Wish you could get out of your comfort zone?
Want examples of stepping outside of your comfort zone?
Getting out of your comfort zone is all about taking steps to help you with your personal growth. You’re acknowledging that for you to grow and become the best version of yourself; you have to branch out from your use too and take the step to leave your comfort zone.
There are many different examples to help you start stepping out of your comfort zones.
What does it mean to leave your comfort zone?
Your comfort zone is a place where you’re ok with doing something 100% of the time. Everyone’s comfort zone is different; some people are comfortable with doing things that others wouldn’t risk doing.
Your actions when you’re in your comfort zone are typical things you do daily. But leaving and getting out of your comfort zone is a good way for you to overcome your fears. It’s about letting go of the things you think could go wrong, and ultimately taking a leap of faith and doing the impossible.
But is it a good thing to get out of your comfort zone?
I believe stepping out of your comfort zone is a fantastic thing. Because it allows you to change for the better, improve yourself.
Shaking things up can help mentally show you that you’ve got nothing to fear. Being able to leave your comfort zone may be hard, but it’s always worth it. This post will give you 25 examples of how to step out of your comfort zone.
Why is it so hard to leave your comfort zone?
From what I have realized, a lot of people find it hard to go beyond that zone of what they are used to doing. And that is because we usually are always thinking of the worst possible scenario. Most people stay cemented in their comfort zone because it’s their brain’s way of keeping them safe mentally.
But this mental safe space is going to keep you anticipating negative events. Naturally, moving out of this mental space is unknown to some people. The reason being is because they have a fear of taking risks and being uncomfortable.
Many people do not like to fail; they would instead succeed without any personal growth than have any negative feelings. So this is why some people stay in the safeguards of their comfort zone.
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So how do you motivate yourself to get out of that zone?
You will need to start pushing yourself out there, or it will never help you grow as a person. I know, staying in your safe zone can decrease the chances of your failing, but it also lessens your chances of improving. This method is an excellent way to be successful.
Being a successful person is all about taking risks; taking chances is the best way for you to reach your goals.
Convincing yourself to step out of your comfort zone, in the long run, will benefit you in so many ways. There are many different examples to help you step out of your comfort zone and benefits that can help you grow your confidence in so many ways.
Fighting the urge to venture out of what you’re used to doing can be something you slowly position yourself to do. Slowly pushing yourself beyond what you are used to doing, and making this a never-ending cycle can allow you to grow personally.
There are many benefits to leaving your comfort zone, beyond personal growth, such as increased productivity and being able to finally defeat your fears.
25 Examples of Stepping Out Your Comfort Zone
Ready to take a step outside of your comfort zone, but not sure where to start? Here are 25 examples of how you can put yourself out there in life today.
#1. Never Take Anything for Granted
You can learn a lot through the experiences you go through in life. These experiences build you as a person, whether that’s through you struggling or your successes. I, myself, have learned a lot about myself through both, and I am grateful for every single situation.
The reason being is because it has led me to place outside of what I am used to doing. This is something I will never take for granted because every situation has allowed me to grow as a person.
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#2. Change Your Routine Up
Changing up your routine is good because all habits are about what you are comfortable with doing. But switching up your routine, even if it’s something small is very efficient. There are many examples to help you step out of your comfort zone, such as:
- Changing the times of day you eat lunch (or what or where you eat),
- Taking a class or joining a new group,
- Doing something new in the mornings or at night,
- Starting a different form of exercise you’re not used to.
A little shake-up within your routine can lead you to explore different and new things. It can also allow you to meet new people. All of these things can lead and kick-start ideas for you in your life.
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#3. Move Toward What You Fear
Moving toward the stuff you fear is an excellent example of stepping out of your comfort zone. Because of this, you can potentially expand your life in many different ways.
Taking the initial steps to commit and leave your comfort zone is something that may be uncomfortable for many people. However, it can create great and long-lasting memories and experiences. For example, does traveling solo scare you? Try it by going something locally you usually always do with company.
#4. Ask the Questions Most People Can’t Answer
If you want to know more, start to have open conversations with the people around you. This is an excellent way to find out different things people like and find out more about their experience with the area of your business.
You need to be able to ask tough questions about issues that need to be addressed. This can be something you used to help promote the growth of whatever you are trying to do.
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#5. Take Small Baby Steps
There are many ways to leave your comfort zone, but you have to take the first steps to start. If you have a plan in place, you will just need to take steps to begin initially.
Taking things step by step can decrease the amount of anxiety you get. One thing you are not trying to do is overwhelm yourself, just to become a success overnight. However, taking small baby steps can get you out of your comfort zone; helping you work toward the goals you have planned.
#6. Always Remain Positive
Staying positive in a time when you feel uncomfortable can make all the difference. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but you must always remain positive. Never let anything prevent you from getting through with leaving your comfort zone.
Never let negativity take over because negative things are always going to happen. Recognize anything negative as a way to help your progress on how to make your business/ work-life better.
I have recently realized that we need to go through negative things and thoughts at times to make ourselves better. However, you should never let negativity stay with you for too long.
Here’s a tip to get through negative thoughts or things is too quickly to identify where you when wrong. Do not dwell on it for it to affect your mood.
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#7. Do the Things You Are Afraid Of
Having a new mindset and taking a risk to do things that scare you. Taking risks like this will help you conquer a fear you have, allowing you to get out of your comfort zone.
If there is something you are scared of; it will never go away if you don’t take active steps to learn how to get over that fear.
So, what are you most afraid of? Or, what have you avoided doing because of fear?
#8. Consider Different Points of View
Considering different points of view from people around you can help you start to see things differently. Or consider talking with a person who isn’t like you, or belongs to a community or identity you’re unfamiliar with.
A big part of our comfort zone is our beliefs and standpoints. So many of us are afraid that we’re wrong, and of what others believe or think.
You may not agree with everything they might say, but it will allow you to debate ideas with them. This will help you leave your comfort zone and re-examine the things you believe.
#9. Put Yourself in Vulnerable Situations
A lot of people like to play things safe and are very predictable with the things they do. Playing it safe doesn’t allow you to maximize your growth. Stepping out of your comfort zone is an example of you wanting to help expose yourself to new things.
For me, it has been a crucial part of my personal growth, and this is not only me. A lot of people have found their passions from moving outside of what they are used to.
Being truly vulnerable emotionally is key to building strong relationships and intimacy. Are you hiding and holding back parts of yourself? Afraid to show up as you really are?
It’s going to be frightening, but it helps you set a higher bar for yourself and the goals you want to achieve.
#10. Boost Your Self-Efficacy
Boosting your self-efficacy is good for you to get out of your comfort zone. In case you’re not familiar with the term, self-efficacy means believing in your abilities and capacities to succeed on your own. Do you feel capable?
Here are a few ways to boost your self-efficacy:
- Use affirmations, positive self-talk, and reassurance
- Make sure you surround yourself with encouraging people. People like this will be helpful to you.
- Remind yourself about times in the past where you’ve left your comfort zone. It will help you see you have stepped out of your comfort zone before and you were successful at it.
#11. Remember, Everyone Starts as a Beginner
Know that everyone starts as a beginner. This is before they even get to that place where success is flowing in their life.
You have to embrace it and just trust the process even if it is scary. Be okay with struggling at first, be okay with taking your time, everyone experiences this.
#12. Make Snap Decisions
Overthinking the decisions you make is not the right thing to do before starting anything new. Start being spontaneous when you do things.
There may be many things you want to do and if there are, then just do it. You can start small by deciding what to eat at a restaurant, making plans for the weekend, or what to watch on TV.
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#13. Make a Plan to Leave Your Comfort Zone
This might be one of the most organized things you can do. Always start with a goal in mind and a plan. Come with a list of all the things you want to do.
Research on the topics; A plan will allow you to see things a lot clearer. It will enable you to prepare for things if they don’t work out the way you planned.
And having a plan also makes doing something new less overwhelming and less frightening.
#14. Work on Improving Your Confidence
If you want something badly, you want to start that profitable business, but you are too scared.
While you are starting to move out of your comfort zone, also begin working on your confidence as well. This will allow you to maintain that feeling of confidence, no matter what happens.
Practice all the things you know that will help you build your confidence. For example, work out more, read books to help with your self-development, and talk to family and friends who encourage you.
It will give you the confidence boost you need to help you feel amazing and start moving outside of what you are used to doing.
#15. Reevaluate the Things You Expect
You deserve the best. I say this because if you are working hard to leave your comfort zone, then you deserve success. But we have to remember that not all things are totally in our control.
So don’t set high expectations for things or people because you can be left feeling highly disappointed. Life can throw you a curveball at any point in time, even if you are highly prepared.
When setting expectations, think about them carefully. For you to get the things you want from the expectations you set; make sure your effort is matching for you to be able to achieve it.
#16. Learn Something New
Learning something new is a good way to get out of your comfort zone. It can help you learn something that is not a part of your daily life. It can also allow you to create a passion for something, you never knew you had.
You can keep it simple, like starting a new hobby in your free time. Think about that thing you’ve always wanted to try or start and just do it.
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#17. Keep an Open Mind
Most importantly, you should always keep an open mind. You are allowed to embrace changes happening in your life. But make sure you welcome not only the good parts but the bad part too.
This means embracing failure can happen during the process of building your success. You’ll learn to love the process because every moment counts; you’ll also grow and evolve from every mistake.
#18. Act As If You’re Comfortable
A pep talk doesn’t always make it easy for you to leave your comfort zone. An excellent way to accomplish getting out of your comfort zone is to act as if you are comfortable and just do it.
Because once you do it and see you can do it, it will come to you naturally. But you need to take the initiative to do exactly so.
Also, once you’re comfortable with yourself and in your own skin, it’s easier to step outside.
#19. Know Your Fears
Identifying your fears can be something that may make you feel highly uncomfortable. But taking the first steps is essential. You need to push yourself through your discomfort for you to be able to proceed.
So, what are your fears, and why are you afraid? You need to understand your fears.
#20. Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Fool of Yourself
It’s ok not to be perfect because no one is. Be silly. One fear for some individuals is mainly around what people think about them. But the thing about surrounding yourself with supportive and loving people is that it’s okay to make a fool of yourself.
They are afraid that others will laugh at them. But what people need to realize all you can be is you, don’t try to be something you are not—stepping out of what you are typically used to doing when it comes to meeting new people. You never what can come out of it.
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#21. Give Yourself a Serious Ultimatum
Don’t allow yourself to get away with not leaving your comfort zone. Keep telling yourself to try new things, if not then take something you love away.
An ultimatum is something you can mentally prepare for, and if you say too yourself “if you don’t try something new, then I can shop for a week.” This will make sure you get up and try something different.
So, how serious are you about leaving your comfort zone? What ultimatums can you set for yourself?
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#22. Visualize Any Challenge As a Time For You to Grow
Realize that stepping out of your comfort zone is a way for you to grow; instead of focusing on your fear of failure. See it as a gateway to even greater success.
You never know what stepping out of what you are used to doing can do for you because it could change your life for the better. Keeping such a positive mindset can have you pushing your boundaries and trying new things.
#23. Do Small Activities Daily You Wouldn’t Normally Do
Challenge yourself daily by doing different small activities daily. Once you start changing your daily routine, it will become a lot easier to take on significant challenges.
An example of stepping out of your comfort zone, by starting to converse with different people, change up your exercise routine or make a change in diet.
#24. Become Aware of What is Outside of What You’re Used To
Hopefully, you should know what you are used to and what is out of your comfort zone. Make a visual representation of what you’re comfortable will. This will allow you to recognize what you’re afraid of, outside your circle of comfort.
That way you’re better able to identify what areas you need to stretch. Think of it as a map to leaving your comfort zone.
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#25. Every Day Can Be a New Learning Experience
Life is all about learning and experiencing after all. Making sure you turn every day into a new learning experience is essential. This will allow you to become more used to leaving your comfort zone. It will entail help you to challenge yourself a lot more.
Get Your Self-Confidence Quotes
Ready to push past your comfort zone? To put yourself out there more and try new things? Get your 10 FREE printable self-confidence quotes!
They’re perfect for your office, home bedroom, or wherever you need to find inspirational daily. Each design is black and white and features brushed ink letter detailing.
This download comes with 10 high-resolution graphics ready to be printed and posted.
Take it one step at a time, every day you can use one of these steps out of your comfort zone examples.
And as always, please be kind to yourself.
Is it hard to leave your comfort zone? Want to be brave and try new things? Click here for 25 ways to get out of your comfort zone, one baby step at a time. #ComfortZone #TryNewThings #Confidence #Motivation
How will you get out of your comfort zone?
More About Guest Contributor
I am Porsha, the creator of LifetimeInflux and I use my brand to help young aspiring entrepreneurs and bloggers with their lifestyle choices, especially women. Also, I give insight and tips on blogging and as well as my own travel experiences.
I created my blog because I am passionate about helping people and it’s something I enjoy doing. I decided to take up my own adventure and explore my entrepreneurial skills.
Last Updated on July 12, 2021