Do you want to know how to manifest love in your life? Want to use the law of attraction to find your soul mate?
Even if that sounds too good to be true, it isn’t!
I manifested my life partner with the Law of Attraction and you can too!
It’s a small word, but undeniably it’s the most important little word there is.
In life, nothing compares to loving and being loved. The key to everything, without it any other kind of success is meaningless.
Whether you are dreaming of your soulmate or greater self-confidence, I’m going to show you exactly how to manifest love in your life using the Law of Attraction.
Real love! Big love! Romantic love!
Last, but not least, self-love!
Why Should You Listen To My Love Advice?
I wrote the book about it, quite literally.
My book “5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Life Partner” is the true story of how I used the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention to manifest my soulmate relationship, on the way learning to love myself and manifest abundance too!
It all starts with genuine self-love.
Single people generally don’t want to hear that, and I completely understand why. Self-love seems like the emotional equivalent of tickling yourself or giving yourself a foot rub. It just doesn’t feel the same as being loved back by the person of your dreams.
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Think of it like gifting yourself with an hour-long full-body massage from the most amazing, incense-infused, sweet-smelling, soothing day spa, and you’ll get a better idea of the kind of self-love I’m talking about.
Romantic love will come as a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. It is the very definition of the Law of Attraction.
How Self-Love Manifested the Love of My Life
I was a single mother, waitressing three nights a week. I’d just lost both my parents to cancer within a year of each other. Grieving and struggling financially, on top of it I had just turned 40. Usually optimistic, I’d become anxious. There were many a dark night of the soul for me during that time.
Luckily as a life-long spiritualist, I had a deep reserve of faith and divine connectivity to draw on. My clairsentience meant that I could feel my parents’ presence around me and I was comforted by that.
I love being a mother and I had the best boss in the world. It wasn’t all bad.
BUT my love life sucked!
Truthfully, it always had.
In retrospect, I can see how my fear of intimacy coupled with limiting beliefs I held about men and love, with the bonus of deep-seated feelings of unworthiness, were a recipe for unrequited love and failed relationships.
You Don’t Have to Struggle Romantically
Do any of those sound familiar to you?
I know many attractive, intelligent and successful people that struggle in romantic relationships. Read on and I will explain why!
If you believe your soulmate is out there then follow the steps I did to manifest love fast!
They absolutely will work! They are not specific to me but are subject to Universal Law.
How often you show up for yourself and put the techniques into practice will be the decider as to whether or not your life partner arrives.
4 Steps to Manifesting Love in Your Life
Step #1: Set Your Intention
To manifest love with the Law of Attraction you need to be very clear on what it is that you want to manifest.
Ask yourself these questions: (there is no right or wrong answer- be true to yourself)
- What are my soulmate’s physical attributes?
- Their occupation?
- How much do they earn?
- Age?
- What is their passion?
- How do they show up for you?
- Where do they live?
- Do they have kids?
- Want kids?
- How long after you meet do you kiss?
- Sleep together?
- Move in together?
- Get engaged?
- Married?
What does the relationship bring you that you can’t get on your own?
Now answer this: do any of the people you have been dating, or pining for, resemble this person?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You Need to Be Setting Intentions Instead of Goals
Manifest Your Soul Mate by Clearly Describing Them
Not only does this exercise consolidate the request that you send to the Universe regarding the love you want to manifest but it can be a real eye-opener. It shows you where you may be wasting your time with people who aren’t a vibrational match for the kind of love you truly deserve.
Don’t be too rigid though, your ideal partner won’t match everything on your list but they will feel more like “home” than anyone you’ve ever met.
We all have a primary soulmate that we have incarnated with for thousands of lifetimes. Their appearance will be whatever physical body they have chosen in this life but don’t worry you will be attracted to them, you won’t be disappointed by them but you absolutely will be challenged to grow with them.
Set your Intention for your primary soulmate and you will be surprised at how closely they resemble your ‘perfect person’ from the answers above.
You are connected to each other always, exchanging energy and information in ways you aren’t conscious of.
Step # 2: You Are Enough! Believe It To Receive It!
Your lover will reflect what you truly think and feel about yourself!
Self-care and Self-love are popular topics at the moment. Hopefully, unlike the fidget spinner, it’s not a fad but part of a movement that demonstrates we have a better understanding of the nature of happiness and ourselves.
“Love yourself first and your soulmate will appear” seems like a cliche. However, it is a Universal Truth. I can vouch that it has been vital to me manifesting my life partner.
Life feels totally different when you sincerely love yourself. You feel free, authentic, strong and joyous inside. Unshakeable, because you know it’s not based on external validation.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: 26 Inspiring Self-Love Quotes
Do you Truly Love Yourself, As You Are?
I had always thought I loved myself. Probably because I’ve always been able to speak up though I’d have moments of confidence then swing to feeling insecure.
To determine how much you love yourself, notice how often you criticize, doubt, negate or diminish yourself in your own mind.
- How often do you look in the mirror and not like what you see?
- Worry about your weight?
- Your hair?
- Appearance?
- Are you concerned that you aren’t giving an accurate impression of yourself to coworkers?
- Displaying your skills adequately?
I would’ve had to answer “all the time” and “yes” to each of those until I made a conscious choice to fight those thoughts and validate myself consistently.
Many confident, attractive and successful people still find it difficult to draw their soulmate into their life. Your inner life has to match the outer. Most of us have deep, insidious limiting beliefs about ourselves.
Believing “I Am Enough” Is the Key
Through a webinar, I discovered Marisa Peer, the renowned hypnotherapist-to-the-stars. She says, from working with thousands of clients, that the core issue people suffer from is feeling like they are not enough as they are. To feel content within yourself is to take a significant step toward manifesting the love you desire. As a result, she recommends placing post-it notes with the words “I AM ENOUGH” all over your house.
Kooky as it sounds, my commitment to myself and to figuring out how to manifest love meant I refused to be embarrassed by what people would think. I not only put post-its everywhere, in plain sight to anyone and everyone that visited my home, I also placed a digital alert on my phone to remind me that “I AM ENOUGH” daily. I still have it on my phone to this day though I no longer have the little yellow notes everywhere.
They did their job, and I swear by them. The beauty of it is that when you truly know you are enough, you know. Then the post-it’s can come down.
If you are too concerned about the judgment of others, to place post-its everywhere, please know that this is indicative of you not loving yourself enough and precisely why you need to put them up!
If you want to manifest love fast, that is!
How to Manifest Love in Your Life Fast
Again, committing wholeheartedly and being uncompromising about how to manifest love in your life will speed the process up!
These techniques will mean you are manifesting love while you sleep, so powerful and unwavering your message to the Universe is, if you can follow through and teach your subconscious that “I AM ENOUGH”!
The Law of Attraction can’t help but bring you the love you desire as a reflection of that!
How many of you want to know how to manifest love but aren’t willing to make yourself vulnerable for it?
Step #3: Learn, Grow, Upskill- Guided Action!
What knowledge could you acquire to help you manifest what you desire?
The common misconception about the Law of Attraction is that you put your wishes out to the Universe, let them go and “abracadabra” they arrive.
Another is that doing your affirmations is enough to make things manifest.
When I hear people lamenting the lack of romance in their lives, or success and abundance, it reminds me of the story about the drowning man.
Don’t Miss the Signs from the Universe
Adrift in the ocean after a shipwreck, he prays to God to save his life, soon after a boat comes by and offers to help him. “No thanks,” he says. “I’m waiting for God to save me.”
Ten minutes later he turns away another boat that offers to rescue him in the same way. Throughout the day he ignores two more boats, a piece of driftwood and a helicopter.
He eventually drowns, and upon reaching Heaven, he asks God; “Why did you let me die? Why didn’t you answer my prayers?”
God answers, “Who do you think sent the boats?”
If you’re worried that you may be missing the signs that the Universe is sending you, my post 6 Signs From The Universe And How To Decipher The Messages can help.
Stop Attracting the Wrong Partner
I’ve seen loved ones struggle in bad relationships and watched friends be treated poorly by their partners. Wishing for their soulmate, they nonetheless pursue people that aren’t open to or capable of commitment let alone life-long love.
Having been single for so long, I had to admit to myself that I could be part of the problem.
I read a few of her books and then signed up for Alison Armstrong’s course The Queen’s Code.
Alison has been an expert in the field of understanding men, women, and relationships for more than 20 years. Through her work, I gained insight, learned a new language and a way of interacting with men that they actually understand, respond positively to and that inspires their hero aspect.
Previously I’d been a frog-farmer, her term for a woman able to turn any prince into a frog. Alison’s course clarified for me where I was going wrong and also how to, not only attract the right partner but get my needs met by him in the long term.
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Start Attracting the Right Partner
Masculine and feminine energy is different, in communication styles and wants and needs. It was like receiving a key to a hidden door that you hadn’t even known existed.
My feelings about men changed, and my interactions with all the men in my life took on a different quality. I softened through this new understanding and became more open. Men began falling over themselves to help me carry my heavy groceries to the car, not in a sleazy way, but as gentlemen.
My cynicism in the past would have seen me turn down their gallant offers but, thanks to Alison’s lessons, I could be genuinely grateful for the help. As you spend time reflecting on your past relationships, you might notice patterns that reveal your readiness for a truly fulfilling connection.
Many successful, strong women are unaware of the mixed messages that they may be sending to potential partners.
Alison’s teachings equally apply to same-sex couples where often one partner has a greater feminine or masculine energy than the other.
More limiting beliefs, that I was holding, about relationships were brought to light. I was then able to clear them, something that is necessary for the Law of Attraction to be able to bring you the love you want to manifest.
Alison Armstrong offers courses on understanding both men and women, for those in relationships and those searching for love and has a range of audios and books on the subject. Find her at
Alanis Morissette, the singer-songwriter is quoted as saying “Alison’s deep understanding and love of men moved me to a whole other level of clarity and peace about a gender that has confounded me for a long time. I feel like the wool has been pulled from my eyes and I can see men in a new and more loving way.”
Step #4: Clearing Your Limiting Beliefs
What do you really think about relationships and is it getting in the way of your ability to manifest love?
I’ve mentioned a few times that the Law of Attraction can’t bring you what you want to manifest if you have unconscious blocks or hidden beliefs getting in the way.
We are probably more aware of our money blocks, i.e., ‘money is the root of all evil’, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees,’ ‘ you have to work hard for money,’ than the ones we hold about love and relationships.
Many of our hidden beliefs stem from our observations of our parents’ relationships.
Effectively clearing your limiting beliefs is one of the most difficult but most important aspects of manifesting anything with the Law of Attraction.
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Go To The Origin Of The Belief
Search your memories for the first time that you thought “love doesn’t last” or “love is hard work” or whatever negative belief it is that you hold about relationships.
You were probably a child and may not have been aware of even thinking the thought so look for something between the ages of 5-10.
- Try to picture the moment, as vividly as possible, that caused the belief to form.
- Go to the feelings that are brought up by the memory, they are stuck and need to be allowed to travel up your energy centers in your body and then through your crown chakra.
- Breathe into the feeling as you hold the limiting belief in your mind.
I would suggest lying down and spending 20 minutes a day doing this exercise until you feel a shift.
Christie Marie Sheldon’s Affirmation
I learned this form of clearing and deleting limiting beliefs from Christie Marie Sheldon, energy worker, and teacher, when I enrolled in her Love and Above and Unlimited Abundance courses.
She does group clearings and advises her students to use the power statement that she does:
“I clear, delete, destroy and uncreate the belief that……..across all time, space, reality, and dimension.”
Seems simple right?
Just insert the thoughts that hold you back where the dots are.
It is simple but not easy. It takes a lot of discipline because for every central belief there are at least 20-50 other similar but slightly differently worded versions of the main one.
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Every time you undo one another pops up. You will know when to stop because your mind will be quiet. Though tomorrow the next layer may come up to be cleared and so it goes on.
When you’ve pulled the core belief up it will shock you and you will know that it’s the one that’s been holding you back. Once that belief is cleared you will begin manifesting love, abundance, and success, rapidly.
Dig Deep With Affirmations to Manifest Love
Underneath my beliefs that ‘I’m too much,’ ‘I’m unlovable,’ and ‘love is painful,’ was the quietest, most vicious hidden belief of all.
It was the belief that if I asked for more, by wanting to manifest my soulmate relationship, then I was greedy and something terrible may happen to my son as a punishment for my greed.
No wonder I’d been sabotaging my love life!
Dig deep, then keep on digging if you really want to manifest love!
It’s not for the fainthearted, but the relationship of your dreams is worth it!
Love Manifestation Sensation!
How do you know it’s working?
Knowing whether you’ve correctly engaged the Law of Attraction is easy, if you have you start getting the things you want!
The best part about the LOA is that if you’ve raised your vibration by clearing your blocks and are genuinely experiencing self-love, it will bring you not just the love that you have set your intention for, but abundance, success, joy, and things you haven’t even thought to ask for yet will follow!
If you do it right, it’s like a cork pops and whatever has been standing in the way of your happiness is removed.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: What is the Law of Attraction? How Does it Work?
Since manifesting my life partner, abundance has followed, to the tune of $200k+. I was also able to fulfill my lifelong dream of writing and publishing a book, twice, not to mention having my beautiful baby daughter and now living the life of my dreams.
The Universe wants you to be happy, it just needs you to actively and consciously want it too and be able to do what it takes to make that happen.
These are the things I did that worked for me, so I know, without doubt, that properly applied you can manifest love in your life by doing them too.
Good luck and let me know when you manifest the love of your life!
Start Manifesting Love in Your Life with Self-Love
Ready to start manifesting love in your life with the Law of Attraction? It all starts with self-love and loving yourself.
I’ve created 10 FREE Printable self-love quotes to help you do just that.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes that are ready to print and post in your home or office.
To attract true love in your life, get started today by truly loving yourself. You’re so worth loving!
Single and tired of bad relationships? It's time to manifest love in your life. Click here to learn how to with the Law of Attraction and Power of Intention by @julestorm1111 #LOA #lawofattraction #lovelife
How do you manifest love in your life?
More About Guest Contributor
Julia Storm, is a clairsentient, empath and Law of Attraction manifestation teacher. Her internationally acclaimed book “5 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Life Partner- Featuring The Work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon. It is the true story of how she harnessed the Law of Attraction and the Power of Intention to manifest her soulmate relationship and the life of her dreams.
Last Updated on January 17, 2025
Kendro says
I love this because I definitely feel like speaking things into existence, being a good hearted, pure person, and attracting positive things is very helpful. I practice this in my everyday life.
Julia Storm says
Sounds like you keep your vibration high with all that positivity. Well done, that’s exactly how you will draw great things to you with the Law of Attraction.
Julia Storm says
Sounds like you keep your vibration high with all that positivity. Well done, that’s exactly how to draw good things to you with the Law of Attraction.
Mimi Green says
I firmly believe in the law of attraction. My heart was open to receive love and it fell into my lap.
Julia Storm says
That’s beautiful! Keeping your heart open is so key. It’s a different world when you know the Law of Attraction is on your side.
Lauren Floyd says
My husband found me when I stopped praying for what I wanted and started praying for God to remove all other men and leave only the person he has for me. To this day, I still attribute my relationship to divine intervention.
Julia Storm says
Brilliant! Yes! The most important part of manifesting is surrendering the final outcome to what God/the Source deems best for everyone involved. Isn’t it powerful and the results then perfect ?!
Leslie H says
These are some wonderful things about attracting love. I realize I was VERY fortunate to have found my ONE pretty early. I realized though that for me knowing what I DID NOT WANT in a man was the key !
Julia Storm says
I used to wonder why some people found their loves early and others, like me, took so long to manifest lasting love. Sounds to me like you had better boundaries and a better sense of your own worthiness long before I did. Both are vital to manifesting our heart’s desires with the Law of Attraction. Well done.
Tomiko Harvey says
I am a big proponent of the law of attraction and I listen to “The Secret” daily. I believe the law of attraction works in every area of our lives and even with me trying to get into mediavine. I write down daily what my UVA will be daily and I am believing I will be in mediavine before August.
Julia Storm says
That’s awesome and you’re absolutely right, I use the Law of Attraction to grow my traffic, monetise my blog and to show me which direction to go next creatively. If you are doing daily practice I have no doubt you will be manifesting Mediavine very soon!
Tanay says
The law of attraction is real! I believe in manifesting your dreams! The sky is the limit!
Julia Storm says
Absolutely and that’s the attitude you need to make it happen! Awesome!
ChiChi says
I’m truly starting to believe in the Law of Attraction. As a person who was attracting negative people and being stressed about the bad outcomes, I decided to pull back and look within myself. I now focus more on how I am and who I am daily and have that the types of people I draw in are so much more positive. I can also see negative people more clearly initially and quickly make sure that I don’t allow them to disrupt my life path.
Julia Storm says
That’s great and life changing in of itself! Now that you can see the power of the Law of Attraction yourself, you can start working with it to manifest even more goodness!
Elle says
I’ve been with the same person for all of my adult life, which is about 19 years. I can’t even imagine having to reenter the dating scene.
Julia Storm says
Haha yep, it’s a jungle out there. Congratulations on such a long and successful love.
Jaye says
I am a total believer in manifestation. And while this is about love, this could be used for so many other areas of our lives.
Julia Storm says
Absolutely! The techniques are the same, the intention that you set and the guided actions just change!
Joyce Brewer says
I know the basics of The Secret and the Law of Attraction, but I’ve never used it to apply it to my life.
Julia Storm says
I was the same and one day I just decided to give it a real red hot go. The rest is history, I manifested my fiance, over$100k and my dream life. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by choosing to consciously engage the LOA.
Carissa says
Love this! And I totally agree, when I stopped searching and started working on myself love found me!
Julia Storm says
So happy for you! Yes! Self love being the key to manifesting romantic love, with the Law of Attraction, seems ironic but really it makes perfect sense!
Nanekia says
Intention is my key word this year! Love this and app,ting it to gain the love I deserve!
Julia Storm says
Awesome! Intention is a super power and with it you absolutely will manifest the love you deserve.
Nicole of NLLMag says
I definitely believe in the Law of Attraction, and I also understand that self-awareness and self-love are key in life.
Julia Storm says
Yes, exactly! The power in honouring yourself can’t be underestimated especially when it comes to engaging the LOA to manifest love, success and abundance for you.
Nika says
I agree that what you believe about yourself in attracting love is so important, as the saying goes “water rises to its own level.” Your view of yourself will mirror the love you attract in your life
Julia Storm says
Beautifully said. As sad as it is that we all find it so challenging to truly, wholly love ourselves, it’s the Universes greatest gift to us, that it pushes us to it, and the ultimate blessing when we get there.
laura says
it was well said. thanks for sharing.
It's All You Boo says
So happy you like this, Laura! Thanks!
Kasia says
This is really good advice. I’ve always wondered how this whole Law of Attraction works in practice. It’s great to want things but you need actionable steps and I think you explained this well so thanks. I do have a partner but I learned something nonetheless.
It's All You Boo says
Happy to share these advices to everyone! Thanks for dropping by!
Sharon says
What a great rundown of how to use the law of attraction in your love life. This philosophy is so helpful in many different aspects of self-growth.
It's All You Boo says
You have to believe it to receive it! These are all beneficial for personal development. Thanks Sharon!
Mimi says
This is so interesting and since I’m single I should totally try
It's All You Boo says
GO ahead and try it and let us know how it goes, Mimi!
Sol says
This is such a wonderful post, very helpful indeed. I also believe in love using the law of attraction.
It's All You Boo says
Thanks Sol! We always get what we manifest!