Are you tired of feeling bad about your body? Do you want to overcome body image issues?
Are you tired of feeling insecure all the time? Every time you look in the mirror, all you can see are your flaws.
Or are you tired of hearing people point out something or the other about your body? Always making little comments that make you feel so uncomfortable and insecure?
If yes, you are not alone! Countless medically reviewed studies have shown that women, men, teenagers, and even young children can experience body image issues.
The Mental Health Foundation in the UK found that “One in five adults (20%) felt shame, just over one-third (34%) felt down or low, and 19% felt disgusted by their body image in the last year.”
We all experience these feelings at one time or another, and the good news is you can change it! You can improve your sense of body image.
This post will share with you how to overcome body image issues with these 10 best tips!
Please seek professional assistance from a medical professional if you need it, for such conditions as body image distortion, body dysmorphia, and binge eating disorder. They can support you.
What Causes Body Image Concerns?
Before I tell you how to overcome body image issues, let’s first understand what causes them.
#1. Society
This is the biggest reason behind 90% of the insecurities we develop as a kid. It starts long before we think it did. Do you remember your parents or relatives pointing out how you have gotten too fat or thin?
Them comparing you to your sibling or cousin on how different you look and how the other one is taller, and you are not. And maybe your nose is too big? This is where the whole pointing out and comparison pattern truly begins.
This can cause body dissatisfaction, body dysmorphic thinking, body dysmorphic disorder, and negative thoughts about the ideal body, which can cause an eating disorder and warped thinking about your own body.
So often we can get caught up in ways to improve body flaws and get caught up on what a healthy body looks like. Whether it’s as severe as eating disorders or more simple as hating the size of your nose, sometimes we need to break those thoughts by utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy, or behavioral therapy to help heal our negative thoughts toward our bodies.
How Old Were You When Someone Said Something
If you think logically about it, how can a 6 or maybe 10-13-year-old child judge if their nose should be small if nobody tells them?
I don’t remember when I thought about any of my features, whether good or bad; it did not matter to me as a kid; I was living and playing, and honestly, nobody thought all this on their own.
I remember that everything I have felt insecure about in my life started after someone pointed it out to me and was never the same.
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#2. TV, Movies, and Songs
Before the social media world began, television, movies, and listening to music were all that we had, and they played a massive role in setting our mindset toward toxic beauty standards.
So many songs and dialogues in movies have been promoting racism, colorism, or lookism. I only became aware of it as an adult when I could comprehend what these songs and dialogues truly meant.
Even the people hired as actors are all told to look a certain way, slim, tall, fair, snatched waist or pointy nose, and so on. We subconsciously associate it with beauty and how one should look!
Do you remember a time that you felt these feelings after listening to a song, or watching something? Remove the negative influence of entertainment, focusing on positive depictions that can improve body images among individuals of any age. It’s never too late to detox your entertainment.
#3. Social Media
Over the last decade, social media has grown massively; the whole aesthetically pleasing photos, and looking your best trend have affected millions of people’s perceptions of their own bodies which have affected their self-esteem.
My Insecurities started before I made an Instagram account, but they grew more once I was welcomed into this so-called ideally looking/edited world. More and more people are speaking up about the impact of social media on body image.
I always felt insecure about my nose as many people pointed out that it was big or had gotten more significant than before.
After I had created my Instagram account for the first time, I saw thin, small noses everywhere! I only felt worse after that. I didn’t even know that hip dip was a thing before I came across a fitness YouTuber showing how to get rid of hip dips.
These are the most significant contributors to our body image issues.
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Signs of Poor Body Image
The only way you can learn how to overcome body image issues is by first recognizing and becoming aware that you are dealing with it.
A lot of times, we are going through it, and we don’t even know! I remember I felt insecure for probably 5-6 years without consciously knowing that I was insecure; once I became aware, my journey toward overcoming body image issues started.
If you are confused, here are some signs of poor body image:
- Unhealthy eating patterns/ habits
- Constantly looking in the mirror
- Constantly thinking about changing one of your features
- Constantly checking your weight or measurements
- Finding it hard to accept compliments
- Altering and editing your photos
- Always searching for hacks and products on – how to get rid of or change yourself.
If you are experiencing these signs, and your physical health is in danger, please seek help.
10 Tips on How to Overcome Body Image Issues
You’re ready to start improving body image issues and start having a healthy view of yourself. Here are 10 tips to help you.
#1. Identify
The change begins with awareness of the problem; so many people are unaware that they are going through body image issues and their depth.
If you are reading this right now, most probably you are aware, and that’s a fantastic thing! Because now, you will be ready to change your life and overcome body image issues.
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#2. Educate
Once you know you are going through body insecurity, your mindset will not change in a day, primarily if, like me, you have dealt with it for over 5 years.
It will take time and effort to overcome, depending on how deeply and long you have been dealing with it.
I constantly had to educate and learn about my insecurities; the more I knew about this topic from a psychological perspective, as well as by finding comfort and hope in watching other people’s stories who learned how to overcome body image issues, I got better.
#3. Be Patient
I know it is easier to lose hope and fall back into the trap of insecurities, but remember that it will take time for those wounds and mindsets engraved in us to slowly fade away.
Keep putting effort and working towards it, and you will see the results; I started making small changes when I was in school but only after leaving school in lockdown, I had spent considerable time learning and changing my beliefs and habits. I was then able to overcome my body image issues.
#4. Eliminate Negative Self-talk
Our mind can be our biggest enemy; according to the world, even the prettiest woman deals with insecurity and feels low at some point in her life.
Eliminating negative self-talk also requires self-awareness. You must catch yourself whenever you are talking negatively or thinking negatively about your body and reverse it by adding positive talk instead. This leads me to the next point…
#5. Practice Daily Affirmations
During the whole lockdown, I spent my time practicing affirmations, and oh boy! It has made a tremendous amount of difference.
I remember I could never look in the mirror and say I am pretty, I always felt awkward, or would notice all my flaws,
To overcome this instead, I would look in the mirror every day and say I love you to myself.
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Some of the phrases I would say:
- I love myself the way I am
- I love and respect my body
- I love my eyes, nose, lips…
- I am grateful to have this fantastic body
#6. Journal Prompts
Apart from reciting daily affirmations for a more positive body image, using journal prompts can push you to look for positivity and love yourself!
Here is a list of the 53 most effective body positively journal prompts to practice. You can write them into a journal or notebook, or just type up your responses on your phone.
#7. Eliminate Toxic People
Now you are in this vulnerable situation where you are facing your significant issues and trying to overcome them; in this period of vulnerability, specifically, if the noise from outside is too much or too loud.
It can come in the way of your journey, meaning the people around you that you hang out with are constantly pulling you down and pointing out your weak points; it will be highly triggering and challenging to deal with them.
The only solution is to eliminate or distance them for as long as possible! This goes to everyone from friends, colleagues, and sometimes a family member to even social media.
Unfollow people who make you feel that way; if you experience negative comments, take a social media detox until you are healthy so you can come back stronger and better!
#8. Practice Healthy Eating
If you struggle with body image issues, your relationship with food may be unhealthy too! Disordered eating is common with body image issues. You may indulge in overeating or not eating or feel guilty after eating your favorite food.
This will not only affect your mental health but can also physically harm your body.
Build and maintain a healthy relationship with food by eating balanced food that involves healthy and nutritious food as well as a little bit of your unhealthy but favorite dish.
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#9. Indulge in a Physical Activity
Physical activity has been proven to help improve mood by producing a hormone called endorphins, a feel-good neurotransmitter.
It helps you feel good and confident with time incredibly! I saw a big difference when I started working out. I did not see a physical change much, but mentally I felt so much love and respect from my body.
Even if it’s been a while you can start exercising after a long time. Keep it simple, you don’t need a gym membership, you just have to move your body.
#10. Spot and Stop the Toxic Patterns
The last tip that many often miss out on is the little things we did when we were insecure; for example – I would edit my photos back in school and only then post them on Instagram.
Once I accepted myself, I consciously decided to never edit or alter my images, and now whatever I post is untouched!
I also stopped watching videos on YouTube on how to change this or that; I stopped comparing myself to others, and so on!
Spot what some things you have been doing and make a change by eliminating them from your life.
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Body Positive FAQ
#1. Why is it Essential to Have a Positive Body Image?
Having a positive body image is a fundamental respect and outlook towards one’s body; right now, if you have a negative body image, you may struggle with confidence, self-love, and so much more, as we discussed above.
To overcome a negative image, we need to reverse it with a positive image instead! You can read all the tips on Creating a Positive Body Image here.
What I learned about body image issues:
After experiencing body image issues for over 10 years, I learned how it affected the most straightforward part of my life!
- At school, I never took part in cultural activities because I felt not good enough or underconfident
- At stage or school, if people were looking at me, all I could think was – “they must think I am ugly,” followed by feelings of shame and underperforming
- My mind was constantly thinking about my insecurities all day rather than studying or being present in the moment
- It was more accessible for people to make fun of me because when I believed I was too short or not pretty myself, I could not stand up and fight for my respect
However, now that I know how to overcome body image issues and have been able to for 2-3 years, the situation is different, which I will discuss by answering the question below.
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#2. Do Body Image Issues Go Away?
When I became aware of my insecurities, I often wondered if they would ever go away. Will there be a time when I will stop thinking about them without actually changing myself physically?
The answer is YES, they do, and I am telling you this because I have experienced it!
- Now my mind hardly ever thinks about my insecurities…probably once in 2 months or more, but before, it was every day and all day
- Now I can look at myself in the mirror and genuinely say,” I love myself, and I am pretty, but before, I could not
- Now, if anyone ever even tries to make a negative remark about my physical appearance, I can shut them down quickly and not care about it; in short, I respect myself now
- Most importantly, I feel beautiful and whole in myself even though I am still short, have a big nose, and acne every other day! Nothing has changed physically, but only mentally!
This difference is something not only I saw but people around me too. They felt I was more lively, confident, and optimistic than before.
#3. How Do You Help Someone Overcome Body Image?
If you find a friend or anyone dealing with a negative body image, be there for them, do not pity instead, empathize with them.
When I was going through this, all I needed was just one person to come and genuinely tell me that I was perfect the way I am
Be that person for them; you can also share educational content and ways they can improve!
Take These Tips and Apply Them to Your Life
Ready to improve your self-esteem, and confidence and break free of body image issues? Great! That was 10 tips on how to overcome body image issues. You should remember to be patient; it may take time, but you will get there.
You don’t have to live with body images for the rest of your life, they can be overcome, and you can live with peace and love with your body.
Printable Self-Care Quotes
Embrace self-love as you overcome your body image issues. Get your 10 FREE printable self-care quotes, they are the perfect reminder to take care of yourself and your skin.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes that are ready to print and post in your home or office.
No matter what they are rooted in or how long you’ve had them, you can learn to love and embrace your body just as it is.
And these tips are a great place to start that journey of loving who you are just as you are.
Are you tired of feeling insecure all the time? Dealing with negative body image? Click here for how to overcome body image issues, by someone who has done it. #Confidence #BodyImage #Insecure #SelfConfidence #BodyPositiveHow do you overcome body image issues?
More About Guest Contributor
Hi, I am Harshita, creator of Bellflower Lifestyle. It is a personal growth blog that talks about everything from self-care habits to productivity.
Last Updated on July 22, 2024