Curious about how to balance your chakras and what Chakra healing really is?
I got you covered! I wrote this article Chakras for beginners with you in mind. I’m Talei Loloma and I have been studying, working with, and teaching about the Chakras for nearly two decades.
Learning to work with the Chakras has been life-changing for me. Discovering how to unblock, balance, and open them has had a profound impact on my life and has the potential to do the same for you.
Read on and I’ll show you the what and how of the 7 Chakras for Beginners!
Understanding The 7 Chakras For Beginners
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel of energy.” These “wheels” are vortexes of energy that begin at the base of the spine and run all the way up to the crown of the head.
They are all connected by one line of energy that runs along your spine, called the Shushumna Nadi in Sanskrit.
When clear and aligned the energy runs freely between all of your Chakras from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and beyond. However, sometimes energy gets stuck and doesn’t flow freely between them which creates an imbalance.
How Do You Know If Your Chakras Are Blocked?
If any of your Chakras are blocked then the energy gets stuck along the way creating disharmony in your body and or life. If your Third Eye Chakra is blocked, for instance, you might get headaches or struggle to make decisions.
Or if your Solar Plexus is blocked you may lack confidence or experience stomach aches.
If one of your Chakras is blocked it affects the others because they are all interconnected by the Shushumna Nadi. That’s why keeping your Chakras clear and balanced helps us be healthier and live a more harmonious life.
Each Chakra is a unique energy center that strongly influences our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical experience.
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What Are The 7 Chakras For Beginners?
Let’s start with getting clear on what the 7 Chakra names are in English and Sanskrit, their color, and where the chakras are located in the body.
We will also uncover signs that your Chakras are balanced and how to know if your Chakras are blocked.
#1. First Chakra
The first Chakra is known as the Root Chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit meaning “root support” it’s located at the base of the spine and represented by the color red.
The first Chakra draws from the energy of the Earth. When it’s balanced you feel grounded, secure, stable, positive, hopeful, nourished, and comfortable that your basic primal needs are met.
Signs the First Chakra might be blocked
You feel ungrounded, unsafe, anxious, stressed, angry, or have the feeling you don’t belong. You feel that you are powerless and the victim of your circumstances.
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#2. The Second Chakra
The Second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra known as Svadhisthana loosely meaning “To take pleasure in one’s abode.” It’s located about two inches below the naval and associated with the color orange.
When your Second Chakra is balanced you honor your body’s needs without under or overindulging and experience good health and wellbeing. Your emotions are balanced and your sexual energy is neither dormant nor over dominant.
You’re tapped into your creativity, weave pleasure into your life with ease. You find your center in the space between the extremes, such as control and letting go. You know that you are enough just as we are.
Signs the Second Chakra might be blocked
When this chakra is imbalanced you might feel guilty, unloveable, have a low sex drive, lack creativity. Or you might be managing ongoing illnesses or have habits of overindulging. You might identify with being the Martyr in some or many aspects of your life.
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#3. The Third Chakra
The Third Chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit which translates to “City of Jewels.” It’s located in the space below the ribcage and its color is yellow.
When your Third Chakra is in alignment you have a healthy sense of self-esteem and your ego is in check. You know you are worthy of what you want.
You honor who you are and respect yourself. And you choose relationships that respect who you are and honor you. You move through life with a strong sense of inner confidence and empowerment.
Signs the Third Chakra might be blocked
When this Chakra is blocked you may struggle to stand up for yourself and instead give your power away to others. You might feel confused or emotionally imbalanced. Or have difficulty with self-confidence, believing in yourself and your abilities. You also might seek approval from others rather than yourself.
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#4. The Fourth Chakra
The Fourth Chakra is named the Heart Chakra or Anahata which means “unstruck” in Sanskrit. It’s located at the center of the chest and associated with the color green.
You lead with love when this chakra is open and balanced. You know that you are in love. And you have an innate inner knowing that we are all connected to all of life.
You’re able to heal, forgive and learn from the past in a healthy way so that your heart remains open even when you have gone through a great challenge.
People are attracted to your energy because you’re warm, loving, and accepting of all.
Signs the Fourth Chakra might be blocked
You might feel emotionally closed off from others or out of touch with your emotions and how you actually feel.
You may have experienced trauma or loss and haven’t yet healed from it.
It may be challenging to receive love. You might lack empathy for others and withhold love from people that fall outside of your framework of deserving your love or attention.
It might be hard to remain connected in your relationships or to truly love yourself. Self-loathing might come up.
Poor posture with hunched shoulders and being inflexible in mind and body is a common indicator of a closed heart chakra.
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#5. The Fifth Chakra
The Fifth Chakra is the Throat Chakra or Vishuddha in Sanskrit which roughly translated means “Very Pure.” It’s represented by the color blue and located at the throat.
When this Chakra is open you are able to freely express yourself and stand up for what you believe in. At the same time, you know how to listen and truly hear another.
You have a wonderful sense of willpower and listen to your own inner truth, even if it is not popular. Others value your integrity in all situations and know that you can be trusted.
Signs the Fifth Chakra might be blocked
You might find it difficult to express your true feelings, needs, and desires. You may fear speaking in front of others, have social anxiety, or be labeled as “shy.” Or you may numb yourself from feeling with food, drugs, or alcohol.
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#6. The Sixth Chakra
The Sixth Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit is known as “The Seat of Intuition.” Its color is indigo and the Third Eye Chakra is located in the space between the eyebrows.
This place is where your Wisdom is centered and when it’s open and balanced you are highly Intuitive or in tune with psychic abilities. You have a deep sense of inner knowing. You’re able to easily connect into your Higher Self and lead with your Intuition. You’re able to be discerning and see things clearly and make choices with ease.
Signs the Sixth Chakra might be blocked
You might overanalyze and furrow your brow often. Or you might feel out of touch with your Higher Self, confused, lost, worried, judgmental, or obsessed about something that you struggle to let go of.
It might be hard to see other perspectives and you might have a narrow outlook on life or try to rationalize things away in order to make sense of something. You may be partially or completely closed off from your intuitive sense or the Universe.
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#7. The Seventh Chakra
The Seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara in Sanskrit is known as the “Thousand Petaled Lotus.” It’s associated with the color violet and this Chakra is located at the crown of the head.
You understand that you are connected to Source in all that you do. Plus, you have a deep sense of humility and gratitude in all aspects of life. You are awake and connected to Source and you are drawn to those that are on the Spiritual path as well.
Signs the Seventh might be blocked
You may feel disconnected from Source, depressed, confused, or isolated. You might be pushing and trying to make everything in your life happen feeling as if you are separate from the greater whole. Rather than recognizing your limitless oneness.
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Top Questions About Chakras for Beginners
Q #1. Why do the Chakras get blocked?
Some of the primary reasons are; Trauma, Stress, Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices, Disconnection from Nature, People, or Sources.
Q #2. How Many Chakras Are There?
There are many Chakras that run along the energy lines. There are 7 primary and some schools of thought view it as 9 or 12 Primary. When learning about Chakras for beginners to start with the primary 7.
Q #3. How do I know which Chakra to start with?
When meditating or visualizing always start from your root chakra and work your way up as the lower Chakras are your foundation. This Chakra Quiz is a great place to start. You’ll learn which Chakra you need to work with first on an ongoing basis, which is an ideal introduction to Chakras for beginners.
You can find out which Chakra you need to focus on first and after you view your results you will be emailed a free 7 Chakras Meditation Alignment Visualization to aid in Chakra healing and get started on clearing and aligning your Chakras right away!
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Cleaning Chakras For Beginners
Curious about how to cleanse your Chakras? Ethically sourced Chakra specific stones or crystals can greatly assist the cleansing process by placing them at the center of the chakra.
The unique vibration of the stone helps to bring that Chakra back into balanced vibration. Energy work and Visualization and specific balancing techniques can also assist you in further aligning your Chakras.
The Power of the Chakras
I hope this chakras for beginners article has given you insight and inspiration as to how you can work with your Chakras. Your Chakras are amazing portals of intelligence.
When you know how to recognize imbalance and how to work with them you have the potential to change your entire life.
What are the 7 chakras meaning? Click here for your intro to chakras for beginners, their meaning, and how to know if they're blocked. #Chakras #Chakra #Spiritual #Healing
Ready to start unblocking your 7 chakras for beginners?
More About Guest Contributor
Talei Loloma supports women in the sacred process of creating a Soul Aligned Life and Business. She is an Intuitive Mentor, and offers programs and communities to Empower Women. Take her FREE Chakra Quiz to find out which Chakra you need to align right now!
Last Updated on August 4, 2021