Looking for quotes about dreams and sleep?
We all have dreams, but not all of us are dreamers.
Do you always wonder, should I follow my dreams or be realistic? You’re not the only one.
On some level, each and every one of us desires to live their dream life. To wake up into a reality that is as they imagined.
Perhaps you dream about quitting your job and starting a business you love. Maybe you dream about waking up every morning and being able to work from home.
Maybe you want to live a stress-free life, where you’re free to travel and just enjoy the present.
So, what’s stopping you from making these dreams a reality? Is it your life? The limitations of your current circumstances? Perhaps you believe that you just don’t’ have enough time, money, or energy to make it happen.
No matter why you think you can’t achieve your goals, as long as you keep believing that, you won’t.
To encourage you to believe in the power of your dreams, and your own abilities to make your dreams reality, here are some life-changing quotes on dreams and reality.
Dreamers dream while they’re awake, so wake up and start dreaming. Ready to wake up?
Quotes About Dreams and Waking Up to Reality
What are dreams? Why do we dream at all? What’s the difference between being asleep and waking? Let’s discover the key to making our dreams reality in this first collection of quotes on dreams and reality. Get motivated and be inspired to make your dreams happen, by first waking up! Your very first step to making your dreams come true is to open your eyes to your life. What can you do today to make your dreams a reality?
“Don’t let your dreams be dreams.” – Jack Johnson
2. “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” – George Bernard Shaw
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3. “Dream your dreams with open eyes and make them come true.” – T. E. Lawrence
“If you want to make your dream come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.” – J.M. Power
5. “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” – T.E. Lawrence
How to Make Your Dreams Reality Quotes
How do you make your dreams a reality? What do you do to create your dream life? The following inspirational quotes on dreams and reality teach us that we have to live each day as if it’s a dream. That when we wake up in the morning, we have to do whatever we can to bring our dreams into our reality. It’s on you to build your life as you’ve dreamt it.
“Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything.” – Dave Matthews
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7. “Dreams are not what you see in sleep, it is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep.” – A.P.J Abdul Kalam
8. “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett
“Dreams aren’t what you leave behind when morning comes. They are the stuff that fill your every living moment.” – David Cuschieri
10. “The more closely you get in touch with your dreams, the more able you are to make them real. The more vividly you consider how you want your world to be, the more real and effective tools you will have for making it so.” – Ralph Marston
Your Dreams Are Your Life Quotes
Are dreams real? Why is it important to dream not just at night, but while we’re awake too? This motivational collection of quotes on dreams and reality reveals to us that we must keep dreaming. Our truest life (or our reality) is best when we live our dreams. Dreams encourage us to push for more to work for better. They give us meaning!
“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” – Henry David Thoreau
12. “Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life?” – Havelock Ellis
13. “I don’t like dreams or reality. I like when dreams become reality because that is my life.” – Jean Paul Gaultier
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14. “I don’t dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living.” – Steven Spielberg
“As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning.” – Barbara Sher
Nightmares Can Come True Too Quotes
What are nightmares? Are you living in your worst reality, or nightmare right now? Just like dreams, their counterpart, or dark side, are nightmares. These eye-opening quotes on dreams and reality warn us of the dangers of refusing to live our dreams. You might end up living your fears, instead of your hopes and dreams.
16. “They’ve promised that dreams can come true – but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.” – Oscar Wilde
17. “A lot of dreams can turn to nightmares… if you don’t really work them.” – Dolly Parton
“I don’t paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality.” – Frida Kahlo
19. “Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time.” – Ransom Riggs
20. “I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?” – John Lennon
“Which is the true nightmare, the horrific dream that you have in your sleep or the dissatisfied reality that awaits you when you awake?” – Justin Alcala
Quotes About Turning Dreams into Reality
So, how do you make your dreams a reality? Can your dreams really come true? This final collection of quotes on dreams and reality encourage us that our dreams are real, they’re made up of real, tangible things. To truly dream you have to be awake. Wake up to your life, and get started on making your dreams a reality.
“Our dreams are made of real things, like a shoebox full of photographs.” – Jack Johnson
23. “Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.” – Tupac Shakur
24. “The world is seldom what it seems; to man, who dimly sees, realities appear as dreams, and dreams realities.” – Samuel Johnson
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25. “There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream.” – Frances Farmer
“I am quite a dreamer. I think we all are dreamers. We all don’t like to live a practical life all the time. There is a thin line between our hopes and dreams.” – Rani Mukerji
27. “They thought I was a Surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.” – Frida Kahlo
“Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers.” – Paul Wellstone
Inspirational Quotes on Dreams and Reality
Ready to make your dreams a reality? Get your 10 FREE printable black and white dream quotes that are perfect for your home, office, bedroom, or wherever you need to find inspirational daily. Each design is black and white and features brushed ink letter detailing.
This download comes with 10 high-resolution graphics ready to be printed and posted.
So, do you dream at night or wake up and make it happen?
Here’s everything we’ve learned about quotes on dreams and reality:
- Your real dreams happen when you’re wide awake and living them!
- You can make your dreams a reality if you believe in them
- Life is all about your dreams, never let go of them
- Nightmares can become a reality too
- You can make your dreams come true!
Stop asking yourself if you should follow your dreams or be realistic. The question isn’t should or if, but how. You can actually achieve your dreams and goals, but only if you get started.
Wake up today, wake up tomorrow, get out of bed each and every day and do whatever you can to bring your dreams into reality.
Stop just dreaming while you sleep, but wake up and be a dreamer!
Transform your dreams into achievable goals and get to work.
Want to make your dreams reality? Click here for 28 quotes on dreams and reality. It's time to wake up from the dream and start living it. #AchieveYourGoals #DreamLife #DreamsComeTrue
What quotes on dreams and reality do you love?
Last Updated on August 9, 2021