Looking for summer quotes for kids? Wondering what the best schools out for summer quotes for kids are?
Schools are out for summer! It’s that time of year again when the schools become quiet and kids migrate to playgrounds and backyards.
Laughter replaces the sound of school bells. Children in single-filled lines and uniforms run free without teachers, responsibility, or homework. School bags, school clothing, and school house rules are forgotten for a few months.
Summer is here and all the children cheer. Teachers get a well-deserved break and children are fully enmeshed in their home lives. Well, some, a lucky set trade in school for summer camp and vacations.
But what is summer for children? Carefree, adventurous, exciting, and sunkissed days without end. These precious summer days come only once per year.
If you’re looking for the best caption for school or a good quote for the last day of school, here are 101 schools out for summer quotes for kids and families. Let’s welcome sunshine and freedom! Before you know it it’s time to go back to school and education.
Welcome Relaxing and Lazy Summer Days Quotes
How do kids spend their summer holidays? If there’s one word that describes school being out for the summer it’s laziness. I’m sure these schools out for summer quotes will remind you of all the relaxing, lazy summer days of your childhood. Bring on those idle summer days that just float on by.
1. “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.” — Sam Cooke
“Summer is a season of lazy days, warm nights, and endless possibilities.” ― Unknown
3. “Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds.” — Regina Brett
4. “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” — John Lubbock
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5. “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” — Sam Keen
6. “Summer is a time to let your guard down and take a break from the stresses of life.” ― Unknown
7. “Summertime is the best time for lazy days.” ― Unknown
“Summer is a time when you can forget about your worries and responsibilities, and just enjoy life.” ― Unknown
9. “Summer has a flavor like no other season. It’s fresh, warm, and carefree, and reminds us of the simple pleasures of life.” ― Unknown
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10. “Summer is the perfect time to reset and recharge.” ― Unknown
11. “The idea of ‘ferie,’ or summer break, is a long tradition of which all Italians, including myself, participate. It’s a time to relax, reflect and recharge.” — Frida Giannini
12. “Summer is the perfect time to slow down, take it easy, and enjoy the beauty of the world around us.” ― Unknown
No Responsibility When School is Out Quotes
What’s the best part about summer vacation for kids? With no more alarm clocks or homework, kids get a taste of freedom and they get to enjoy just being a kid. The following schools out for summer quotes celebrate the lack of responsibility.
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” ― George Gershwin
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14. “Summer is the season of freedom, a time when you can let go of responsibilities and live in the moment.” ― Unknown
15. “Summer is the time to relax and be free of responsibilities.” ― Unknown
16. “Aaah, summer – that long anticipated stretch of lazy, lingering days, free of responsibility and rife with possibility. It’s a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore nooks and crannies, and make new friends.” — Darell Hammond
17. “Summer is a time to indulge in the pleasures of life, and be a little bit irresponsible without any guilt.” ― Unknown
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18. “Summer is a season of irresponsibility.” ― Ray Bradbury
19. “During the summer, we have the freedom to do what we want, when we want. It’s a time to let loose and be spontaneous.” ― Unknown
The Best Schools Out For Summer Quotes for Kids
What’s the best part of the end of the school year? Are your kids ready for the last day? This selection of schools out for summer quotes for kids and teachers describes what’s so special about the summer holiday. They illustrate the magical quality of having time off from school for kids. No worrying about classes or the next grade.
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20. “School’s out for summer, school’s out forever.” ― Alice Cooper
21. “There was nothing like a Saturday – unless it was the Saturday leading up to the last week of school and into summer vacation. That of course was all the Saturdays of your life rolled into one big shiny ball.” ― Nora Roberts
22. “This summer, we need to let our kids go play and we need to stop worrying about whether or not it’s going to ruin their chances of getting into college.” ― Darell Hammond
23. “Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you.” ― Erma Bombeck
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24. “Summer was here again. Summer, summer, summer. I loved and hated summers. Summers had a logic all their own and they always brought something out in me. Summer was supposed to be about freedom and youth and no school and possibilities and adventure and exploration.” ― Benjamin Alire Sáenz
25. “Supposedly, summer vacation happens because that’s when the kids are home from school, although having the kids home from school is no vacation. And supposedly the kids are home from school because of some vestigial throwback to our agricultural past.” ― P. J. O’Rourke
26. “What is it about summer that makes children grow? We feed and water them more. They do get more sun, but that probably doesn’t matter as much as the book they read or the rule they broke that taught them something they couldn’t have learned any other way.” ― Nancy Gibbs
27. “Now I take the summer off, relax, and I know that at the end of July we’re gonna start another season.” ― Jerry Orbach
28. “School’s out! Let the good times roll.” ― Unknown
No More School Quotes for Kids
Are your kids excited for the end of the school year? Are they ready to enjoy summer vacation? The following collection of schools out for summer quotes for kids are perfect for saying goodbye to school until September. No more teachers, no more homework, no topics for papers, hurray! Share these quotes on Instagram.
“Goodbye school, hello summer!” ― Unknown
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30. “School’s out, screams shout, let’s go have some fun!” ― Unknown
31. “It’s time to put the books away and start making some memories.” ― Unknown
“The best part of summer is not having to set an alarm clock.” ― Unknown
33. “School’s out, and the sun is hot. Let’s have some fun in the summer sun.” ― Unknown
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34. “No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks.” ― Unknown
35. “Summer is the season of fun for kids. It’s a time for making new friends, trying new things, and enjoying the freedom of being a kid.” ― Unknown
What Kids Can Do In The Summer Quotes for Parents
Worried about the kids being home for summer? Not sure how to keep your kids busy while at home? This selection of schools out for summer quotes provides lots of ideas for keeping kids occupied over the summer holiday. Don’t worry, your kids will don’t be bored. And you can work with your kids at home.
“I’m the kind of parent who asks my kids questions like, ‘What would be your ideal thing to do in the summer?'” ― Dwyane Wade
37. “Nothing has ever touched on what fun childhood was. Summer holidays were bliss. We made home movies, with real stories in them. My father had such charm and charisma, and made everything so funny.” ― Jane Birkin
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38. “Summertime is a kid’s paradise. It’s a time for popsicles, playgrounds, and staying up late.” ― Unknown
“Summer is the perfect time for kids to let their creativity shine. It’s a time for art projects, science experiments, and lots of imaginative play.” ― Unknown
40. “Now that it’s officially summer, here’s my advice to parents who want to continue teaching their kids during the next two months and learn something themselves: visit Civil War battlefields.” ― Marvin Olasky
41. “Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, going to Disneyland, having fun.” — Brian Wilson
42. “Summer is a great time to visit art museums, which offer the refreshing rinse of swimming pools – only instead of cool water, you immerse yourself in art.” — Jerry Saltz
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43. “Summer is the time when you can eat ice cream for breakfast and not feel guilty.” ― Unknown
44. “Summer is not obligatory. We can start an infernally hard jigsaw puzzle in June with the knowledge that, if there are enough rainy days, we may just finish it by Labor Day, but if not, there’s no harm, no penalty. We may have better things to do.” — Nancy Gibbs
“Summer is the best time for kids. It’s a time for swimming, biking, and playing outdoors all day.” ― Unknown
Summer Reading List for Kids Quotes
Do your kids have a summer reading list? Wish your kids were readers? This collection of schools out for summer quotes for kids are all about reading the summer away. Pick up a book, fall in love with reading, and escape to a new reality.
“My ideal summer day was reading on the porch.” — Harold E. Varmus
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47. “One benefit of summer was that each day we had more light to read by.” — Jeannette Walls
48. “As a kid, I spent every summer bent over a stack of books, obsessively writing detailed reports on each one.” — Diablo Cody
49. “The library in summer is the most wonderful thing because there you get books on any subject and read them each for only as long as they hold your interest, abandoning any that don’t, halfway or a quarter of the way through if you like, and store up all that knowledge in the happy corners of your mind for your own self and not to show off how much you know or spit it back at your teacher on a test paper.” ― Polly Horvath
“I was lucky enough not to face any required summer reading lists until I went to college. So I still think of summer as the best time to read for fun.” — Margaret Haddix
51. “I remember devouring the entire Hardy Boys series over one summer, enthralled by their bravery and cleverness.” — Dan Brown
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52. “Reading is just a vacation you pay less for, with an agenda you have no control over.” ― J.S. Wik
53. “All summer, I read fiction because you must read for the pleasure and beauty of it, and not only for research. I don’t read thrillers, romance or mystery, and I don’t read self-help books because I don’t believe in shortcuts and loopholes.” — Isabel Allende
“Summer is the perfect time to read and get lost in a good book.” ― Unknown
55. “School’s out for summer, but I’m still learning.” ― Unknown
Explore The Outdoors This Summer Quotes
Ready to get out of the house and outdoors? Thinking of sending them away to summer camp? Nothing says summer vacation like days spent outside. Here’s a selection of schools out for summer quotes all about the great outdoors. Let them run wild and free, exploring forests, trees, and all that nature has to see. Sing those famous camp songs.
“Summertime is the best time for outdoor adventures.” ― Unknown
57. “My favorite thing to do in the summer was to sleep out in the forest on the farm I grew up on.” — Bobby Berk
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58. “Among the delights of Summer were picnics to the woods.” — Georg Brandes
59. “In the summer I was a wild child in the woods, with no shoes, and in the fall it was back to the city, shoe shops and school.” — Margaret Atwood
60. “In the long dusks of summer we walked the suburban streets through scents of maple and cut grass, waiting for something to happen.” — Steven Millhauser
61. “Summer was on the way; Jem and I awaited it with impatience. Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots, or trying to sleep in the tree house; summer was everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape; but most of all, summer was Dill.” — Harper Lee
62. “Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.” — Diane Ackerman
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63. “Even if you have nothing in your wallet, nothing can keep you from having a great summer. You can listen to crickets sing you to sleep, trace the Big Dipper, breathe in the stars, run through a sprinkler, host a cartwheel contest in the front yard.” — Regina Brett
64. “I thank Heaven every summer’s day of my life, that my lot was humbly cast within the hearing of romping brooks, and beneath the shadow of oaks.” — Donald G. Mitchell
“I hate camping, but I love summer camp.” — Zooey Deschanel
66. “Midwest kids got to summer camp. There is something very special about being away from your parents for the first time, sleeping under the stars, hiking and canoeing.” — Jami Gertz
Explore The Outdoors This Summer Quotes
Are the kids playing outside all summer long in nature? That’s great, it’s filled with endless discoveries and boundless imaginations. These schools out for summer quotes for kids are all about what awaits them in nature. Turn off the TV and games, get outside, and play. Kids come alive as nature comes alive every summer.
“Summertime is the perfect time for kids to be outside, exploring the world around them and enjoying all the beauty of nature.” ― Unknown
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68. “My favorite weather is bird-chirping weather.” — Terri Guillemets
69. “And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
70. “Again and again, the cicada’s untiring cry pierced the sultry summer air like a needle at work on thick cotton cloth.” — Yukio Mishima
71. “At these times, the things that troubled her seemed far away and unimportant: all that mattered was the hum of the bees and the chirp of birdsong, the way the sun gleamed on the edge of a blue wildflower, the distant bleat and clink of grazing goats.” ― Alison Croggon
“I almost wish we were butterflies and liv’d but three summer days – three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain.” — John Keats
73. “In the summer, the streetlamps attracted swirling bugs. I loved those bugs: crickets, praying mantis, all kinds of beetles. I also have a vivid memory of dazzling sunlight coming out of the sky.” — Ma Jun
74. “I raised frogs every spring in our house from tadpoles and by end of summer our house was overrun with frogs.” — William Joyce
What To Wear When Schools Out For Summer Quotes
What’s the summer wardrobe for kids? Without school outfits and uniforms, kids can just be themselves. This set of schools out for summer quotes for kids describes the summer attire and wardrobe. It’s unlike any other season.
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75. “Summer is the time when you can let your hair down, kick off your shoes, and just be yourself.” ― Unknown
76. “Summer is the time when one sheds one’s tensions with one’s clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all’s right with the world.” ― John Steinbeck
“Summer is where the girls go barefoot and their hearts are just as free as their toes.” ― Unknown
78. “Summer is the time when you can wear your favorite sun dress and not have to worry about layering up with coats and scarves.” ― Unknown
79. “There’s nothing like a summer breeze blowing through your hair.” ― Unknown
80. “The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.” ― Unknown
“I could never get tired of waking up to the sun shining through my window every morning during the summer.” ― Unknown
82. “The smell of sunscreen and chlorine reminds me of summer days spent by the pool.” ― Unknown
83. “During the summer, we have the freedom to be ourselves. It’s a time to let our true selves shine and embrace who we are.” ― Unknown
Summer Vacation Quotes for Kids and Families
Planning a summer holiday when school is out? Ready to hit the road for a road trip? Enjoy this collection of schools out for summer quotes for kids all about summer vacation. Pack your bags and explore the world with your kids this summer. Even if you’re just road-tripping around the United States, do it!
“Summer vacation: where the days are long, but the years are short.” ― Unknown
85. “Summer is the time when kids can let their imaginations run wild. It’s a time for adventures, exploring, and discovering new things.” ― Unknown
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86. “Laughter is an instant vacation.” ― Milton Berle
87. “Summer is a season of fun, adventure, and carefree days that make memories to last a lifetime.” ― Unknown
“Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.” ― Van Morrison
89. “Summer is the season of spontaneity, a time when you can throw caution to the wind and live without regret.” ― Unknown
90. “Summer is a great time to visit new places and make new memories.” ― Unknown
Summer Vacation Quotes for Kids and Families
What is a famous quote about summer? Let these schools out for summer quotes to encourage you to make the best memories this summer. These summer moments and memories will keep you warm this winter. Always make memories with your kids when you can. Say yes to summer!
91. “The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.” ― Unknown
“Summer is a time for kids to get dirty, have fun, and make memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.” ― Unknown
93. “The magic of summer is in childhood memories and the excitement of creating new ones.” ― Unknown
94. “Summer is the season of adventure for kids. It’s a time for exploring new places, trying new things, and making memories that will last a lifetime.” ― Unknown
95. “Summer is the season when kids can be kids. It’s a time for running through sprinklers, catching fireflies, and making memories that will last a lifetime.” ― Unknown
Summer Is Too Short Quotes
Not ready for summer to end? No one ever is. This final selection of schools out for summer quotes for kids laments the return to school. Summer can only last so long before we must return to the classroom, to school, and to our normal life. Enjoy every moment of sunshine you have.
96. “Time dissolves in summer anyway: days are long, weekends longer. Hours get all thin and watery when you are lost in the book you’d never otherwise have time to read. Senses are sharper – something about the moist air and bright light and fruit in season – and so memories stir and startle.” ― Nancy Gibbs
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97. “I like summer. I like warmer weather and long days. I’m one of those silly people who still enjoy lying in the sun.” — Danielle Steel
98. “In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other. Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible.” — Sarah Dessen
99. “Time always seems long to the child who is waiting – for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.” ― Dag Hammarskjold
100. “’Tis now the summer of your youth: time has not cropped the roses from your cheek, though sorrow long has washed them.” ― Edward Moore
“I could never in a hundred summers get tired of this.” ― Unknown
Inspirational Black & White Wall Art Quotes
Loving these schools out for summer quotes? Here are 10 beautiful printable black and white art quotes that are perfect for your office, bedroom, or wherever you need the reminder to live an inspired life. Each design features a brushed ink letter detailing.
This download comes with 10 high-resolution graphics ready to be printed, framed, and posted.
School is out for summer, but summer only lasts so long. Enjoy these roughly 90 days of glorious freedom, sunshine, adventure, and fun. Don’t spend yours stressing about day school, or summer school.
Indulge the break from the regular, everyday routine of going to school and doing homework. Remember to take a break as a family, to get out and explore together. Learn to leave work at work and not feel guilty for leaving work on time.
This summer, say yes to making memories with your kids. You’ll be happy you did! Loosen up, wrap yourself in summer songs, and put on the music! Live by these best author quotes summer has to offer.
As the famous rock song by Alice Cooper says, “Schools out for summer!”
What are your favorite schools out for summer quotes for kids?
Last Updated on January 6, 2025
Lavanda of Appetizers & Entrees says
I can’t wait to share these quotes with my kids and kick off the summer break with a joyful and uplifting spirit.
It's All You Boo says
Happy summer break to everyone! I’m sure your kids are super excited! Thank you!
Clarice says
This is are fun and awesome quotes for summer! As a student, I actually agree that it is the time to let our guards down and just take a break.
It's All You Boo says
Hey Clarice! Yes, definitely need to take a break to recharge Thanks and happy you are here!
Karen says
Amazing quotes! I am so excited about this summer….I love this one “Summer is a time to let your guard down and take a break from stress….
It's All You Boo says
Definitely, summer is the best for a good break from stress! I’m glad you love these schools out for summer quotes! Thanks, Karen!
Samantha Donnelly says
Love these quotes summer is all about stepping back and having those relaxing fun sunny days
It's All You Boo says
Hi Samantha!
We all deserve a break and summer is just the right time for that!
Lavanda Michelle says
The quotes are so uplifting and capture the essence of this carefree time.
It's All You Boo says
Thanks so much Michelle! We have to enjoy these precious summer days!
Beth says
Oh, kids love summer. It’s the season to be playful and just having a carefree time. These quotes are perfect!
It's All You Boo says
Thanks so much for loving these quotes, Beth! Kids definitely are waiting for this season!
Jupiter Hadley says
So many good quotes that really capture the vibes of summer. I love “Summer is a time when you can forget about your worries and responsibilites, and just enjoy life”
It's All You Boo says
Hey Jupiter! Summer is totally the perfect time to enjoy especially the kids! Thanks!
Beth says
Love these quotes. Easy to understand and yes, the kids are excited for the end of school. They cant wait for summer vacation.
It's All You Boo says
I’m pretty sure kids are super excited for their summer vacation! Thanks for all the love, Beth!
Tammy says
Love all these quotes! Great for summer scrapbooking…such an exciting time of year for everyone!
It's All You Boo says
Hey Tammy! I’m happy you love these schools out for summer quotes! Super excited for this season!
kare says
I love love love summer! I mean who doesn’t lol…Time to relax and enjoy quality time with the family. Oh and the camping trips…I can’t wait.
It's All You Boo says
Haha Yeah! Who doesn’t love summer, right? Just the best time to spend some relaxing time with the kids and the entire family!
Yeah Lifestyle says
Loving all these quotes and I am planning to share a couple of them with my kids as I know they would love reading them
It's All You Boo says
Go ahead share these summer quotes! Thanks so much!
Claudia Krusch says
Love all the summer quotes! Great inspiration for us this summer!
It's All You Boo says
Me too! Sunshine state of mind!
Laura says
Summer time is the best time! We have such gorgeous summers and our summers are over Christmas which makes it even more special for us – lots of family time outdoors.
It's All You Boo says
Sounds lovely! Enjoy those long summer days and family time.