How do you start believing in yourself again?
Can you unlock the power of self-belief and self-confidence?
What you can do to develop belief and trust yourself?
Undoubtedly, for you to live your dream, you must learn how to start believing in yourself. After all, true self-belief is the secret to success.
Do you want to achieve your goals? That dream you have, do you think it’s out of your reach? I think not. You can do anything but you have to change how you think of yourself.
At one point in my life, I didn’t believe in myself one bit, I lost out on so much in life because I didn’t have faith in who I was.
You have a purpose and the only way that can materialize, you have to know how to start believing in yourself. There is something unique about you. There is something even more powerful within you when you start believing.
Stop allowing yourself to feel like you’re the worst because you are valuable. You weren’t placed on this earth to live a mediocre life but one of substance and influence no matter how simple it seems.
What Does It Mean To Believe In Yourself?
Believing in yourself means you think that anything is possible.
If I were to say to you that there is something that you can do that no one else in this entire world can do as good as you, would you believe me?
You would probably think “Me? There’s no way I can be that good or there’s no way I can live a life like that, that’s too much.” That’s the problem, you are short-changing yourself.
You must first be true to your individuality and hold on to it. Believing in yourself also means challenging doubt and replacing it with strong self-assurance, speaking it until it becomes your truth, and living in that truth.
When you learn how to start believing in yourself that will open up some doors in front of you that you didn’t even know existed, and take you places.
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Importance Of Believing In Yourself
It affects how others treat you
While your confidence and the way you think of yourself shouldn’t be influenced by other’s opinions, when you fully understand how to start believing in yourself and it reflects in your attitude it will influence how others treat you.
So guess what, if you act wimpy and nonchalant, people will not take you seriously. However, if you live in confidence then people will treat you as such. You have to believe in yourself first before anyone else ever does.
Develop yourself
By not believing in yourself you’re only setting up yourself to be unhappy. Why do you feel the need to be validated by people?
You pay the price of losing out of developing yourself, the years of holding yourself back, waiting for others to give you permission prevents you from becoming and evolving into a higher version of yourself.
If you used to believe in yourself but somewhere along, bad things happened that caused you to lose faith in yourself, you can believe in yourself again.
It’s okay if you didn’t believe in yourself before, the important thing is that you’re humble enough to identify that you don’t know how to start believing in yourself but you’re willing to start the journey of true self-belief today.
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Handle rejection
It is important to believe in yourself because it teaches you to handle rejection well. When you understand who you are, no one can make you feel unimportant or like you’re the worst.
No matter how much good you do some people will not accept you, so live to be true to yourself.
If people like you-good, if people reject you–your life doesn’t revolve around them so they can talk all they want. They can’t stop you because you’re comfortable with who you are.
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It leads to the path of self-discovery
There is no ceiling to what you can learn to do when you believe in yourself. No matter how difficult a task seems because you believe that you can, then you will.
You place no limit on yourself and because of that, you are always discovering another aspect of yourself.
Believing In Yourself Is The First Secret To Success
Regardless of what you try and how many times you try something, if you don’t believe that you will be successful, then it doesn’t make sense you bother to try.
The only way you are going to be successful is if you first have confidence in yourself. I used to always underperform even in school because I thought I would fail so I didn’t push out much effort sometimes.
Guess what happened? I passed with the basic pass mark because I thought I would do well, and I didn’t apply myself.
Whatever you want to do, it could be starting a blog, starting a YouTube channel, going back to school, changing a bad habit; see yourself doing it, and overcoming it.
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You can develop the resilience to go after it and even before you attempt it, see yourself as successful doing it. This will give you the motivation to push yourself; You can make a fresh start today. it’s not too late.
The minute you believe you can do something, you’re going to surpass all hurdles, naysayers, disappointment, you will rise above anything that comes in your way.
Let’s be real, life will catch you off guard at times but if you have a strong sense of belief even amid failure, you will bounce back because this too shall pass; you have been through hard times, and have overcome so you can overcome again.
How To Start Believing In Yourself?
Follow These 6 Steps
#1. Accept Your Current Situation
If you want to believe in yourself, just be frank with yourself, admit your situation as it is. The only way to move forward is to own up to your mistakes now, identify them so you can address and fix them head-on.
It doesn’t make sense you pretend everything is fine and push it under the rug, if you want to improve yourself, see what you lack so you can work on it.
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#2. Think Positive
I can’t stress this enough, your mind is powerful. If you find yourself in a bad situation, the way you respond to it depends on your outlook in life.
You should have a positive outlook on life. It’s one thing to find the good in a situation but you also need to work and apply yourself for the change in your life to be manifested.
There is a treasure inside you with gifts so infectious waiting to unveil but it can’t be manifested unless you see things positively to know that things will turn around.
Use your actions to dig up (yes man) dig, and dig and bring forth the person you want to be.
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You can succeed in life- you just have to believe. If you made a mistake, find the lesson you can get from it, (no matter what, it could have been worse), and move on and patiently wait.
We often rush into things and want to see change overnight but it takes a process. Can you really expect to undo 20+ years of your life overnight? Think about it.
It’s going to take patience but that is alright, not everyone is going to achieve results at the same pace.
#3. Have Faith In Yourself
What are you good at? One of the easiest ways to believe in yourself is to work on and improve areas that you’re good at.
Don’t be afraid to launch out and work that talent, the best way to get better at your talent is to work it.
So what if people want to laugh at you or question it. They are well within their rights to do so. They aren’t obligated to support you.
However, you must see the glory in what you’re doing, understand that it takes work for you to become better and that you can still believe in yourself even after failure.
Have faith in who you are, what you have, what you’ve experienced, and what you have to offer and make them work.
Sometimes people see value in us and compliment us but we reject the compliment because we don’t think of ourselves in that way. You should learn to accept compliments because it helps you to believe in yourself.
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#4. Associate Yourself With Supportive People
It is going to be extremely difficult to figure out how to start believing in yourself if you constantly have negative people around you who are always judging, criticizing, and discouraging you.
I mean there comes a time when you just have to be radical when it comes on to you and your interest because no one looks out for you like you. It could mean cutting them out of your life if they are toxic or limit the number of times you talk to them or do it from a distance.
Get people around you who genuinely look out for you and encourage you sometimes even more than you encourage yourself.
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Surround yourself with people who have similar values and interests as you, who will push you and motivate you and enhance your progress.
When you surround yourself with people like this, their confidence in you, and your knowledge that they are there for you will motivate you and help you learn how to start believing in yourself.
#5. Accept Yourself
For you to believe yourself, you should be confident in who you are, how you look, your personality; love everything about yourself.
Let me tell you, I am a short lad, around 5’4. I used to fuss about my height but I had to pray and ask God to give me the confidence to accept myself, and he did enable me to do so.
So now, I’m one of the most confident people you can find. It’s not impossible nor too late to accept yourself. You have it within you too. I realized that time was slipping away and I knew that I had so much to offer but my not accepting myself affected everything I did.
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Before I did anything, I would always be thinking of all the names people would call me, not that anything was wrong with me but my mind was tricking me into believing that something was wrong.
Your mind is powerful, you can retrain your thoughts into accepting yourself. So, whether you are black, white, tall, or short, regardless of your background, there’s nothing wrong with you. The sooner you accept yourself, the better for you. Don’t you see how not accepting yourself can hold you back?
You can’t apply yourself fully to anything if you have not accepted yourself fully. Stop robbing yourself of what you’re worth. You have what it takes.
There are things about you that you can’t change so accept that fact and move on. Once you do that, you can take on anything because nothing can make you feel bad about yourself.
#6. Live Up to Your Own Expectations
Quite often you might feel like a failure because you are busy trying to please others and living in the expectations they have of you as opposed to living up to your own expectations.
Sometimes relatives say that you should do this by a certain age and because you want to please them, you try to do what they want to do, and when you don’t succeed, you feel like a failure.
You will be most miserable; you are not obligated to live for anyone but you because at the end of the day, your success is what matters, your happiness matters.
Prepare to lose people along the way when you’ve decided to learn how to start believing in yourself. People will have all kinds of things to say and you’ll lose some, but if you lose them, they weren’t meant to be in your life-real talk.
Live to be the best version of yourself, there’s no way you can do that when everyone’s expectation is screaming in your ears. You have to decide if you want to sacrifice your success over others’ expectations.
It is your right to live up to your own expectations, pursue your own dreams, and use your own skills and talents to inspire others.
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#7. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People
Your appearance, accomplishments, success, and whatever else is specific and unique to you. So, stop comparing yourself with other people and think like you are less than.
Everyone has their own journey, someone else’s journey will never be yours because even if you try something that someone else has done, just by nature of you being a unique person, the process is going to be different.
If you only know the power inside you, if you just have confidence in yourself- nothing can hold you back.
When you make it up in your mind to learn how to start believing in yourself and implement these steps consistently in your daily life, anything is possible!
Along with following these steps repeat these affirmations that will help you to start believing in yourself.
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Affirmations To Start Believing In Yourself
Ready to use the power of self-belief? Say these affirmations to yourself day after day, any moment you feel as if you lack belief.
- Every day I grow into a better me.
- My gifts and talents will inspire others.
- I am truly amazing and nothing will change that.
- I love myself completely and unapologetically.
- My dream life can become a reality if I apply myself.
- Failing doesn’t mean I am a failure. I will try again.
- My purpose shall come alive.
- I challenge any obstacle that comes my way.
- I am an intelligent, ambitious, and creative soul.
- Confidence is a part of me so it will manifest itself in me.
- I am allowed to say no to things that don’t align with my belief.
- I will inspire change in the lives of others.
- I will love myself and the right people will come into my life.
- I believe in myself and what I can do.
- My gifts are unique to me and can’t be replicated.
Get Your Self-Confidence Quotes
Want to start believing in yourself today? Get your 10 FREE printable self-confidence quotes!
This download comes with 10 high-resolution graphics ready to be printed and posted wherever you need a confidence boost.
A Final Note on Self-Belief
By now you would have seen the importance and value of believing in yourself.
Believing in yourself doesn’t mean that everything will be smooth sailing and perfect. However, by believing you have succeeded halfway, the next step is to take actions that align with that mindset.
Believing in yourself isn’t thinking you’re better than others rather it is knowing your value and understanding and appreciating that you are capable and enough to achieve a certain goal.
That is why I think if you are experiencing any form of self-doubt that you should embark on this journey today to learn how to start believing in yourself.
What stood out to you most in this post? Do you think you can start believing in yourself?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Experiencing self-doubt and feeling like a failure? This is how to start believing in yourself! Use these 6 steps to help you build confidence and esteem in yourself. #Confidence #SelfConfidence #SelfEsteem
How will you start believing in yourself?
More About Guest Contributor
Davian Brayn is a Personal Development Blogger. He is also the Founder of Dare Your Lifestyle. His philosophy is “Simple people can do powerful things, and if you can only do small things, do it in a profound way.”
He helps introverts dare themselves to step out of their comfort zone and start their online business.
Last Updated on May 19, 2023