How do you open your subconscious mind?
Do you ever wonder how successful people do it?
How they have a seemingly unlimited supply of motivation, perseverance, and resources. How they seemingly succeed again and again?
You might think it’s luck, knowing the right people, having a lot of money, or having a prestigious education, but you’d be wrong.
Although some successful people started with these advantages, others started from nothing; nothing but a burning desire deep down to succeed no matter what.
What if you could learn how to train your subconscious mind for success; if success could come as second nature to you?
What if I told you that you already had everything you needed to be successful? It’s all in your mind.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Your mind is wildly capable, and at any time you can tap into it to find the resources you needed to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, and reach your ultimate success.
Sounds incredible right? That’s because it is.
Your mind is the most powerful resource you have, but unfortunately, not many people know how to use it to its fullest potential.
We weren’t given a handbook for our mind, and we have been trained our whole lives to use such a small percentage of our power. If you want to achieve your goals and start living the life you’ve always dreamt of, you’ve got to start learning how to use your mind to your advantage.
In this post, I will share three of my best tips to using more of your mind’s power and how to train your subconscious mind for success so that you can achieve anything you want in life.
The Key to Opening Your Subconscious Mind
But before I do, there’s one thing to keep in mind.
If you truly want to step into success and become the version of you that takes leaps and bounds out of the ordinary then you’ve got to leave the old you behind – the old habits and ways of thinking.
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They no longer serve you and keeping them will only work against you. It’s a big task but I know you’re up for the challenge.
Three Daily Subconscious Mind Exercises
Ready to open up your subconscious mind and unlock its full power?
To access your subconscious mind power to help you succeed in life?
Here are three daily mind exercises that train your subconscious mind for success.
Subconscious Mind Exercise #1:
Visualize Yourself Achieving Your Goals
I know you’ve seen this so many times that you probably don’t even take it seriously anymore, but that would be a big mistake. Others may have recommended this secret of the subconscious mind without understanding why it is so important, but allow me to explain.
What we are trying to do is change the beliefs you have tucked away in your subconscious mind. If you have not been able to achieve success and are tired from spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, then you likely have limiting beliefs holding you back.
Defeat Limiting Beliefs in Your Subconscious Mind
Your beliefs could be any number of things, but a common hang-up is doubt. You’ve likely trained your subconscious mind for most of your life that success just isn’t in the cards for you.
You’ve likely had a few failures that have proved to your subconscious mind that success is hard or impossible, and that has just ingrained even deeper the belief that you cannot succeed, no matter how hard you try.
You may even consciously believe you can succeed, but the key here is to learn how to train your subconscious mind for success because, let’s be honest, your conscious mind will always be overruled by your subconscious mind.
Your beliefs are, will, and always have determined the direction of your life. Everything you have done has been a direct reflection of your beliefs. You may be aware of some, but it may take some digging to discover others. And until you change the ones that are holding you back, you will just keep turning the doorknob of the locked door. And it ain’t opening.
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Prove to Your Subconscious That Success Is Real
So how does this all come back to visualization?
It’s simple: you can start to change your limiting beliefs (such as doubt) by proving to your subconscious mind that your success is real.
When you play a movie of success over and over again to your subconscious mind, she begins to believe it. It’s similar to repeating daily mantras, repeating the feeling you get when you visualize will start to shift those pesky fears and doubts about “making it” and convince your subconscious mind that it really can be done.
Sounds too simple, doesn’t it? Hey, nobody said this had to be hard. That’s just a perfect example of a limiting belief. *wink*
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Train Your Subconscious with Visualization
So the question is, how can you use visualization to train your subconscious mind for success?
Visualize any part of your success that gives you butterflies.
Maybe it’s the exact moment your book hits the best sellers list or stepping into your brand new home for the first time, or finally slipping into that sexy red dress and dazzling yourself in the mirror.
Or it could even be visualizing your ideal day from start to finish. Whatever makes your stomach feel like it’s in your throat –the thoughts that nearly brings tears of joy to your eyes –visualize those moments.
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The rules to this are simple: you get out what you put in.
So put your all into these visualizations. Allow those butterflies to flutter in your stomach and feel how you would feel if that vision were actually happening. If you can do that, you can unlock more of your subconscious mind power.
Subconscious Mind Exercise #2:
Train Your Mind to Focus on Small Wins
Like I mentioned above, you might have begun to believe that success just wasn’t in the cards for you at a pretty young age, and then you’ve proven it to your subconscious mind again and again over the years with each failure and shortcoming.
And at each disappointment, your subconscious mind engrained those beliefs of doubt and fear even deeper.
But what if you started to prove to your subconscious mind that you were actually good at succeeding?
What if you highlighted the moments when you achieved a goal, met a deadline, or spoke up when you had something important to say?
These examples are how you can train your subconscious mind for success, one small win at a time.
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Meditate Daily on Every Victory, No Matter How Small
Your default setting is to focus on the moments of failure, but just because that’s the default doesn’t mean it has to be the permanent setting. Adjust your settings and find the moments in your past that you did well and succeeded in any small way.
Then, going forward, look for small wins. This is your new full-time job. You need to constantly be proving to your subconscious mind that you’re good at success. And your subconscious mind doesn’t care if it’s winning a Nobel Prize or winning employee of the month. A win is a win, plain and simple.
What can you focus on now that will get you a small win?
Your ultimate goal might seem daunting, but how can you break it up into bite-sized pieces that you can check off as another small win? This is a great subconscious mind exercise that will yield incredible results.
Subconscious Mind Exercise #3:
Open Your Mind with the Right Questions
How often have you gotten the answer to a question that you didn’t ask? Probably never. Well, when you’re on your journey to success, you’re going to need a lot of answers. But if you’re not asking the questions, the answers are not going to come.
Your subconscious mind is a giant storage unit of all your thoughts and memories from your entire life, and if you want to learn how to train your subconscious mind for success, you need to tap into this massive pool of knowledge.
Ready for the big mysterious mind power secret? You’ve got to ask the question to find the answer.
Explore Your Subconscious Mind by Asking Your Questions
I know, you’re probably dumbfounded by the simplicity of this, but hear me out. When you ask yourself a question, you are telling your mind what to focus on.
For example, if I said look around the room for anything that is yellow, then look back at your screen and list what you saw, you’d probably do alright. But if I said without looking up again, name everything in the room that’s blue, you’d probably struggle.
This is because you told your mind to look for yellow, not blue. It’s the same in life.
Most of the time we go through life looking for everything that is wrong instead of looking for everything that is good, and when you look for what’s wrong, you’ll find it. But if you look for what’s good, you’ll also find it.
Get Answers from Your Subconscious Mind
So if you want to learn how to train your subconscious mind for success, you need to ask the question.
When you do, you tap into your subconscious mind power and it immediately goes through all those tiny connections looking for an answer. It may not come up with the right answer, but it’s going to come up with something as long as you’ve asked it a good question.
- For example, if you asked “How do I become successful?” that’s a poor quality question. It’s too vague to find a concrete answer for.
- But if you asked “How can I scale my business for more profit?” that’s a question you could find answers to.
Now, here’s the thing about asking your subconscious mind questions. You may not have that lightbulb moment right away. It might come in a few hours, or a few weeks depending on the question.
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But if you ask it, it will search. And not only will it search your massive storage unit for an answer, but by asking the question, you’ve commanded that it put out an ongoing search for answers in your day to day life.
In other words, instead of focusing on how hard it is to succeed, and how other people have a leg up that you don’t (ie. your limiting beliefs), you’re telling your mind to focus on how to scale your business.
Now when you come across a piece of helpful information that could help you scale your business, instead of disregarding it, your mind is going to say “Hey! We found something!” And it’s actually going to register that piece of information.
Start Training Your Subconscious Mind For Success
If you only take one thing away from this post, I hope it’s that success doesn’t have to be hard (your new mantra). That the only difference between you and the most wildly successful people on the planet is that they’ve learned what you’ve learned here: how to train your subconscious mind for success.
Now one question remains, what will you do with this knowledge?
Will you shove it in the back of your massive memory bank, never to be pulled out and used again? Or will you harness your subconscious mind power today, and start implementing these steps in your daily routine.
Free Printable Mindfulness Mantras
Are you ready to train your subconscious mind for success? It’s time to leave your old way of thinking behind, one mantra at a time. Get your 20 FREE Printable Mindfulness Mantra cards.
In essence, this is self-development, and the thing about self-development is that nobody can do it for you.
You have to do it yourself!
Want to be successful? The secret is to train your subconscious mind for success. Click here for 3 daily subconscious mind exercises.
How will you train your subconscious mind for success?
More About Guest Contributor
Katie Potratz is a results-driven Mindset Coach and a passionate writer who aspires to elevate the lives of those around her. After years of struggling to find where she fits in the world, she now understands that her purpose is to show others that the light they have been searching for is within them. Katie is inspired by the ever-growing movement of women around the world who are stepping into their power and creating beautiful, fulfilling lives for themselves. She wants every girl to know that anything is possible.
Last Updated on July 19, 2024