What are the daily habits of successful people?
Do you want to learn how to be successful in a specific area of your life?
Maybe you want to earn more money, lose weight, or just enjoy life more. If you haven’t been able to make the changes you need don’t beat yourself up. Often times it’s not so much you but your habits that are holding you back from success.
Success isn’t a secret. If there is something you want to accomplish in life it’s almost certain that it has already been done by someone else. You just need to find out what these successful people did to reach their level. As Tony Robbins said, “Success leaves clues.”
Table of Contents:
10 Habits that Teach You How to Be Successful
- Create an Empowering Morning Routine
- Set Goals Regularly
- Focus Daily on Your Health
- Invest in Yourself
- Devote to Forming Lifelong Relationships
- Live Each and Every Day Moderately
- Create Urgency and Deadlines
- Choose to Have a Positive Attitude
- Save at Least 10% Percent of Your Income
- Make Journaling a Daily Habit
For example, if you want to lose weight find someone who has lost the amount of weight you want to lose. Or if you want to earn more money with your blog or business learn from people who are at the level you want to achieve. Simply put — if you want to learn personal success principles you need to follow what successful people are already doing.
Success begins with understanding your habits. You either have failure habits or success habits. Habits are the reason some people can achieve massive wealth while others can barely pay the bills. The good part is that your bad habits can be replaced once you recognize where you need to improve.
I’ve been fascinated with the habits of how to be successful for over two years. I have read countless books, attended seminars, and enrolled in masterminds to learn directly from these successful people. After all of my research, I’ve found that almost all successful people have at least ten habits in common. Think of these habits as the keys to success in your life.
Here are the ten habits that will teach you how to be successful.
10 Habits to Help You Learn How to Be Successful
#1. Create an Empowering Morning Routine
If you want to learn how to be successful my number one tip is to create an empowering morning routine!
After reading Tim Ferriss’ “Tool of Titans” I began to understand the importance of a sound morning routine. He interviewed hundreds of successful people from all industries and over 80% have a morning routine.
How do you start your day? Do you struggle to feel awake? Are the mornings a blur?
While I always woke up early, I never had any structure for each morning. Now, as soon as I open my eyes I am ready to attack the day.
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Here are five ways you can make each morning amazing:
- Wake up early so you aren’t rushed and have time for yourself each day,
- Read or listen to a podcast for 15-30 minutes to learn new information,
- Exercise or take a brisk walk with your dog,
- Practice meditation or breathing techniques,
- Create a plan or set of intentions for the day.
Having a morning routine enables you to become successful.
#2. Set Goals Regularly
According to Success.com, “Every year 70% of wealthy people pursue at least one major goal.” Your goals should dictate each and every day! Set goals every day in the form of a to-do list and try to always accomplish your hardest tasks first.
Create Monthly Goals
Aside from your daily goals, you should create monthly goals to see a bigger picture of what you are trying to accomplish. These goals can be work, health, or family related.
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Create Long-Term Goals
Your long-term goals will be the “30,00-foot view” of what you are trying to do for the next 1-5 years. Think of them as your guiding vision to crush your goals each and every day.
Long-term goals will be ones like buying a home, funding your children’s education, or starting a business by a specific age.
#3. Focus Daily on Your Health
What’s the point of learning how to be successful if you neglect your health and well-being in the process?
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Sadly, the majority of people focus on earning more money instead of focusing on their health. The goal isn’t to be the richest person in the cemetery, it’s to enjoy your wealth while you’re healthy.
Successful people prioritize exercise and healthy eating in their life. Shoot for 30-60 minutes of exercise each and every day. Even if some days are just taking your dog for a long walk, every little bit helps.
#4. Invest in Yourself
Successful people are always reading, learning, and focusing on investing in themselves. Self-improvement is part of their daily routine.
If your nights are hectic, try to read in the morning before life gets in the way. Start reading articles, blogs, or books that interest you or are related to the industry you work in.
Here are five easy ways to invest in yourself:
- Read 15-30 minutes daily
- Listen to inspiring or motivating videos
- Attend one live seminar each year
- Enroll in an online course
- Hire a coach or get a mentor
#5. Devote to Forming Lifelong Relationships
If you want to learn how to be successful you have to protect your relationships and grow your network as much as possible. The people you spend time with have a huge impact on the quality of your life. As Tim Ferriss said, “You are the five people who associate with most. Choose your friends wisely.”
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Find people who have like-minded goals that you have. If you see someone online that is doing what you want to do reach out to them. From what I’ve found, people LOVE helping others!
Surround yourself with winners to help motivate you and succeed faster!
#6. Live Each and Every Day Moderately
Successful people find a way to live each day in moderation. They will celebrate success to an extent but if things go wrong they won’t get into a negative state and remain there. They find a way to keep their emotions in check consistently.
When you’re sad, mad, or frustrated you will probably make poor decisions. Try to stay as even as possible to eliminate bad decisions when you’re having a tough day.
A good morning routine will help balance these emotions and start your day off empowered.
#7. Create Urgency and Deadlines
To be ultra-successful you need to adopt a “do it now” mentality. Humans LOVE to procrastinate or put off things they don’t want to do. Instead, do the things you don’t want to do first off in the morning at work or at home.
This will create a positive habit of not procrastinating and making sure you reach your daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Once you create your daily goals make sure to complete 80-90% of all goals every day. Life happens, if you can’t complete 100% of them all the time find time for them the next day.
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#8. Choose to Have a Positive Attitude
When you think of a successful person do you think of someone who has a negative or positive attitude? Do you think of someone who is smiling with good posture or someone slouched over with a frown? Are they optimistic or pessimistic?
I think you know the answer. Successful people are positive, constantly smiling, energetic and happy. Even if they have a bad day, they don’t’ let it consume their whole day.
Successful people are constantly congratulating themselves internally all the time. Start celebrating your wins in life as often as possible. If you hit your goal at work give yourself a high five, pat on the back or enjoy a good meal out with friends.
Whenever you reach a goal, small or large, celebrate your wins!
By celebrating your wins your body will release endorphins that make you feel good and want to do it more often. Winning breeds winning.
#9. Save at Least 10% Percent of Your Income
If you want to learn how to be successful you have to be a master with your money. Successful people ensure to save 10-30% of their income for their savings goals and retirement.
You have to pay yourself first then your bills. Not the other way around. Earning money is important but saving money is just as important.
Find ways to cut costs like extra channels on the cable bill, choose generic instead of brand name, and buy items in bulk.
#10. Make Journaling a Daily Habit
Writing in a journal has been directly correlated with successful people all the back to Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein. Each morning spend 5-10 minutes writing out your short and long-term goals in a journal. Create a vivid picture of what you are trying to achieve.
Here are some great journal writing prompts to get started:
- 3 intentions for the day,
- 1-2 things you are very grateful for in your life,
- 3-5 goals you want to achieve in the next six months.
Before bed, spend another five minutes recapping three wins for the day and what your intentions are for the next day.
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You’re How to Be Successful Journey Begins Today
Whether you love every single part of your life or want to change it all I’m convinced these ten habits will help you learn how to become successful in life. Remember, success leaves clues. Find what has worked for the most successful people on the planet and learn from them.
Printable Habit Tracker Templates
Ready to teach yourself how to be successful with new habits? Sign up below to get your printable habit tracker templates, with spreads for 30 and 31 days. Unlock the key to success, one habit at a time.
Of all the habits of how to be successful, I think you should focus on a morning routine and investing in yourself. These will both help you make positive changes and experience tremendous amounts of growth in your life.
Most people feel stuck in life because they’ve stopped growing in one or several areas. Progress in any area of your life will equal happiness.
Start implementing these keys to success to create the life you deserve!
Want to be successful? Focus on your habits, do what successful people do. Click here for 10 habits by @supamillennial. Plus, get your FREE Habit Tracker. #habits #success #millennial
What’s your key to success? How do you become successful?
More About Guest Contributor
Michael teaches people about self-improvement, motivation, and success habits at Inspire Your Success. If you are interested in learning more about how to create success in your own life download his FREE “Success Cheat Sheet” to get started.
Last Updated on July 27, 2024