How can I pamper myself at home every day?
Tired and need time for self-care? You don't need to spend a lot to pamper yourself. Here are 14 ways to pamper yourself on a budget at home by @KorbenMianna #SelfCare #SelfLove #SelfCareSunday #SelfCareSaturdayOur hectic lifestyle can often get in the way of one of the most important aspects of well-being, namely self-care.
Having regular ‘me’ time does not only have numerous health benefits, but it can also help you find a sense of purpose in life and develop a more positive mindset.
In order to achieve your goals and not fall apart in the process, you need to take time to relax and unwind. Even though I know it’s hard to hit pause, you have to. Your mind, body, and spirit need time to relax.
Making relaxation and self-care a priority is what enables you to be more productive. And it’s more affordable than you think!
Despite what you may think, self-care doesn’t have to be expensive. Indulging in a pampering session after a long week doesn’t necessarily mean paying for beauty treatments you can’t afford. Self-care can be cheap and luxurious at the same time.
You don’t need to go to the spa, go buy Groupon for facials and massages or even leave the house to practice relaxing self-care.
Check out these 14 easy ways you can pamper yourself on a budget every day.
How to Pamper Yourself on a Budget
#1. Take a Nap
The weekend has finally arrived and you’re probably wondering how to pamper yourself at home and let go of all the stress you’ve accumulated during the week. The first thing you need to do after a long and busy week and recharge your batteries by taking a refreshing nap.
A short nap during the day has multiple health benefits, including elevated mood, improved memory and motor performance, reduced levels of stress, and better functioning of the immune system.
In other words, napping is never a waste of time! Keep in mind though that naps should be kept short (no longer than 30 minutes) and is best if you take them in the early afternoon to avoid feeling lethargic and disrupting your sleeping schedule.
Taking a nap is the easiest way to pamper yourself on a budget, it costs you nothing, but the gift of some rest to yourself.
#2. Have a Spa Day
Dedicating a whole day to various rejuvenating spa treatments will leave feeling like you can take on the world. The entire idea behind a spa day is based on relaxation and indulgence, so it’s little wonder that spa businesses are thriving.
One downside, however, of having a professional spa treatment is the expense. Luckily, you don’t have to break the bank to reap all the benefits of a spa treatment. Instead of visiting a spa salon, why not turn your own apartment into one?
Having a DIY spa day is an affordable way to pamper yourself at home without breaking the bank. So how can you recreate the spa experience in the comfort of your home?
- Firstly, set the mood by dimming the lights and putting on some relaxing music.
- Light a scented candle and put a detoxifying mask on your face.
- Then, have a long bubble bath while sipping on a chilled glass of your favorite drink.
#3. Indulge in Coffee
Ask anyone to make a list of small pleasures they couldn’t live without and they’re bound to mention coffee. The rich taste and tempting aroma of freshly brewed coffee is an affordable indulgence that can make you forget all about that long, busy week behind you.
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Unlike synthetic caffeine found in energy drinks, natural caffeine is a healthy way to give yourself an energy boost. So pamper yourself at home with a cup of organic coffee and feel your mood lifting with each sip.
#4. Unplug from Tech
It’s hard to imagine surviving a busy work week without relying on various gadgets that help you keep track of your mounting obligations. The weekend, however, is a perfect time to have a digital detox. Too much screen time does not only lead to various ailments such as headaches, eye strain, neck pain, insomnia, but it can also drive your stress levels through the roof by taking up all your free time.
If you want to pamper yourself at home after a long week, make sure you turn off all the sounds on your gadgets, don’t check your emails, and stay away from social media.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed, go out for a walk and leave your phone behind. You might feel uncomfortable at first but the more time you spend away from technology, the less you’ll miss it.
#5. Declutter Your Space
Cleaning up might sound like the last thing you’d want to do on your day off, but trying to pamper yourself at home while surrounded by clutter is an even worse idea. Decluttering won’t just make you look better, but it will also help you get rid of any negative energy and give you a feeling of self-satisfaction.
Make a decluttering plan and start cleaning out one area of your home at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. If it’s been a while since you’ve last had a decluttering session, invite some friends or family members to help you and have fun filling trash bags with everything that no longer serves you any purpose. Pamper yourself by sparking Joy, Marie Kondo style.
#6. Explore Your Surroundings
Pampering yourself at home means taking the time to do all those little things that you’ve been putting off for a while and this includes exploring the hidden corners of the city you live in. Even if you’ve lived in the same neighborhood your whole life, you probably don’t know every nook and cranny of it.
Your day-off is an ideal opportunity to walk around aimlessly and really take in the sights and sounds of your city. You can even go a step further and spend a day being a tourist in your own town.
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Take a guided tour of all the historic landmarks you pass by every day without really noticing them, get a room in a nearby hotel, participate in local events, take a public transport route that’s different from your usual one, and don’t forget to take plenty of photos!
#7. Bake from Scratch
While you’re exploring the hidden parts of your city, take a trip to a local market and stock up on fresh ingredients for that recipe you’ve been planning to try out for some time. Baking from scratch is a simple yet immensely satisfying way to pamper yourself at home on a budget. It’s a great way to unleash your creativity and de-stress after a long week.
Not only can baking from scratch help you quiet your mind and calm your worries, but it can also give you a sense of control that so many of us seem to have lost somewhere along the way.
#8. Listen to Music
A wise man once said that “life without music would be a mistake”. The sound of your favorite tune can lift your mood, reduce stress, ease the pain, and help you reconnect with your emotions. There’s never a wrong time to listen to music – you can even do it while you’re brainstorming other ways to pamper yourself at home on a budget!
Numerous studies have shown that music can improve cognitive performance, recover more quickly after a stressful event, improve sleep quality, and boost motivation. So what are you waiting for? Put on your favorite song and let the power of music work its magic on you.
#9. Buy Fresh Flowers
Life is full of simple pleasures that cost next to nothing yet can have a profound effect on the way we feel. Given all the positive benefits that fresh flowers can have on our mood, there’s no reason to wait for a special occasion to enjoy one of nature’s most beautiful creations.
One study found that flowers can help hospital patients recover faster after surgery and help reduce pain intensity, anxiety, and fatigue.
The smell of fresh flowers can also give your brain a boost and improve your memory, while the sight of a colorful bouquet can make you more productive and encourage creative thinking.
#10. Reconnect with Nature
There’s nothing like spending a day in nature to pamper yourself on a budget, put things into perspective, and lessen your every day worries. We spend most of our days rushing around from one task to the next, without ever really taking the time to think about the bigger picture.
Reconnecting with Mother Nature can help you prioritize your life and focus on what’s really important. You don’t have to travel far and wide to reestablish your relationship with nature.
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Simply go to the beach and walk barefoot in the sand, dig in your garden and don’t be scared to get your hands dirty, play with animals, or simply find a good spot outside to sit down and pay careful attention to every sight, sound, and movement of the natural world.
#11. Eat Out Alone
If you dread the thought of dining alone, it’s time to change the way you think about eating out. Sure, having dinner in your favorite restaurant with a significant other or a group of friends is a time well spent, but every now and then you need to pamper yourself by eating out alone.
When you’re eating on your own, you’re giving your brain a much-needed break from the usual routine of mindlessly shoving food in your mouth while trying to maintain a conversation. Dining alone will help you find a new appreciation for food and relish every bite without any distractions.
#12. Go Dancing
Relaxation and downtime are important aspects of learning how to pamper yourself at home, but every now and then you need to let loose and de-stress in a more active way. Not only is dancing one of the healthiest forms of physical activity, but it’s also a great way to let go off all the pent up negative energy you’ve absorbed during a long week at work.
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Dancing is a type of aerobic exercise that stimulates the release of endorphins, ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain that act as natural pain relievers and help induce a feeling of optimism and euphoria. Dance is also a form of expression and can help you work through your emotions and feel more confident.
#13. Get into Aromatherapy
Aromatic essential oils have been used since time immemorial to treat different medical conditions, from nausea and headaches to pain and anxiety. There are different ways you can pamper yourself at home with aromatherapy and experience the healing benefits of different scents.
Try using a diffuser and placing a couple of drops of rosemary or bergamot oil to help reduce stress and anxiety. Put 10-12 drops of lavender oil into your bath to soothe sore muscles, or mix sandalwood oil with your moisturizer to encourage mental clarity and relaxation.
#14. Meditate
Last but not least, finish your day of pampering yourself at home with a meditation session. Scientific research into the benefits of meditation has found that practicing mindfulness and meditation on a regular basis can improve concentration, increase resistance to stress, promote empathy and compassion, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
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There are a lot of misconceptions regarding mediation. The simple truth is that there are no strict rules and regulations you need to follow in order to receive all the benefits of meditation. Simply take 10 minutes at the end of each day to sit comfortably in a quiet place. Close your eyes, and focus all your attention on your breath.
Pay no mind to intrusive thoughts and simply let yourself be fully present in the ‘now’. Once this starts to feel natural, you can gradually increase the amount of time for your practice
Free Printable Self-Care Quotes
Ready to pamper yourself? To give yourself the gift of self-care? I’ve created 10 beautifully designed, printable self-care and self-love quotes for you.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes formatted just right for Instagram (square) AND Facebook/Twitter (landscape). You can share the self-love to encourage others to take care of themselves too.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes that are ready to print and post in your home or office.
A spa day at home, a cup of coffee, a walk-in nature, fresh flowers… who would have thought that pampering yourself after a long week could be so easy?
Save this list and start indulging in each of these 14 pampering ideas to help you feel good, inside and out.
How do you pamper yourself on a budget?
More About Guest Contributor
Mianna Korben does the 9 to 5 like any other typical gal. But, when the clock strikes five she finds the most comfortable nook and starts writing about things she enjoys most. She writes about the things she is passionate about and tries to embrace daily in her lifestyle choices.
Last Updated on July 11, 2021