How do you do what you love every day?
Do what you love for a living?
Is your life filled with love, for what you do?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone was able to do what they loved for a living? Work wouldn’t really be work anymore, right?
No toxic workplaces, no plans to escape your day job?
Some are so fortunate to already be living their dream lives and others are bold enough to leave the jobs they hate behind to pursue a life built on their passions and love of something.
But, what if you’re not doing what you love for a living and changing careers or quitting your job to make it happen isn’t in the cards for you?
Maybe you’re bored and need something to excite your daily life, but you’re not ready to start a business you love.
If this is you, then a question you should ask is not how do I do what I love for a living, but how do I do what I love every day of my life. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.
When You Don’t Love Your Job
Most of us should also ask, how do I NOT do what I love for a living?
Like seriously, think about it.
How do you do it? Do you wonder, how others spend their entire careers doing what they don’t love?
How do you keep going, your spirit intact, loving yourself, your situation and life despite your job not being what you’d love it to be? How do you balance your dreams for a better future with the reality of your present situation is less than your heart’s desire?
It’s not a stretch of the imagination to believe that more than half of all employees are unhappy at work (at least in America). The reality of bills and having to make money to survive crushes more dreams and leads to more compromises than probably anything else.
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So, what do you do if you’re in the 50% of those who aren’t doing what they love for a living and simply cannot? Maybe you truly cannot follow your dreams or you’re just unwilling to, where does that leave you?
For some, loving what you do should be the goal, rather than doing what you love. Either way, its work, and the lesson are transferable to any situation, whether employee or entrepreneur and any stop between the two.
The Truth About Doing What You Love
“Doing what you love” can become this HUGELY unattainable, fictional place in your mind. It’s an all or nothing scenario where you’re either completely dedicated to doing what you love or you just can’t at all.
But of course, you tell yourself, “I can’t…”
- I don’t have the time.
- I don’t feel like it.
- But, I don’t have the money.
- I’m just too tired.
- I’m too busy.
- It’s not a priority.
We have so many excuses for why we can’t do the things we love.
Perhaps the solution is to shorten our sentence, to not worry about the “for a living” bit that may require you to risk your lifestyle by blowing up your life or changing course entirely.
Are you doing what you love? Period (well question mark), end of the sentence. We can have this all or nothing mentality about doing what we love, but I believe that happiness and joy come with finding ways to do what you love today.
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Do you need to shift your perspective a bit on this?
Are you ready to find joy and happiness right now where you are? Even if it’s not you always dream of or hoped it would be.
Here are 10 ways to do what you love today, from learning to love what you do you do all the way to starting something new. None of these suggestions require you to blow up your life or make any drastic changes.
How To Do What You Love Today
#1. Accept Where You Are:
“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Sometimes the thing that keeps us from accepting our current circumstance with an appreciative heart is the expectations we hold onto about where we should be by now.
It’s hard to embrace where you are and the opportunities available to you right now when all you think about is being somewhere else. Remember to love yourself, you are doing the best you can!
#2. Love What You Do:
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln
Your perspective and mindset is everything.
You decide, not your circumstances how you feel about something. You can decide to embrace loving what you do.
Odds are that at one point you did love your job and you were excited about it. What’s changed between then and now? Likely just your attitude.
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#3. Incorporate It Into Your Job:
“If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax.” – Christian Louboutin
You likely spend most of your time at work, so look for opportunities to incorporate what you love into your job. Also, focus on the aspects of your job that you do love and try to focus on that part.
“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” – Pearl S. Buck
If you find yourself unable to love your job, or even to incorporate what you love at work, you can at the very least do your job with excellence and be proud of that. Push yourself to do the best job possible and you might be surprised to find enjoyment and maybe even love.
#4. Unplug Yourself:
“The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug.” – Pico Iyer
When you’re feeling the pinch of doing what you less than love, simply unplug yourself. Technology is the number one distraction in our lives and usually tied to our jobs.
Once you unplug it’s amazing how easy it is to rededicate your time and reconnect with yourself and what you love. Take time away to “spring clean your mind.”
#5. Get Your Superpower Discover Guide
What do you love? What are you great at? Sign up below for the FREE Supowerpower Discovery Guide, with 20 ways to find what makes you uniquely special.
Just Maybe NOT For A Living
Just because you’re not doing what you love for a living, does not mean you cannot do what you love every day.
Or that one day, you can build an income on what you’ve been doing just because you love it.
A warning to the wise, consider that in order for you to do what you love (and actually keep loving it), it might not be the best decision to pursue it for a living and to make a living off your passions.
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Doing what you love for a living puts a lot of pressure on your passion and once you’re doing it full time you might not love it so much anymore.
Maybe you love it because it’s your break from reality. It brings you joy, gives you peace and just changes up your routine. It’s your escape from your 9-5 world where you can be someone else.
Sometimes making it your full-time thing can ruin it. It’s very easy once you add the pressure of having to perform and make an income from something for it to become the thing you hate.
Despite Confucius’ advice of, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” the harsh reality of doing what you love for a living, is that work is still the number one requirement.
We all can’t have our dream jobs, even if we want it. It’s not always a choice we can make right now.
The best place to start is to just do what you love where you are right now and to love where you are regardless of what you do.
Stop believing the lie! You can do what you love every single day, you don't need to quit your job to do so. Here are 10 ways to do what you love today. #Passions #DoWhatYouLove #BeHappy #LoveYourLife
What do you love doing?
Last Updated on November 3, 2024