Is it possible to be happy alone? How can you be happy being single and spending time alone?
We all fear loneliness. On some level, we’re all afraid of being by ourselves.
But what do you do when you are faced with spending life alone? When you’re struggling to accept it, be content with it or even happy?
Every story has a beginning and I can pinpoint to you the exact moment where it all began. I was 13 years old and I’d just been told my mother had died. There. That’s when my issues with loneliness began.
Wind forward a little bit and we get to the next step in the story. The part where a father and stepmother can’t cope with a bereaved teenager and ask her to leave the house.
And the cherry on the cake? When a step-father, the one remaining constant, disappears. And voila, here we have the perfect recipe for abandonment issues. Abandonment issues so severe, that 13 years later, after overlapping one relationship after another, I marry a man who I am no longer in love with. Just for fear of being alone.
You may be wondering now what on earth qualifies someone like this to be explaining how to be happy alone? Well, this same person (yes, that is me by the way), left that man she was no longer in love with and set out in search of someone she never thought she wanted to know. Herself.
And now, after many months of solo travel and dealing with loneliness on the road, I can honestly say I know how to be happy alone. I want to share that with all of you dealing with loneliness, alone, and suffering.
How Do You Enjoy Being Single?
This was the first step to discovering how to be happy alone for me. When I left my husband to travel the world, this was the first time I had been single for longer than a week for 13 years. It was a shock to the system. I had no idea who I was without being somebody’s partner. But eventually, I found being single was so refreshing.
Here are the top five things I found helped me come to terms with and enjoy being single:
#1. Have a Night of Pampering
Pampering nights were a great first step for me when I found myself single, alone and dealing with loneliness, learning how to be happy alone for the first time in my life. I found this to be one of my favorite ways to enjoy being single.
Taking time for self-pampering at home is the first step to showing yourself some love and you can spend the whole night being self-indulgent with no one around to judge!
- Get that bath bomb, light those candles, listen to that song, *scratch that* belt out that song at the top of your lungs.
- Give yourself a face mask, scrub yourself clean and moisturize your whole body.
- Take some time in front of the mirror and learn to love yourself.
You gotta learn to love yourself as nobody else can. There’s a song that I like to listen to during these pamper self-love sessions that helped me to love myself: Perfect by Anna Marie. Give it a listen and you’ll see why.
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#2. Get a New Haircut
When you’re in a relationship, so much of yourself is often lost in wanting to be attractive to the other person. So getting a new hairstyle is an amazing way to enjoy being single and getting on the right track to learning how to be happy alone.
Try that look your partner would have hated but you’ve always wanted! It might seem like a silly thing but getting a haircut has a psychological impact that you can’t deny. Plus you have nobody else to consider right now and that’s so refreshing.
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#3. Go Out with Friends
That leads us on nicely to one of my favorite ways to enjoy being single: Going out with friends. Often we get wrapped up so much in our relationships that it’s hard to find the time to go out and have fun with friends. Now is the perfect opportunity!
You’re all pampered and looking fresh with that new haircut. Enjoy that fabulous feeling and spend some long-overdue quality time with old friends.
#4. Meet New People
If friends are an issue and you need to know how to be happy without friends, then get out there and meet some new people. Meeting new people is a great way to enjoy being single. Make new friends and discover something new about yourself at the same time.
There are so many ways to put yourself out there and meet new people:
- Get out there the old fashioned way and strike up a conversation
- Start a new hobby and join a class
- Use hangout apps and social media
I’ve used the hangouts option on the Couchsurfing app many times to find someone to go grab a coffee with or to explore a new area. You can download the Couchsurfing app here.
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#5. Travel and Explore the World
And now you’re single? Get on that flight to that country you’ve always wanted to visit. Traveling is an amazing thing to do and more and more people are taking vacations and trips on their own.
I can honestly say that traveling has helped me to discover who I am as a person, without being a part of somebody else. Thailand is a great place to start if you’re unsure of where to go. Check out this post on island-hopping in Thailand.
How Can I Be Content On My Own?
So you’ve mastered how to enjoy being single. The next step is learning how to be happy alone. This takes time. It takes time to learn to enjoy your own company.
Solo travel is a fantastic way to start to be happy alone. It puts you in a situation where there are so many beautiful things to see and do to distract yourself. To begin with, it might feel strange going to the beach alone or going to grab dinner for one, but practice makes perfect.
Here are some tips for if you’re feeling self-conscious in these situations:
#1. Take a Book
Reading a book is a great way to look comfortable in solo situations. It engages you in an activity and distracts you from the issue of being by yourself. If you’re anything like me, you’ll get engrossed in the story and before you know it you’ve been sat for two hours, your coffee’s gone cold and you couldn’t care less whether you’re alone or not. And bonus points to you for looking all intellectual.
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#2. Listen to Music or a Podcast
Listening to music is another great way to distract yourself. Having headphones on also allows you an excuse not to interact with others if you’re not feeling like having a conversation with someone. Music is a great way to help while away a morning or afternoon lazing on the beach or in a beautiful garden.
#3. Write in a Journal
Journalling is a great reflection activity that will also help you learn how to be happy alone. Collect your thoughts and get them down on paper. You might be surprised how therapeutic it feels. It’s also a great thing to do in public alone so that you have something to do.
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These are just a few ways to feel comfortable on your own in public, find a way that works for you and puts you at ease.
The more often you do these things, the less conscious you feel about being alone and you start to realize the benefits (including mental health benefits) of traveling solo and enjoying your own company. There really is nothing like a multi-day hike, through the valleys and mountains, surrounded by beauty, to clear your thoughts and allow yourself to really connect to nature and yourself.
And the benefits of solo travel are massive:
- You make your own itinerary so you don’t have to wait around for anyone or rush for anyone.
- You get lost in your own thoughts as you wander through the woods or lie on the beach.
- And most importantly, you start to realize that your own company is a wonderful thing.
Nobody knows you better than you, right? You know exactly what makes you happy and no one is holding you back!
Why Do I Prefer Being Alone?
Now, after years of being on the road, I prefer being alone. It may sound selfish but the reason why I prefer being alone is simple. What I say goes. I can go where I want, when I want and eat what I want when I want it.
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There are times of course during solo travel when dealing with loneliness becomes an issue. But the best thing is you’re only really alone when you want to be. It’s so easy to meet other people that when you’re craving some social interaction it’s right here for you.
Just head to a bar and strike up a conversation, or jump on Couchsurfing to find someone to explore with. Even when I’m not traveling, I now treasure the time I have to myself. I can’t believe that me, the person who spent her teenage and early adulthood, petrified of being alone, now prefers to be alone!
And once you’ve learned how to be happy alone, dealing with loneliness becomes less and less of an issue. There’s no need to be lonely when you enjoy your own company. Did you know there are actually so many benefits of being alone?
How Do You Live Alone in Life?
Now that you’ve learned how to be happy alone it’s time to come to terms with living alone.
Living alone has so many benefits. When you learn how to be happy alone you start to see how lucky you are and you begin to cherish your own space. Your home is your sanctuary and your own little corner of the world where you can be completely and utterly yourself. You can decorate it exactly how you want it and let it be a reflection of your personality.
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Of course, living alone also brings up some issues; dealing with loneliness being one and cooking for one being another. I do find that cooking for one is something that I have always struggled with. It’s hard to find the joy in cooking for just yourself. Batch cooking is a great way to combat this. Cook up some tasty meals on the weekend and freeze them. Et voila, when you get home from work and can’t find the energy or motivation to cook for yourself, whip out a meal you made earlier and bon appetit.
How to Truly Be Happy Alone
So to summarise, the path to learning how to be happy alone starts with you. Get to know yourself, learn to love yourself and never worry about dealing with loneliness again. It’s a long and arduous journey of self-discovery but the destination is more than worth it.
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Be Comfortable With Yourself
Get Your Printable Self-Love Quotes
Ready to be happy alone? Your journey starts with self-love and self-discovery. Get these 10 beautifully designed, printable self-love quotes.
This download comes with high-resolution, graphic quotes ready to print and post in your home or office.
I look back at myself over the past 16 years and I see a person with little to no self-esteem, in serious denial about my mental health and physical health and the impact it was having on my life and others around me.
Today, I look in the mirror and looking back at me is this comfortable, confident woman who needs no one. I see an independent woman who is happy and content.
And I’m so proud that she’s me.
Tired of being alone in life? Want to know how to be happy even if you are alone? Here's the truth about how to be happy alone and dealing with loneliness. #Lonely #HappyAlone #Happinesss #BeingSingle
How do you become happy alone? How do you deal with loneliness?
More About Guest Contributor
Hi. I’m Cati. In 2017, in full swing of a quarter-life crisis, I quit my permanent teaching job to travel South East Asia and go on a working holiday to Australia. Well here we are, 3 years later and I’m still on the road! Connect with me at Quater Life Crisis Travelling.
Last Updated on January 17, 2025
Marta says
I cherish my alone time. I work from home and homeschool my children, so time alone comes few and far between.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Marta,
Personally, I LOVE being alone too, but I know for some it’s not preferred. You must need it though homeschooling and working from home. Happy alone time!
Mimi says
Actually I have the opposite problem, I’ve always been comfortable alone and I love it, meeting people is way more challenging
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Mimi,
Thanks for sharing! I think we can experience both sides of this depending on whether we’re more introverted vs extroverted. Sometimes I have to force myself to just put myself out there.
Amber Myers says
I am an only child so I love being alone. It’s amazing. However, my daughter struggles with this since she’s an extrovert.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Amber,
Thanks so much for sharing! I really do think what we’re used to and our personalities come into play when it comes to being happy alone. We all need to find the balance.
Kileen says
What a great post! I actually my alone time a lot! I use it as a time for reflection and planning as well!
Taylor says
I am all for writing in journals! It’s the best way to get everything out!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Kileen and Taylor,
Love this! Journalling is a perfect way for spending time alone (and actually enjoying it). For me, it’s blogging and writing.
Charlene says
I love these ideas. Personally, I love being alone. But I also know that if I was single and alone all the time, there would be very hard days. These tips are great!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Charlene,
It’s so interesting how many people have shared that they love being alone!
Carri says
So many great ideas here! Travel, reading, journaling…I love them all!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Carri,
Agreed, Cati shared so many great ways to just be happy alone.
Cristina Petrini says
I am something that I have dealt with for a long time and I must say that after having fought with myself on the value of being single, I understood that yes. So I’m happy.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Cristina,
Thanks so much for sharing. As a single woman, it’s a journey to being happy on your own. There is value in that and a version of it that isn’t just trying to deal with loneliness. Happiness can be found for sure.
Karletta Marie says
The tips are great. BUT Wow! You’re story. … have you written it and told the world your story. I’m thinking of all those teens who lose one or both of their parents. Please share more.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Karletta,
You’re so right! Thanks Cati for sharing your story with us and let us know whether you’ve shared more about your life.
Monica says
This post is full of great wisdom! We definitely need to learn to love ourselves and be able to be alone with ourselves, and be okay with that. Because even if you’re not alone now, you never know when you might be.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Monica,
Didn’t Cati share so much with us to help us deal with loneliness? I really do believe that self-love is the first ingredient of all loves.
Charlotte Jessop says
After travelling the world with my family, I like the idea of travelling alone. Both my husband and I are making plans for some solo adventures. I think being comfortable alone is important.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Charlotte,
I’ve done it both ways and I think I prefer solo travel. I become this better version of myself when I’m all alone.
Corinne says
I love this post! I understand that many people find being alone challenging but being the true introvert that I am, I love it. It helps me properly listen to my own thoughts and process them better, instead of listening to all the external noise. Being alone also helps me be creative either through writing or music, which is why I enjoy my solitude so much 🙂
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Corinne,
I’m so happy to hear you’ve enjoyed Cati’s post on being happy alone.
Great point! Being alone really does open creative ventures and allow you to explore areas of yourself you can’t when you’re around others.
Jen says
These are wonderful tips. When my husband deployed for a year, I had to learn many of these myself.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Jen,
Thanks so much for sharing. I hope he’s hope safe now!
Bumo Mgabe says
Thank you for being vulnerable with us. Even though late, condolences on your mom.
I love your practical tips! My fav is travelling. Its pricey but I think very necessary.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Bumo,
Travelling really does add up but it’s worth every penny in my opinion. The best type of alone time is exploring a new place.
Olufunke says
I’m getting a new haircut, meeting new people. And I’d love to travel the world. Although I do well alone. I’ve learnt that a while ago. Being alone is a journey to self discovery if you know how to make good use of it.
Nadalie Bardo says
YESS for new haircuts! I really need to do “something” with my hair. You’re so right, it really is a journey towards better knowing and understanding ourselves. Even if it’s uncomfortable, and a bit lonely at times, it’s one worth taking.
Mariah says
I used to hate being alone. After being married and having kids I cherish it so much.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Mariah,
Haha, perspective and change in circumstances is everything isn’t it? Hope you find some much needed me time.
Nadine Richardson says
After getting married and having kids, I never realized how much I missed my alone time. I’m an only child so being alone comes naturally to me. You give some really great tips on how to enjoy your time alone. Travel is one of my favorites.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Nadine,
That’s what I’m hearing. I think the lesson is enjoy it when you have it, because one day you might miss it. Traveling great, I can’t wait to get back to it.
Rebekka Stevens says
Thank you for being “real”.
I struggle 100% with being alone. Since my husband left last June, I have been taking the full year to focus on myself, being alone and my goals and its TOUGH! i will definitely try out some of your tips!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Rebekka,
100%! Thank you Cati for opening up to us and sharing your very personal story and journey towards happiness alone.
Kate | The Organized Dream says
These are all really great ideas especially the ones where you don’t have to go anywhere…considering everything is closed. 🙂 They’re definitely something for us to use while being quarantined.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Kate,
Being stuck at home is the perfect time to spend some much needed alone time. Then when it’s over we can all go traveling solo. =)
EmiDiv says
Awesome ideas you have put together. I love been alone, however I always use it as a time to meditate and write.
Nadalie Bardo says
Mediating and writing are the perfect ways to happily spend time alone!
Mimi says
I struggle a lot with meeting new people and I’m definitely more comfortable alone. I’m actually working hard on trying to be more friendly
It's All You Boo says
Hi Mimi,
We can always start with a little smile 🙂
Sandra says
These are great tips! I remember being single and I would manage my loneliness by spending time with kiddos or picking up extra shifts at work when they were with their dad. It worked out really well for me for awhile.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Sandra,
I agree, keeping ourselves busy can make up for the loneliness.
Nishtha says
As I grow older ( & wiser) I am getting more comfortable being alone. You have given great tips here
It's All You Boo says
Happy to share all these tips to everyone, Nishta! I myself is comfortable with my small circle of friends.
Shar says
It’s true. Humans tend to have fear of loneliness. On the other hand, people even choose to be single.
It's All You Boo says
It depends on the person… but being single doesn’t really mean you are lonely.
Megan says
I’m so sorry about your childhood. Sounds like you have been very resilient moving into adulthood. One of my favorite things is meeting new people. Even though some I don’t see again, I love hearing people’s stories!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Megan,
That’s good! We can always meet a lot of people and just wait and see who sticks around.
I like the tip of meeting new people. Lately I have really lost faith in a lot of people, which is very sad and disappointing, I always thought I was surrounding myself with like minded people only to find out they were just stabbing me in back, while I was helping them, guess we were not so like minded after all.
It's All You Boo says
Sorry to hear about your experience. Let’s keep that faith and continue meeting people.
laura says
I love being single, there are time loneless set in, so I read a good book, or work onimproving my blog so much more. I do agree that sometime people can be hurtful sometime. But if you love yourself and try to meet new people, and discover a hobby or something.
It's All You Boo says
There are a lot of ways to push loneliness away. And keeping ourselves busy can really help with that! Thanks Laura!
Tisha says
I enjoy being single. It did take me awhile to get there but it will take something spectacular to change it
It's All You Boo says
Good to hear you are happy being single, Tisha!
Alone time can be good sometime , I considerate the time my self-care time! Great tips on how to spend your alone time.Thanks!
It's All You Boo says
Yes, some alone time will really help. And it is always good to practice self care! Thanks Louraine!
Angela says
This was a perfect reading for thos time in my life.
It's All You Boo says
Thanks Angela! I’m happy you like this how to be happy alone post!
Prajaktasfoodlab says
Dealing with loneliness and being happy with yourself is always difficult and this article is very helpful coping with it. Thanks for sharing.
It's All You Boo says
Happy to share and help everyone cope with loneliness, Prajaktas!