Looking for motivational spring cleaning quotes? Ready for a fresh start, just need the motivation to spring clean?
Spring is officially here! The season of open windows, rainy days, gardening, and rebirth has started.
It’s time to clear out the old, so you can welcome the new. Nature has the jump start on us, as they shed the old at the end of Fall.
If only it was that easy for us to just let go of the past, to let our own “dead leaves” fall and become the fertilizer for new life.
Oh, you know what I’m talking about. Those boot-cut jeans you’re hoping will come back in style, all those VHS tapes that you can’t even play, and yes even the years of clutter thanks to all those online purchases you’ve been making.
How can you have a fresh start, a new beginning, if you’re holding onto the past? Physically through all the clutter in your home and metaphysically with all the toxic and dead relationships?
We all need to start spring cleaning our homes, but also our minds, hearts, and lives! Spring cleaning is a yearly ritual that ensures that you are always looking forward, not living in the past.
To inspire you to clean out all the clutter, here are 68 motivational spring cleaning quotes for a fresh start. Begin again, breathe again, and start looking forward. Better days are ahead!
What is Spring Cleaning Quotes
So, what exactly is spring cleaning? Why do we clear our clutter every spring? This first selection of motivational spring cleaning quotes is all about defining and explaining what it is. Do you agree?
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1. “Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded list of chores. It can be a rewarding experience that helps provide some structure and organization in your life.” — Peter Walsh
“Spring is the usual period for house-cleaning and removing the dust and dirt which, notwithstanding all precautions, will accumulate during the winter months from dust, smoke, gas, etc.” — Isabella Beeton
3. “I look forward to spring cleaning and putting things in their place. It’s therapeutic for me.” — Kimora Lee Simmons
4. “The key to spring cleaning is to be ruthless! Throw out anything and everything you never use. (Or that may be incriminating. Burn, if necessary, but remember if using gasoline, those fires should be contained in a non-flammable container.)” — Josie Brown
“Spring cleaning the house is easy. Spring cleaning life is tough.” — Anonymous
Quotes About Spring Cleaning Your Life
Is your life a mess right now? Do you need to clear away the clutter and junk in your life? This collection of motivational spring cleaning quotes are all about decluttering your life, not just your home. Don’t forget the golden rule of spring cleaning: it’s not just about stuff.
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6. “Forgive and set your self free. When we forgive, we heal our own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It’s like spring cleaning for our heart.” — Angie Karan
“Apologizing is like spring cleaning.” — Katherine Hannigan
8. “Spring cleaning isn’t just about sorting through things, and getting rid of clutter. It’s about taking stock of who you are, and how others see you. It’s a chance to redefine yourself, to change expectations, and to remember that it’s never too late to recapture who you were, or to aim for who you want to be.” — Anonymous
“I am never five minutes into stripping the clutter from my life before I start running into the clutter that is my life.” — Robert Brault
10. “At worst, a house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived.” — Rose Macaulay
11. “A spotless house is a sign of a misspent life.” — Unknown
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12. “Sometimes clean feels empty. A bit of clutter and dirt gladdens the heart and affirms a life in progress.” — Terri Guillemets
Spring Clean Your Inner Life Quotes
But, have you taken the time to spring clean your inner life? Your thoughts, heart, and emotions? The following inspirational spring cleaning quotes for a fresh start remind us that it’s not just about the physical, clutter can build inside us too, in all the places you can’t see. That emotional clutter could be resentment, mistrust, anger, or anything.
“It’s time for a spring cleaning of your thoughts, it’s time to stop to just existing it’s time to start living.” — Steve Maraboli
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14. ‘We are used to cleaning the outside house, but the most important house to clean is yourself your own house which we never do.” — Marina Abramovic
“From time to time, one must release the grime built up inside them to to free their emotions like the ocean.” — Suzy Kassem
16. “What I know for sure is that when you declutter – whether it’s on your home, your head, or your heart – it is astounding what will flow into that space that will enrich you, your life, and your family.” — Peter Walsh
17. “Outer order contributes to inner calm.” — Gretchen Ruben
“Cleaning my soul. Flame on burn desire.” — Luther Vandross
Clearing the Clutter Quotes
Do you need to clear all the clutter from your life? Are you drowning in too much stuff? If you’re ready to embrace minimalism, you’ll appreciate the following spring cleaning quotes. Focus on what you want to keep, rather than what you want to declutter.
“The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.” — Marie Kondo
20. “Oh! Old rubbish! Old letters, old clothes, old objects that one does not want to throw away. How well nature has understood that, every year, she must change her leaves, her flowers, her fruit and her vegetables, and make manure out of the mementos of her year!” — Jules Renard
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21. “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” — William Morris
“Your home is living space, not storage space.” — Francine Jay
23. “The stuff you own has to help you create the life you want. And if it doesn’t, why is it in your home?” — Peter Walsh
24. “You never know what you have, until you clean your room.” — Anonymous
“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” — Peter Walsh
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26. “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” — Hans Hoffman
27. “Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.” — Nathan W. Morris
Funny and Hilarious Cleaning Quotes
Not a fan of cleaning your house? Dreading the necessary spring cleaning? Be honest, you’ve been putting it off for years, haven’t you? The following motivational spring cleaning quotes are on the humorous side.
28. “My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors.” — Bette Midler
“A man thinks all dust stays outdoors.” — Ernest Vincent Wright
30. “You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty.” — Cecil Baxter
“Sweeping only moves the dust somewhere else.” — Marty Rubin
32. “A new broom sweeps clean, but the old broom knows the corners.” — Irish Saying
33. “My life is gardening, cleaning around the house and power washing.” — J. B. Smoove
34. “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” — Unknown
Humourous Housework and Housekeeping Quotes
Do you need the motivation to clean your house? Hate doing housework and housekeeping? You are not the only one! This collection of spring cleaning quotes express how most of us actually feel about spring cleaning. We’d rather not.
35. “Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door.” — Marcelene Cox
“Housework is like cleaning fish. No matter how often you do it, it still stinks.” — Thelma Harper
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37. “Housework can’t kill you but why take a chance.” — Phyllis Diller
“I make no secret of the fact that I would rather lie on a sofa than sweep beneath it.” — Shirley Conran
“39. Everybody wants to save the earth; no one wants to help mom do the dishes.” — P.J. O’Rourke
40. “My theory on housework is, if the item doesn’t multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?” — Erma Bombeck
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41. “We dream of having a clean house – but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?” — Marcus Buckingham
42. “You’re not going to talk to your vacuum cleaning robot: in fact, you may never see your vacuum cleaning robot because, ideally, you come home every day and your floors are freshly vacuumed.” — Colin Angle
43. “The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.” — Roseanne Barr
Truth About Cleaning Quotes
Are you one of those people who only clean when people are coming over? What about always cleaning because of the kids, pets, or teenagers? This selection of spring cleaning quotes is all about the reality of trying to keep a tidy home… it’s darn near impossible.
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44. “Cleaning up with children around is like shoveling during a blizzard.” — Margaret Culkin Banning
45. “Cleaning with children in the house really is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.” — Joleigh Little
“Just cleaned my whole house from top to bottom, so now I’m going to need everybody to stop living here.” — Anonymous
47. “Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” — Phyllis Diller
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48. “Nothing inspires cleanliness more than an unexpected guest.” — Radhika Mundra
“I had to clean my house for two hours just to tell guests, ‘Sorry about the mess’.” — Unknown
50. “I get more cleaning done in the 10 minutes before someone comes over than I do in a week.” — Unknown
51. “Dogs do not grasp the concept of house cleaning.” — Dave Barry
Quotes that Motivate You To Start Cleaning
Not sure why you should start spring cleaning? Stressing about cleaning up your home? The following inspirational spring cleaning quotes motivate and encourage you to just start cleaning your home, life, and mind. Stop waiting to feel like it, just start somewhere.
“That’s the only thing you can do with a mess. Start cleaning it up, a little at a time.” — Lisa Wingate
53. “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Lower the bar. Actually spending ten minutes clearing off one shelf is better than fantasizing about spending a weekend cleaning out the basement.” — Gretchen Rubin
54. “Cleaning and organizing is a practice not a project.” — Meagan Francis
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55. “For every minute spent on organizing, an hour is earned.” — Benjamin Franklin
56. “De-cluttering can be overwhelming, so start with that one small thing. Clean out your junk drawers. It can lead to so many more beautiful things. Start there, and you’ll find yourself cleaning the whole rest of the house.” — Bobby Berk
Spring Cleaning is Good For You Quotes
What are the benefits of spring cleaning? Why should you declutter your home? This selection of motivational spring cleaning quotes for a fresh start are all about the reasons why you should. From better mental health, to feeling happier, there are so many reasons to clean.
57. “Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don’t need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized, I feel less stressed.” — Jennifer Morrison
“I love cleaning, weird but true. It really relaxes me.” — Jessie J
59. “It’s all in the attitude…housework is exercise. Slim your way to a clean home!” — Linda Solegato
60. “Having a simplified, uncluttered home is a form of self-care.” — Emma Scheib
61. “I’ve always enjoyed doing dishes. Maybe it was the fashionable yellow gloves that I loved so much. It’s weird, I know, but I find cleaning cathartic.” — Rachel Nichols
Spring Cleaning Makes You Happier Quotes
Does cleaning make you happy? Does spring cleaning improve your mental health! It just might. This final collection of spring cleaning quotes are all about the boost to your mood you get from cleaning. Try it, you just might love it.
62. “Happiness: A freshly cleaned house.” — Unknown
63. “Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.” — Anonymous
64. “Minimalism isn’t about removing things you love. It’s about removing the things that distract you from the things you love.” — Joshua Becker
“A clean place is a safe place.” — Anonymous
66. “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” — Albert Einstein
67. “A recurring cleaning will make you a happy person.” — Maid Sailors
68. “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.” — Marie Kondo
Spring Clean Your Mind Checklist
Want to start spring cleaning your internal life? Get your FREE Printable Spring Clean Your Mind Checklist with 12 activities to clear your mind and mental clutter.
Why is it important to spring clean? Why should you spring clean your home, life and mind?
Clutter clouds your mind blocks the flow of your home and holds you captive. Don’t you want to be free? Free to make new memories and to truly cherish and enjoy all that you already have.
As counterproductive as it sounds, the less you have, the more you feel that you have.
Why spring cleaning is good for you? Why should you clear the clutter? Click here for 68 motivational spring cleaning quotes for a fresh start. #SpringCleaning #Cleaning #SpringQuotes #QuotesAboutSpring
What inspirational spring cleaning quotes do you love?
Last Updated on May 27, 2023