Are you facing challenges and obstacles right now?
Have you had an embarrassing failure or defeat?
This is one of those weeks when I don’t even know what’s up or down, or right from wrong.
I usually say this jokingly, but it feels like a legitimate question in light of recent events, but “what year is it?”
No matter the failure or the obstacles it’s still not a reason not to.
I’ve spent so many days since Tuesday just twelve stepping my emotions from confusion, horror, disbelief, anger, frustration, disappointment… I know you get it. You’ve felt (maybe still feel) it too. There’s been this like burning in my eyes, maybe subconscious tears that just won’t fall.
I even wondered what I could write about that would be worth writing about tonight when all I’ve been able to talk about with anyone is that thing that happened on Tuesday. (Yes, I’m trying to write this without actually mentioning names).
Perhaps I would just write, “I love you” and tell you that it’s still NOT a reason, NOT to.
Just like feeling blah right now is not a reason for me not to write to you.
Words Guide Me Home
So much energy and thought wrapped up in this process and the result that I’m literally done. I’m tired of being out to grass in fields of WTF just happened, how, why, how could they, who would… what if… and if only.
I’m ready to come home.
Home to the place where I’m not freaking out about the end of civilization, wondering if people even learn from history or running hypotheticals of whether or not I should be building a bomb shelter or wondering if every person here thinks like there. And on and on and on.
It’s literally maddening. Not only is it a waste of energy, but it’s also a trap for which you literally cannot find the door to escape because there are not answers to any of these questions or fears.
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Not only did the wise words of those around me walk me back a bit towards home, but I’ve found solace in the words of a great man who lived almost 2,000 years ago. Who was a decent, forgiving and compassionate even though he was the most powerful man in the world?
There’s something comforting about reading the words of someone who was Emperor of a civilization that is now in ruins. We really are all dust and we’re only here for a moment. We have no time to waste when there is still good work to be done.
No time or energy to point of what he said, what she said, for it’s truly a futile and fruitless endeavor. “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man (or woman!!) should be. Be one.” (It’s okay Marcus, I take no offense to you saying, man. Even that is not a reason not to).
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I Take the Good With Me
I choose to carry the moving movements with me. The moments that made me so proud to be a woman, so proud to live in this time. When I sift everything that was said or done there is one moment that just sticks to me.
My words from an unpublished piece from months ago say it all:
“WOW, just WOW. I am just awestruck after watching First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Tears glisten my eyes and the fire of my dreams burns in my belly as I reflect on her powerful words. Do you ever just stop and awe at how amazingly lucky we are to live in this time? How EVERYTHING seems to be changing continuously, blasting down doors with every great achievement? Think about it. In 2016, you can be whoever you want to be if you are willing to push for it.”
Isn’t the contrast in emotions so striking now?
I’ve asked myself what’s really changed between now and then?
Push the words and the nonsense aside and ask yourself what’s really changed? Nothing, really. You are still you, and you can still be inspired by this. You still can’t control other people, their words or their actions, but you can still control you!
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And ALL OF THAT nonsense that’s happening, is still not a reason for YOU not to.
I choose to carry these uplifting feelings with me, even though results might make me feel the opposite right now. I think it’s even more important now to remind ourselves of these sentiments, to let them infuse us, propel us, keep us moving, not stuck in mourning.
3 Reasons to Continue Dreaming
Now on the reverse side of this (dark side of the moon perhaps, just kidding, not really, have you seen that supermoon?), I find myself needing to eat my own words (because I’m on empty and I need something to fill me with hope).
Listen, whether it’s your dream or someone else’s journey to achieving dreams and goals is not an easy one. But, that doesn’t mean that we let the dream die.
#1. Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Who You Are, Only You Can Decide That.
Don’t listen to haters, naysayers, pessimists, and shit-disturbers who will try and drag you down with their words in 140 characters or more. Forget the criticisms!
Yes, even when they are literally in your face screaming obscenities, even when you’re afraid, even when you’re feeling hurt. I’d go so far as to say especially when.
Hatred is not a reason for you not to.
#2. There is No Ceiling on Your Dreams, Except the One Built By You.
Time and time again history has proven that something seems impossible until someone does it first. There are also many disappointments and failures leading up to the one who makes it.
Who will you be? Is there something you will do first? Or someone who is doing what you want to do, because if they did, so can you!
The entire history of women has proven this wrong.
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Yes, you don’t always get what you want. You may not get there first, but you will make it that much easier for the next one who tries, and isn’t that what matters?
Ceilings, walls, barriers, blocked ways, internal or actual are not reasons not to – they are reasons why you must.
#3. Your Heart, Character, and Intentions Do Matter, Especially in Contrast.
People are paying attention to your behavior and your words. Do you act with character despite any situation? Are you worth “following” (and I’m not talking about on social media)? What message does your life broadcast? What is your legacy?
Even in a time when people seem to feel like they can say or do anything without consequences, we cannot lower ourselves but continue to be an example regardless.
Another’s behavior is definitely not a reason for you not to. “When they go low, we go high, say it with me now.”
So I ask you, who will you be? Will your actions or beliefs about “reality” be built on hatred and fear? What walls have you recently built? Will you stay behind them, or break them down?
What do you stand for? Will you let any of this fool you into believing they’re reasons not to?
“Speeches like this one inspire me” – even more so today! “It reaches out and shakes me awake” – even more, needed today than when they were first said.
But Still, Not a Reason, Not To
She may not have won, but I’m STILL with her, and everyone who dares to dream to push into new territory on behalf of us all. When right now I’m lost for words I look to myself a few short months ago, and aim to ignite these feelings once again:
“That ball of fire in my gut that pushes me past whatever anyone may think or say about me, my so-called limitations or others thoughts on what I should be doing.
This inspires me to deconstruct every mindset ceiling I have built on disappointments, false starts, fears or failings. This mission purifies my heart, because if she can, I can, and so can you.”
And even if you fall short, no one can say that you didn’t try or put yourself out there. Even if you’re rejected, it’s not a reason not to.
And if you fail that’s okay too, mourn your failings just as long as you pick yourself up and keep on keeping on. Sometimes that’s in a completely different direction, but without failure, you would never have arrived there. Her story isn’t over, neither is yours or mines. Not being elected, is definitely not a reason for her not to, nor you.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Do You Need a Champion Mindset?
Yes, Even If You Fail
Something about this entire thing has reminded me so much of this one scene from the movie Love Actually (maybe it’s the holiday spirit). Maybe it’s how this dude says his peace to the women he’s loved but he knows he’ll never have, that makes me think of how she might be feeling.
She gave her all, but it wasn’t enough “to win,” but it’s probably enough trying. Time to move on. To what, she probably doesn’t even know.
Something about the words, “To Me You Are Perfect” also makes me think of how so many of her supporters feel about her – how I feel about her. Yes, she isn’t perfect, but no one is. You aren’t, I’m definitely not, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying.
No need to apologize either, no one feels like she failed them, sometimes it’s just not up to you. But even that is still not a reason not to.
Maybe it’s thinking that even if you’re not aware, someone out there does care about what you do, that you’re trying.
Even if you fail, you’ve cleared a bit of the path for the next person and the next person. Perhaps the first female President will run because she believed she could because Hillary believed she could (ya know what I mean?). Even if you may never know your silent supporters, it’s not a reason not to.
Seeing someone fail, seeing someone try, is just as motivating!
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Either way, to me YOU are PERFECT. Never forget that. No matter how you feel or if you think failure is defeat, it’s not a reason not to or in positive (aka proper English) it’s a reason to.
And now it is enough. I shall move on, or at least do my best to. Because all of this is NOT… (finish that one for me).
Get Your Champion Mindset Workbook
Are the harsh words of others getting to you? Are you just feeling super defeated right now?
Sign up below to get the workbook and let’s build up your outer shell, so you can keep going!
Stop asking questions like should I follow my dreams or be realistic, and just start fighting for your dreams.
Because you’re not just fighting for you, you’re fighting for everyone who comes after you.
Every girl or woman who believes in themselves, all because you showed them how.
Feel like giving up? Defeat or aggression are NOT good enough excuses for giving up on your dreams. Don't let anything stop you! Here's why. #Dreams #Passion #AchieveYourDreams #FollowYourDream #DreamBig
What’s your reason to keep dreaming?
Last Updated on November 2, 2024
Sarah says
My wish is just to have a happier and more peaceful world. There’s so much out there that I just can’t take anymore. Everyone needs to come together and spread the love.
Nadalie Bardo says
You and be both Sarah. Seems every day something or someone just wants to break us all apart.
Annemarie LeBlanc says
Thank you for this thought provoking post. Despite all the chaos and confusion in this world, I am still thankful that I wake up every morning. That I have a roof over my head, and running water. That I have food to sustain me, and a family that loves me.
Nadalie Bardo says
Amen for that, I am so grateful as well for everything I have. <3
My Teen Guide says
Great read! I used to feel that I wasn’t doing enough for myself and for my family. However, I just got that light bulb moment when I read a quote that said, “You are Enough.” I do not strive for perfection, I just take whatever I have and make the best of it. Being grateful for the blessings I receive, big or small brings me happiness and peace in my heart.
Carol Cassara says
I sure hope you feel so much better after writing this. It’s important that we never let go of our dreams and that we shouldn’t let anyone dictate who we should be. We aren’t failures, we’re just working on becoming who we want to be.
kelly reci says
I love the topic! Its true! YOu can only decide what kind of a person you wanted to become! Such a great read!
Czjai says
One should never be afraid to dream! How fulfilling it is to dream and see these dreams become reality! 🙂
Rosey says
I agree that you can only choose who you want to be. I wish I could convey that to my teen who sometimes lets others two minute opinions define how she feels about herself.
Victoria heckstall says
Its such a great topic. I really enjoyed reading this. So inspiring and lots of words that gives me more interesting about the importance of life. I like it.
Julie syl says
Dream something you want to have or to be is a perfect feeling for me. It gives me more inspiration to be work hard. I ejoyed reading this post anyway.
Fatima Torres says
Thank you for these wonderful words of encouragement. I think many of us forget the value in chasing our dreams. There’s a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment when you do. 🙂