating on getting it done
- Getting distracted, chasing “shiny objects”
- Waiting to be “motivated enough”
- Being too tired, too busy or too broke to do it
- Looking for “perfect timing” when you can
- Making endless to-do lists that you never do
- Being afraid of what others will think of you
- Trying to do it all on your own
- Taking your first step and just do it
- Making mistakes and failing forward
- Start simple right where you are
- Being afraid, but doing it anyways
- Focusing on what you can do right now
- Being accountable, connected and supported
- Prioritizing your time, energy and efforts
- Knowing what works, avoiding what doesn’t
- Building momentum, not waiting for motivation
- Focused on yourself, not on others
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Take Action When You Can’t Get Started
Can you see the difference?
So, what have you been doing?
Are you slaying your goals, or preoccupied with various versions of planning, prepping and procrastinating (i.e. NOT slaying your goals)?
Trust me, you know when you’re slaying your goals, and when you’re not. Because when you’re NOT you’re usually apologizing or making excuses.
Slaying Without Excuse or Apology
Are you making excuses (sorry you might see them as reasons) for why you haven’t slayed your goal?
It’s pretty easy to think of the most common ones:
- I’m too busy, too tired, just not enough time
- I don’t know where to start or how to begin
- I’m just not motivated enough
- I lack the confidence to begin
- My kids, family, and job take up all my time
- (insert yours here)
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You’ll Never Actually Achieve Your Goals
The thing with having these excuses is that we usually do end up feeling guilty and constantly apology to ourselves and sometimes others for not achieving our goals.
For you, that apology could be:
- Those words you whisper to yourself when you fall to sleep at night that tomorrow will be the day
- When you’re writing in your journal about everything you didn’t do, but you’ll do tomorrow
- That feeling of disappointment when you look at all the plans and to-dos, you didn’t do
- Those tears of frustration you cry when no ones around because you are so frustrated you haven’t followed through
Apologies take on another form too, one that’s better hidden and more easily ignored. Most of us spend our entire lives not embracing who we are, denying what we really want to do with our lives, apologizing for the many ways we want more, different or something else than what we have. And the guilt, anxiety, depression, and destruction we feel for not being confident enough to go after it.
I know that I apologized for wanting more than a 9-5 job, I wanted more than just feeling creative, valued and alive occasionally. I wanted to do what I was made to do, what I was great at, what I was passionate about. And I apologized for being unhappy and feeling unsuccessful for years! My apology came every day in the form of working harder, going back to school, pretending that I was happy when asked: “what I do for a living.”
And then once you’ve decided to make the commitment to follow through on your goals you can even be faced by resistance. Ever decide to spend less and save more and be confronted with expensive parties and trips by your friends who don’t get it? Do you apologize or stick with it?
So let me ask you this, are you apologizing?
Are you ready to stop making excuses?
Slaying Your Goals vs Achieving Your Goals
When you’re “achieving” your goals, you are setting out to realize your plans and goals as you’ve laid them out beforehand.
For example, “it’s my goal to have 10K subscribers so I can be successful.” You’ve achieved it when you can check it off. But problems arise and you’re stressed because it’s not working out as you imagined… or you can’t even get started and following through is difficult AF.
Maybe for you this goal was getting fit, starting a blog or business, eating healthy, starting a project or maybe a charity. Easier said, planned, written out than done. Am I right?
BUT, when you’re “slaying” your goals, you realize that it’s not even about the goals or your plan, it’s about getting started, taking action and making progress. It’s that “I got this” swagger that pushes you to “just go with it” without making excuses or apologizing. A goal slayer realizes that 10K subscribers may not equal success, and discovers through action what does.
Bottom line, when you’re slaying your goals you know it’s NOT about the plan, and it ain’t about the goals.
When you’re slaying your goals you are both destroying your plans/goals and leveling up to an even better one – that you arrive at with determination.
Slaying your goals is your ability to dream it, work hard, and grind ’til you own it. – Béyonce
Let me ask you, now that you’re caught up on the differences, do you want to set your goals? Achieve your goal? Or slay your goals?
It’s a difference of approach, attribute, and awareness.
It’s being “WOKE” to your goals.
If you’re stuck, struggling or can’t get started, you need to slay your goals. Don’t just set goals, forget about achieving them, you need to slay them.
Goal Slayers know it’s NOT about the plan or the preparation, and it ain’t about the goals either. It’s about doing whatever it takes to get started, take action and follow through!
The ability to dream it, work hard, and grind ’til you own it.
RSVP to the FREE #GoalSlayer Masterclass
Don’t just achieve your goals, SLAY your goals. Sign up below to RSVP to the FREE #GoalSlayer Masterclass.
You’ve spent enough time planning your goals, maybe even trying to achieve them, why not start slaying them instead?
The time for excuses and apologies has passed, let’s slay your goals.
What does “slaying my goals” mean to you?
Last Updated on July 26, 2024