Want to know how to never be afraid to try something new? Ready to overcome your fear of trying new things?
Newsflash: Everyone feels fearful at some point in their lives. People who claim they’re not afraid of anything are certainly not speaking the whole truth. Luckily, there are ways you can learn how to never be afraid to try something new.
Feeling a healthy amount of fear is what keeps us out of trouble, like not sticking our hand in a lit fireplace or trying to jump into a pool from the second-floor balcony. Yet, being afraid, beyond normal nerves and jitters, can have a crippling effect in practical matters.
Neophobia, literally the fear of new things, is a tricky phobia that can seriously impact your day-to-day life, regardless of age. When you’re uncomfortable with the unknown or are uneasy about taking risks, you may find yourself feeling stuck or avoiding things that can truly enhance your entire existence.
Change is the only constant – this is something that most of us have heard before. It also doesn’t have to be a bad thing. When we can meet change with a positive outlook, we can quickly go after what we truly want and learn how to never be afraid to try something new and exciting.
Committing yourself to overcome your fears so that you can reap the rewards of doing something new – taking on a new hobby, activity, connections, and other pursuits – far outweigh sitting it out and letting life-changing moments pass you by. Have courage, life can get really boring otherwise.
Why Am I So Scared of Trying Something New?
Fear of new or unfamiliar things is natural. Even the most confident person has experienced fear from time to time. However, those people have taken the time to overcome those fears, and you can, too.
There are many reasons why you should attempt to face your fears head-on when dealing with something that scares you. For starters, by sidelining yourself, you’ll miss out on golden opportunities that can lead to personal growth. If you take time to discover how to never be afraid to try something new, you open yourself up to so many possibilities.
If you’re a curious person who has a bucket list of places you’d like to visit, a fear of flying will undoubtedly prevent you from gaining those experiences and seeing the world.
When it comes to your career, an inability to recognize your greatness may also make you hesitant to apply for a particular job, pursue a career change, or seek a promotion. Some people even purposefully dull their shine out of fear of moving up in their company or industry.
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What stops us from trying something new? A variety of factors can hold us back from putting ourselves out there. Approximately 7.1% of American adults have social anxiety, another factor that can discourage you from putting yourself out there and building new friendships and relationships.
Finding ways to crush the worries that consume you can steer you towards greater happiness and personal fulfillment. It can take a lot of strength to fight back against what scares us, and it may require an ample amount of positive affirmation, self-talk, and sometimes even therapy. But it’s always well worth it in the end.
5 Tips for How to Never Be Afraid to Try Something New
How you decide to face your fears is a personal choice. However, it could be the case that you don’t know where or how to begin.
Life can get boring if you do the same thing every day just for the sake of comfort. Some of our best experiences come from pushing ourselves to go outside our comfort zone. Think about a time you traveled somewhere new or succeeded at a hobby for the first time. It can be such a rush when you overcome your fear of trying something new.
The following five tips may be a good starting point for you to overcome your fears and achieve everything you desire.
#1. Start Small
Have you ever bypassed the chance to improve your life somehow because you were afraid of not getting it right from the beginning? Trying new things can be intimidating when you have a fear of failure.
It’s easy to get ourselves worked up over trying new things. Sometimes the key to starting something new is, to begin with, baby steps and work your way up.
For example, suppose you have an overwhelming fear of public speaking. In that case, it may be easier to practice addressing smaller groups of friends and family before throwing yourself in front of an entire auditorium of strangers.
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When you’re afraid of trying new things, you shouldn’t go into it expecting to come out an expert on the first try. Instead, remind yourself that you’re going to make a few mistakes along the way. Of course, that’s perfectly fine because the real fun exists in navigating mishaps as adventures in learning.
Maybe you’re eager to run a half-marathon. If you’ve never gone long distances before, you’re probably not going to be able to run 13.1 miles the first time out. Even habitual runners train for 6-14 weeks prior.
Starting small also means you should have an end goal in mind. As you work your way up to achieving your end goal, remain open to discovering your innate talents and abilities. They could come in handy in recognizing your strengths and motivating you to keep pushing yourself.
Think of fear as a staircase and allow yourself to go one step at a time. It’s impossible to make it up a flight in one giant leap anyway. Go at your own pace and don’t be afraid to keep climbing.
#2. Acknowledge the Fear
Whether you’re afraid of embarrassment, failure, or even success, feeling afraid is normal when trying new things. However, acknowledging that your fear exists and accepting it is a significant first step to learning how to never be afraid to try something new.
For example, over 57% of the labor force is female. Yet, many women face work-related fears, such as trying to overcome patriarchal expectations in male-dominated industries, having difficulty imagining themselves in leadership roles, and feeling underqualified for the positions they hold. Often, their nervousness prevents them from moving up the corporate ladder or asking for a raise.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Understand Your Fear
To combat some of these worries, you should do the following:
- Explore the origin of your fear from childhood until now.
- Notice how and when fear shows up and ways it sabotages your success.
- Visualize yourself overcoming your fears and accomplishing your goals.
- Find strategies to help you manage your stress in the future, including staying healthy and practicing self-care and mindfulness techniques.
Remember that your fear of trying new things is valid and makes you human. Learn to accept your anxieties for what they are, and believe in your ability to make strides towards building up your confidence. That confidence will be the key in how to never be afraid to try something new.
#3. Do Your Research Beforehand
Sometimes half the anxiety buildup of diving headfirst into the unknown comes from the feeling of going in blindly. Thankfully, preparing yourself beforehand can make you feel less intimidated.
Think of ways you can do some research before partaking in anything scary. Can you read about it online? Can you rehearse your speech in front of people you know? Can you talk to others who have already done the thing you’re interested in doing?
Let’s say you require a minor medical procedure and you’re nervous about what it entails. Honestly, who wouldn’t be? Ease some of that anxiety by reading about what to expect online. Then, follow up with your doctor, address your concerns, and ask questions regarding every step they’re going to take.
In a less frightening situation, pretend you’re taking a whack at chalk painting an old piece of furniture. Do yourself a favor and watch a few YouTube videos on the process first. You might also consider visiting a local craft store or contacting a furniture refurbishing expert to learn helpful tips and tricks before applying any paint.
By putting in a little prep work, you can have a much better idea of what you’re getting yourself into. Over time, as you explore different endeavors to try, you’ll realize how to never be afraid to try something new.
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#4. Partner Up
Even the most introverted, shy, and independent people need to surround themselves with others periodically.
Research shows that loneliness can actually increase cortisol levels in the body, also known as the “stress hormone.” However, having a few strong relationships can help us lower our stress and live longer. Regular social interaction can also help prevent severe mental health conditions, cancer, heart disease, gut issues, and reduced immunity.
It’s likely that your cortisol levels are already heightened when you’re embarking on something new, but you can reduce your stress and diminish your fears by partnering with someone else.
If you have a friend or family member who seems fearless in the face of adventures, ask them for their tips on how to never be afraid to try something new. Maybe they have had the same doubts you have.
Trying a different outdoor activity with your significant other or signing up for a class with a friend can help you enjoy the new experience more than if you’re embarking on it by yourself. You may feel more confident and energized with someone you trust beside you. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity to capture beautiful memories you can share with another person for years to come.
#5. Remember No One Is Setting You Up to Fail
You may have heard of the “spotlight effect,” or the belief that when all eyes are on you, you’ll be made a laughing stock. This crippling fear of failure can lead to low self-esteem, shame, self-sabotage, and a desire to give up. It also usually holds us back from attempting anything remotely unfamiliar.
If you lack confidence and feel anxious in front of others, keep in mind that nobody wishes for you to fail. You may be surprised that everyone is actually rooting for you to accomplish your goals – many may be willing to give you a helping hand, as well.
The reality is, even people who are the most experienced in whatever it is they’re trying to do have to start somewhere. That means they were in the same beginner’s stage as you at one point.
An adult learning how to swim, for example, is not going to garner finger-pointing and laughter from spectators. The fact that you’re overcoming your fear of drowning and giving it your personal best is enough to make them admire you.
When taking on a new challenge, worry only about yourself. The only people who matter are those who love and care about you, and they will be cheering you on as you learn how to never be afraid to try something new.
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Learn to Live and Let Go of Fear
Only you can decide if your fears will continue holding you back from trying new things. If you’re looking for some excitement and adventure in your life, now is the time to tackle those fears and anxieties.
Don’t miss out on worthwhile opportunities just because you don’t know what to expect.
Get Your Self-Confidence Quotes
Want to boost your confidence to try something new? Get your 10 FREE printable self-confidence quotes!
They’re perfect for your office, home bedroom, or wherever you need to find inspiration daily. Each design is black and white and features brushed ink letter detailing.
This download comes with 10 high-resolution graphics ready to be printed and posted.
Although your fears may be valid and shared by the general population, remember that the only thing standing in your way from pursuing your interests, goals, and happiness is you.
With these tips and a little confidence, you can learn how to never be afraid to try something new.
Are you ready to never be afraid to try something new?
More About Guest Contributor
Cora Gold has a passion for living life to the fullest and exploring her experiences through her writing. She’s the Editor-in-Chief for women’s lifestyle magazine Revivalist.com.
Last Updated on December 19, 2024
Amber Myers says
Yes, I always try to do something new. I know it can help me grow. You have some great advice here.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Myers,
Learning something new will always help us grow. I’m happy you love these advices on not being afraid to try something new.
Angela says
Thanks for this. It came at the right time. I just left my job of 14 years to start my own business…it was scary. But I’m doing it!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Angela,
Congratulations on starting your own business! It’s only scary at first. You’ll eventually get the hang of things.
Carissa says
I recently started a job in a field that is new to me and I love the messages of this post!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Carissa,
Congrats on your job in a new field! You can do it!
Sharon says
I’m all about trying something new and these great tips are getting me inspired to find my next big thing.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Sharon,
I love trying something new as well! I love the thrill it gives me.
Bellab says
This is such post! so important to try new things, I always do a bunch of research before trying things
It's All You Boo says
Hi Bellab,
Yes, doing a little research will help before starting something new. It’s always better to be prepared on what you are getting yourself into.
Great tips to break down the fear of trying new things, starting small is always a good idea too!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Jen,
Baby steps will get you far! We should not overwhelm ourselves.
Michael says
I had no idea there was a fear of new things. This is great advice to those who need help breaking out of their comfort zone.
It's All You Boo says
Happy to share to you all these tips on how to never be afraid to try something new, Michael!
Renee says
Fear of the unknown is always hard to conquer. These tips will really help.
It's All You Boo says
You are right, Renee! Hope these tips on how to never be afraid to try something new will help you conquer that fear of the unknown.
Eileen M Loya says
It is always a scary time when you think of stepping outside your comfort zone. I used to be that way, but there is indeed better opportunities if we just try these new things that are given to us. I agree with small steps, as long as you keep moving forward, it will be very rewarding in the end.
It's All You Boo says
Totally agree, Eileen! Stepping outside your comfort zone is scary, but the rewards are worth it. Small steps are key.
Gervin Khan says
Everything you’ve mentioned here is so true.
What I’ve learned here is don’t be afraid to fail when you want to learn new things because failure teaches you to be strong and helps you to learn more.
It's All You Boo says
So true, Gervin! Failing will help us how to be strong and teaches us lessons to help us succeed. Thanks for being here!