What’s the secret to having a joyful and cozy workspace?
Have you heard the internet buzzing about hygge (pronounced hoo-gah)? The latest trend in self-care is my favorite because hygge is all about comfort and relaxation.
There are plenty of tips on how to hygge your home and live a hygge lifestyle, so let’s talk about how to bring the benefits of hygge to work. There are a ton of ways to hygge your home office or workspace, no matter what your work environment looks like.
Before we dive into hygge at work, let’s cover the basics of hygge.
Table of Contents:
What is Hygge?
Hygge is an idea from Denmark, which consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world. It’s been described as a “cultural sensation” there and is part of the reason the country is so happy.
It’s difficult to pin down a literal translation of the word “hygge,” but my favorite description is “coziness of the soul.” It’s really about taking the time to create and indulge in an atmosphere of comfort and hominess.
There’s even a dictionary of hygge vocabulary. For example, hyggelig means “hygge like,” hyggebukser describes your most comfortable pants, and hyggestund is a “moment of hygge.”
While it’s easier to indulge in hygge at home, there are benefits to taking a few hygge moments (hyggestunds) at work.
Benefits of Living Hygge at Work
In the US, our work mindset is all about production– how much one employee can get done in a day- the more you produce, the better.
In a few European countries, however, the work mindset is totally different. When I studied abroad in Vienna, I had an internship 2 days a week. Each day, I’d go in and try to get as much done as possible. And, each day, my supervisors would encourage me to take more breaks, go for walks, and have hour-long conversations with them.
Near the end of the semester, they told me Austria has a law that says for every 1 hour an employee spends on a computer, they have to have 15 minutes off.
I was floored, especially because that’s so not a thing in the US. And, while it would be hard to implement that mindset all day at work in the US, there are benefits to taking more time for yourself at work.
Hygge Priorities No-Screen Time
That’s where hygge comes in. One of the biggest parts of hygge is turning off your screens, which is also one of the biggest causes of stress in our lives.
From the damaging effects of social media to getting headaches from looking at screens for too long, taking time away from our screens and the internet is important. Even if your job requires you to be on your computer or phone most the day, it should still be part of your routine to take short, regular breaks.
Besides taking you away from your screens, hygge can also help you center yourself and embrace a feeling of relaxed thoughtfulness.
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When you give your brain a break from working and stressing, you’ll be amazed at how productive, focused, and re-energized you’ll feel. Whether you work from home or commute to work, you’ll see the benefits of practicing hygge at work!
By the way, working at a job you can’t stand isn’t very hygge. If you’re looking for a hyggelig job that brings you joy, then check out these side hustles to improve your resume!
Alright, now that we know the what and why of living hygge, it’s time to dive into how to hygge your home office or workspace!
How to Hygge at Work: The Hygge Manifesto
In the book, “The Little Book of Hygge,” author Meik Wiking breaks down the 10 parts of “The Hygge Manifesto.” In order to hygge your home office or workspace, let’s talk about how to bring each of the 10 parts of the Hygge Manifesto into your workplace.
#1. Hygge with Atmosphere
Atmosphere is one of the most important parts of hygge. While it’s difficult to give your workplace a total hygge makeover, you can use small items to make your work environment more hygge like (hyggelig).
The lighting of your atmosphere is especially important in hygge. The fluorescent lights in your office and that cheap desk lamp from Target are, sadly, not hygge.
Instead of overhauling the lighting in your workplace, we’re going to get creative with how we create cozy pools of light for your hygge moments (hyggestund).
Other important atmospheric elements of hygge include ceramics, books, and cozy fabrics.
There are plenty of ways to add all of these to your workspace, whether it’s a tiny cubicle or a giant office.
Hygge your workplace:
If you work outside your home, you’re a little more restricted in terms of how much you can customize your space for hygge. That doesn’t make hygge at work impossible, though- we’re just going to be creative!
To add hygge lighting to your workspace, consider picking up a pack of unscented tea lights and keeping them in your desk. It’s more hygge to use unscented candles because scent from a candle is artificial.
You can make them more decorative by picking up tea light holders. Bonus hygge points if they’re ceramic, wood, or textured!
For an even more hygge atmosphere, find and fall in love with a big mug for your desk. I have a handmade ceramic mug shaped like a VW van I keep at my desk because it makes me smile when I see it!
Be sure to also keep a stack of your favorite, easy to read books (nothing dark, heavy, or controversial) at your desk.
When you’re ready to hygge at work, light a couple of candles, drink from your mug, and read a good book at your desk.
Hygge your home office:
Making your home office environment more hygge is definitely easier than if you work outside your home. You have more freedom to alter your space into one that promotes comfort and happiness.
For lighting, you can also use unscented tea lights and cute holders for your desk. Or, you can pick up a special hygge like (hyggelig) lamp for your space.
Typical fluorescent lights and incandescent light bulbs burn between 3,000 and 5,000K. That is BRIGHT.
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For your hygge lamp, find light bulbs that burn around 1,500K. This will create a warmer, more relaxing pool of light- which is much more hyggelig!
When you’re ready to tune into hygge, just turn off your screens, flip on your hyggelig lamp, and get cozy.
If you really want to hygge your home office, you can also create a hyggekrog, which is a nook you use for hygge.
Find a comfortable chair or recliner, toss on a textured, cozy pillow, and curl up with a book in your new hyggekrog. Bonus points if you have a ceramic mug with tea or hot cocoa!
#2. Hygge with Presence
We’ve already talked about how important it is to turn off your screens when you hygge, but there are other ways to embrace presence in your work environment.
Being present is about more than just turning off your phone and computer. It’s also about centering your mind to what’s happening right now. It’s turning off your mental stream of thoughts about work, friends, and life, and let yourself embrace and enjoy the present moment.
Hygge your workplace:
While it’s possible to hygge alone, it’s more fun to hygge with others.
You might not have company for every hygge moment you take at work, but you can definitely include others in your hygge sometimes. For example, you can arrange a Friday potluck at work, so everyone brings in something to share for lunch that day.
You can also bring in candy for the office and leave them on people’s desks when they’re taking a break, or bake a special treat to leave out for everyone.
Taking a few minutes out of your day to be present with the people around you can help you connect with your coworkers, as well as increase your productivity and focus later on.
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Hygge your home office:
Working from home, especially if you’re a solo entrepreneur, can get lonely. Take it from this super extrovert who works from home, it’s not always fun to be alone most of the day.
If you want company to be present with for your hygge moments, consider calling a friend and pouring yourself into the conversation. Rather than talk about work or hardships, allow yourself to have a pleasant, distracting talk.
Sit in your hyggekrog or turn on your hygge lighting, put the phone on speaker, and enjoy the feeling of being present with a friend.
It’s not always possible to phone a friend during the day, but there are ways to embrace presence alone. Make a pot of tea and watch it steep, curl up with your favorite book, or just look out the window and drink a hot beverage.
Whatever you choose, remember to carve out moments in your day where you focus on now- without screens, internet, or outside stressors getting in the way.
#3. Hygge with Pleasure
One of the most important parts of hygge is being kind to yourself. This includes indulging in things that are pleasurable, like sweet treats and chocolate, and cozy, like hearty soups or warm beverages.
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Hygge your workplace:
To bring pleasure into your workplace, pack a yummy stew for lunch, stop for a confection on your commute to work, or bake something sweet to enjoy on your break.
If your workplace has a Keurig or tea kettle, you can also pack a few of your favorite tea bags or some hot cocoa mix to enjoy while you hygge.
The warmth of a hot drink and the sweetness of a baked good are definitely hyggelig, and they’re great ways to bring pleasure into your workplace.
Hygge your home office:
It’s easier to access goodies that’ll bring you pleasure in your home office, so take the time to indulge in things you love.
One way to embrace pleasure in your home office is by taking a long lunch break once a week to make or bake a recipe you enjoy. Personally, I love having a day where I bake cookies in the middle of my workday.
You get bonus hygge points if you sit in your hyggekrog and read a book while your treat bakes.
Don’t forget a nice hot beverage, too! I use my glass teapot to make a cup of loose leaf tea, that way I can see the colors of the tea as it steeps. It’s an extra moment of pleasure and makes my hygge a little more colorful.
#4. Hygge with Equality
Whether you hygge alone or with others, sharing everything is important – from cleaning up to letting everyone have time to talk. Hygge is all about equality.
Hygge your workplace:
If you start a weekly potluck or have a hygge lunch together, remember to embrace equality at work.
When you plan your hygge gatherings, make sure everyone shares an equal part of the preparations. If you notice someone, even if it’s you, dominating the conversation, find ways to get quieter members involved. Once your hygge time is over, be sure everyone participates in the clean up.
When the burdens are shared, then your hygge time becomes much more stress-free. So, strive for equality when you hygge at work!
Hygge your home office:
If you’re working at home by yourself, then it can be more difficult to find someone to share tasks with.
However, there are still ways to embrace equality when you hygge alone. Rather than share the load with other people, take a minute to make sure you’re being fair to yourself.
Are you taking care of your body, mind, and spirit equally? Or, are there hygge activities you can do to help, like yoga, meditation, or reading, during the day? Are you expecting too much of yourself everyday?
Consider these questions, and see how you can use your answers to incorporate equality when you hygge during your workday.
#5. Hygge with Gratitude
As I said before, hygge is all about enjoying the present moment. An important part of this is practicing gratitude with your hygge. No matter your work environment, remember to look around, take in your hygge moment (hyggestund), and be grateful.
Hygge your workplace:
To practice gratitude while you hygge at work, consider keeping a gratitude journal or small notebook in your desk. When you’re done reading and enjoying a treat, quickly jot down a few things you’re grateful for.
This way, you’ll feel more positive and optimistic when you head back into your work. You can also decorate your space with quotes that remind you to be grateful and present.
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Hygge your home office:
For gratitude in your home office, you can do the same activities as for a workplace, but take them a bit further.
For example, you can spend a longer amount of time writing in your gratitude journal, like dedicating a solid 10 minutes every day. You can also decorate your space with larger quotes and artwork that remind you to be appreciative.
Additionally, you can do a guided meditation or mindfulness routine that promotes gratitude. Anything you can do that reminds you to appreciate what you have will help you return to your work with focus and energy.
#6. Hygge with Harmony
This is more of a feeling than an action, so it’s a little harder to give specific tips on harmony. The most important part is embracing the feel of hygge, becoming present in the moment, and not competing for airtime or praise.
Hygge your workplace:
If you’re going to hygge with others at work, go with the flow of conversation and enjoy your company. Don’t focus on trying to get anyone to like you, and don’t feel like it’s a competition.
Embrace the atmosphere of friendship and togetherness that comes with hygge, by trying not to worry about others’ perceptions of you. Become harmonious with the moment and the people around you, and you’ll have a much more hyggelig time!
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Hygge your home office:
Working from home often means having to work online, which comes with more social media time and imposter syndrome.
To embrace hygge harmony, put these things out of your mind. Easier said than done, I know, but it’s important to drop the feelings of inadequacy and comparison the internet brings.
When you hygge, work hard to keep those negative thoughts away and become harmonious with your reality. Remember you are capable enough to achieve your goals, you are worthy of the good things that happen to you, and you have a beautiful spirit to share with the world.
Find harmony within your mind by quieting the negative thoughts that try to creep in. Remind yourself how amazing you are, and you’ll be a hygge pro!
#7. Hygge with Comfort
Comfort is one of my favorite parts of hygge because it’s all about wool socks, chunky sweaters, and casual clothes. There are definitely ways to get comfy in your work environment, whether it’s in or out of your home!
Hygge your workplace:
There are plenty of ways to be comfortable and still look professional. Trust me, I spent 4 years mastering the art in college.
The amount of flexibility you have here depends on the dress code of your work environment. If your workplace is strictly business professional, then blanket scarves and chunky cardigans are your hygge bffs.
If your workplace is a little more casual, then you can wear big sweaters and comfy leggings to get a hygge look.
One final hygge tip for comfort in your workplace: tuck a blanket somewhere in your desk or office.
Then, when you’re ready to hygge, you can drape it over your legs for more comfort at work. It’ll bring the perfect amount of hygge hominess to your workplace (and really helps if you work in a cold office!).
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Hygge your home office:
The best part of living hygge while you work from home? Hyggebukser. I mentioned these earlier, but to remind you: these are your favorite, most comfortable pants. They’re probably ones you’d never wear in public. Yep, those pants are your hyggebukser.
My hyggebukser are a pair of flowy, dark green pants with an elastic waistband. They’re huge, beyond comfortable, and totally hyggelig.
When you’re ready to hygge in your home office, throw on your hyggebukser and a chunky sweater, take off your bra (at least, that’s what I do!), and grab a big blanket. Hop into your hyggekrog, and enjoy the comfort of your home and hyggebusker.
#8. Hygge with Truce
Since the 2016 election, conversations about politics are practically inescapable. And, while politics are definitely important, they’re not very hygge. In fact, any controversial topics are pretty much the exact opposite of hygge.
Hygge your workplace:
When you’re trying to hygge at work, avoid any conversations that would be stressful or controversial. Yes, this includes politics, but it also means office gossip, work projects, and outside business.
You should avoid any topic that could start an argument or cause you to stress when you’re being hygge at work. Instead, focus on topics that promote harmony and truce- like fond memories and exciting future plans.
Remember, hygge is all about comfort and harmony. So, you can have thought-provoking conversations, but not dramatic or heated ones.
This is actually a great way to get to know your coworkers. Intentionally taking the time to talk about things outside of work and current events will let you dig deeper into more important and personal topics.
Keep in mind, though, you’re at work, so make you’re still appropriate and not too open. It’s all about balance!
Hygge your home office:
When you’re doing hygge from your home office, you can embrace truce by avoiding controversial or stressful content.
For example, rather than read something that’s political, like a newspaper, or too important, like a research article, try reading about something pleasant or neutral.
You can read a memoir of someone you admire, a fiction book that’s fun and simple, or a collection of short stories that make you think.
One of my favorite hygge books is The Moth because it’s a collection of 50 short, true stories that are a combination of funny, moving, and thought-provoking. It’s perfect for hygge during the workday since it’s easy to read 1 entire short story on a break.
No matter what you choose to enjoy while you hygge, make sure it’s not controversial or political. That way, you can embrace truce and relax while you hygge during work!
#9. Hygge with Togetherness
One of the best parts of living hygge is the feeling of togetherness that comes with it. After you’ve spent time prepping for your hygge, it’s nice to enjoy the comforts of the moment and embrace the feeling of being present with others.
Hygge your workplace:
When you’re enjoying group meals or potlucks at work, you can use this time to build relationships with your coworkers. Ask them questions, learn more about them, and bring up memories you’ve shared.
When you hygge, more of your conversations should start with, “Remember when…” Recounting memories is a great way to build togetherness while you hygge and create a positive atmosphere.
Make sure everyone is included by asking people about their favorite memories, even if they don’t include people from work. Learn more about each other and share memories, so you can fully embrace togetherness while you hygge!
Hygge your home office:
Even if you work alone, there are ways to feel a sense of togetherness.
If you have a pet, you can use them to help you with this part. Personally, I love taking breaks during my workday to pet my dog while he lounges around. He always gets excited to see me, and hanging out with him makes me feel less alone during the day. I also talk to him, but the conversations are pretty one-sided.
If you don’t have a pet, togetherness is another reason to try calling a friend when you want to hygge. Talk about happy memories, get an update on their life, and, again, no politics!
#10. Hygge with Shelter
Shelter is where we bring together a lot of the hygge concepts we’ve been talking about. Put it all together to create your hygge nook (hyggekrog), and get ready to relax!
Hygge your workplace:
To create a hyggekrog at work, find ways to make your workspace more hygge. Add indoor plants to your desk, put a throw pillow on your chair, and stash a blanket somewhere.
Then, when you have a few minutes to hygge, light a couple of tea lights, pull out a good book and your blanket, and fill your favorite mug.
Look around your workplace hyggekrog and appreciate it, even if you can only incorporate one or two hygge elements.
Self-care is essential, especially at work, and adding even a little hygge to your workplace is taking care of yourself. Remember to use your hygge supplies whenever you can, whether it’s during your lunch break everyday or just once a week!
Hygge your home office:
To create a hyggekrog for your home office, set up a comfy chair in a nearby corner (or add pillows to your desk chair), get a lamp with a low-temperature bulb, and light a few candles.
When you’re ready to hygge, make a hot beverage, pull out your favorite book, and cozy up with your pet. Be grateful for your hyggekrog and yourself, and remember to enjoy it as often as you can.
Bring Hygge to Your Home Office or Workspace Today
Hygge has been described as the “Danish secret to happy living,” because of its emphasis on comfort, togetherness, and harmony.
You can definitely bring hygge to work, whether you work from home or at an office.
To add hygge to your workspace, set up a hyggekrog with blankets and books, avoid controversial subjects, indulge in eating treats, wear comfy clothes, share responsibility, and practice gratitude.
Spring Clean Your Mind Checklist
Start to bring a little bit of hygge into your work day and workspace with the Spring Clean Your Mind Checklist. It was 12 easy ways to take a break, relax and get cozy through the day.
I hope adding hygge to your workspace makes you happier, more productive, and less stressed!
Don’t forget how important it is to take care of yourself, even when you’re working.
Hygge will definitely help you with self-care at work.
How do you Hygge your home office or workspace?
More About Guest Contributor
Hey there, I’m Olivia! My blog, The DIY Feminist, is all about empowering millennial women to create their lives. I’m here to give you tips on how to achieve your career dreams, DIY your way to a space you adore, and smash the patriarchy at the same time. I’m still (and always will be) learning how to juggle it all, so let’s grow through it together!
Last Updated on May 19, 2023