Looking for tips for prioritizing your mommy “me time”?
Are you a busy mom? You need to prioritize your own self-care with mommy alone time. A super mom of 6 shares how you can have more mommy alone time @adventuresuper8 #mommyalonetime #selfcare #metime
You’re trying to balance your home life and work life, all while trying to reach your own personal goals. But every day, you prioritize your family’s needs, and drop everything for your family and kids, with little time to care for you.
When was the last time you took a little time for yourself, mama?
And if you’re a single mom, you’ve probably left even less time for yourself.
No matter your family dynamic, the one thing is always the same, for you, your family comes first.
Yes, your family comes first, but every now and then you need to come first too. As a mom of six, I know it’s hard to commit to putting yourself first, but I’m committing to being different this year. For the first time ever, we created a vision board, and as a family resolved to set aside some mommy alone time for me.
I have to admit I am not very good at setting aside time for myself. I, like many other moms, find it hard to find time for everything. Because of this, mommy me time gets pushed to the end of the list. In fact, a study has found that the average mother ends up with only 17 minutes of alone time a day! 17 minutes!? That is simply not acceptable.
This year that HAS to change. That WILL change. You need more than 17 minutes of alone time a day. Here’s how you can make mommy me-time a priority you actually keep this year.
Why Should I Set Aside Time for Mommy Alone Time?
Having mommy alone time is crucial. We must take a break to re-energize.
If we don’t we are eventually going to burn ourselves out. It will happen. If you don’t have mommy alone time it will not be a matter of IF we burn out, it will be a matter of WHEN we will burn out.
Our family needs us to always be at our best. So, for them, and for our own well-being, we NEED mommy alone time.
I, myself, would like to work on my blog alone every now and then. It is difficult to try to focus on something when you have 6 kids running around. For this reason, I would like to use some of my mommy alone time to work on my 3rd full-time job…my blog.
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It’s Hard to Take Mommy “Me Time”
But, why is it so hard for some moms to find time for themselves?
Most moms will tell you they don’t get alone time because they feel guilty for leaving their children and doing something for themselves.
But I am here to tell you YOU MATTER, YOU ARE IMPORTANT, YOU SHOULD COME FIRST every now and then.
And even though I know you’re already doubting it, remember you are doing this so that you can be a BETTER mom to your children.
How to Schedule Mommy Alone Time
Now that we have established you are going to set time aside for yourself, you must work out just how that is going to get done.
What are some of the ways in which you will explain to your kids that mommy needs time alone without feeling guilty about it?
Well, first of all, it is important to understand that we are not “bad moms” if we’re not playing with our kids all the time.
4 Ways to Actually Schedule Your “Me Time”
One concern for busy moms who are considering consistent alone time is the burning question of “who is going to care for my kids”? I am here to assure you there are ways. I can honestly tell you I am one of those moms who is very particular about who watches my six kids so when I tell you there are ways… there are ways!
If you absolutely can’t part with your kids I would suggest that you make alone time a family event. Set aside a certain amount of time each day for family alone time. During this time each member of the family is supposed to unwind and have alone time.
Explain to everyone that during alone time there are only 2 rules:
A. Be alone.
B. Enjoy the activity you are doing.
Enlisting the help of your spouse/significant other is also a great choice! This way you can rotate who gets alone time and who cares for the kids.
Reaching out to family for help is also a way that your kids get to spend time with their extended family. They can have playdates with cousins and family friends. Then, when the adult caring for your child wants some time alone, you can return the favor. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Enrolling your kids in extracurricular activities is a great way to ensure you get your alone time. You will know that if Jimmy and Johnny have karate on Monday from 5-6 and Cindy Lou has dance class then you know you will be free. The trick here is finding extracurricular activities for everyone on the same day and time in the same general area. It can be done!
How Much Mommy “Alone Time” Do I Need?
There really is no perfect amount of alone time. It varies from person to person. Some need more, some need less.
The important thing is that we set this time aside so that we can benefit from it.
Figure out how much alone time you need, then take steps to schedule and enjoy it.
How Should You Spend Your Mommy “Me Time”?
Now, what can you do with your mommy alone time? This is time for you to unwind, relax, and rest. Basically, take this time to revive.
What you do with this time is completely up to you! You can take this time to nap, read, go on a solo trip or spend time with a friend. Maybe you want to take this time for a DIY project or some other activity you enjoy.
The important thing here is not what you do. The important thing is that what you are doing helps you feel like the real you. This is the goal of mommy alone time to build up your health and strength.
You need alone time, to take care of yourself.
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7 Simple Mommy Alone Time Ideas
Mommy alone time is a great opportunity for us to rejuvenate both our minds and our bodies.
But how, do you spend your time caring for yourself, you might ask? Here are 7 ideas for how you can spend time alone.
#1. Hydrate Your Body
You’ve heard it before, you know you should be drinking about eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Why? Our bodies are made up of about 60% of water and we need to replenish to restore, heal, and flush out our systems.
I know this can be hard but try breaking it up into smaller amounts or treat yourself to a fun new water bottle!
#2. Move Your Body
You can use your alone time to walk, run, bike, or join a class 1-2-times per week. The key here is to get moving. Our bodies need to move in order to thrive and our brain needs this movement to stay alert.
Want to get serious about your health and fitness? According to Women’s Health Magazine, you can then up this to 30-minute routines, 5 times a week to start seeing benefits.
#3. Breathe Deeply
You need to take a deep breath and become one with your thoughts. Or to even escape them, you’re always thinking of what your kids need, take a break to think about just yourself.
Not only does deep breathing help to quiet your mind and anxieties, but it also reduces stress and blood pressure, as well as better blood flow and ultimately increased energy. Take a deep breath right now!
You could take this time to reflect or just enjoy the quiet time with yourself. I started reading a 365-day inspirational book to help me with my thoughts. You can too!
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#4. Get Some Sleep
An adult woman needs 7-9 hours of sleep a day. Now I know this is hard for some, myself included! I stay up late working on my blog and I wake up early to go to work. Then you wake up, and you simply cannot function properly. You’re in a daze and your reflects are slowed.
The common risks of sleep deprivation for moms get’s worst, “You’re more likely to make mistakes when you’re tired. You’re more likely to slip and fall, or cut yourself when chopping vegetables, or forget to fasten the straps of your baby’s high chair.”
In fact, some of the scariest risks come when a sleep-deprived mother gets in the car. Studies have compared the risks of driving drowsy with the risks of driving drunk — it’s estimated to cause 100,000 auto accidents a year. And yet mothers, who would never drive their children after having a few glasses of wine, drive exhausted every day.
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#5. Eat Right
Women should be eating at least 3 servings of whole grains, 2 cups of fruits, 2 to 3 cups of vegetables, 3 servings of dairy, and 5 to 6 ounces of protein. Are you eating right?
I know you’re busy and always on the go, so your meals don’t always meet the recommended servings, but this is something you can work on this year. It’s not just for our own well-being as Moms, but for that of our children. Some of my coworkers have been using the portion containers. You can use them to help you eat correctly. You can eat healthy when you’re busy!
#6. Take Vitamins
If you find that you are unable to eat the recommended food, you should probably start taking supplemental vitamins, as this is the best way to fill in the gaps. The types of vitamins needed vary depending on your age, but the main essential vitamins are the same for everyone and they are:
Antioxidants may lower the risk of some health problems and slow aging. Some researchers even believe they help boost the immune system.
Vitamin B has several types, which are all good for your body, but three of the vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are especially important. Instead of taking a pill you can try to incorporate some vitamin B rich foods into your diet such as fish, potatoes, chickpeas, avocados, bananas, beans, cereal, meats, oatmeal, and poultry.
Vitamin D helps to move calcium and phosphorus and is important because it keeps bones strong.
Vitamin K also plays an important role in keeping bones strong. The best food sources include green leafy vegetables, soybean oil, broccoli, alfalfa, cooked spinach, and fish oil.
#7. Practice Self-Love
You deserve your love and care just as much as anybody in your life. Being self-compassionate with yourself can inspire your compassion for others.
Moms can be really hard on themselves but remember mama, you are doing the very best that you can. By practicing self-compassion has a positive relation to being happier, more optimistic, and agreeable. Sounds like great benefits for parenting to me!
But, how do you practice self-love? You can start by reminding yourself with self-love notes that encourage you to take care of yourself.
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Get Your Printable Self-Care Quotes
Ready to start having some mommy alone time? But, need a reminder that you are important and worthy of care and compassion? I’ve created 10 beautifully designed, printable self-love and care quotes for you.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes that are ready to print and post in your home or office.
Remember, it’s hard being a mom 24/7, all year long – for years and years.
Yes, it really is the best job in the world with plenty of benefits, but in all honesty, it’s a tough job—truly one of the toughest. It is for this reason that we must take care of ourselves first before we can care for those we love the most. Mommy alone time is a MUST.
Make it one of the things you start doing this year.
I know I will!
How will you spend your mommy alone time?
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Last Updated on July 23, 2024