What are some inspirational hello November quotes?
Ready to welcome winter with some short November sayings?
Winter is coming, it’s on its way, but first, there’s November.
As we say goodbye to October and all things Halloween, it’s time for November to shine. With its stunning sunsets and glorious falling leaves, November is the last stand against the cold.
Standing as a bridge between autumn and winter, November in many ways feels like the unofficial start of the holiday season.
With Thanksgiving and Black Friday nestled on the last weekend of the month, one thing is for sure: the season of the family is almost here.
Let us all welcome being able to safely meet, connect and spend time with one another. To share love, gratitude, joy, and happiness over a meal.
Here are 80 inspirational hello November quotes to welcome winter weather and thankfulness.
Dear November Quotes and Sayings
What are some November quotes? This first collection of inspirational hello November quotes and sayings for this first month of winter weather apart from all the rest. There’s something special about dear November, it’s not quite like any other month, is it?
“Welcome sweet November, the season of senses and my favorite month of all.” — Gregory F. Lenz
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2. “A September to remember. An October full of splendor. A November to treasure.” — Unknown
“There is October in every November and there is November in every December! All seasons melted in each other’s life!” — Mehmet Murat ildan
4. “October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.” — J.K. Rowling
5. “The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July.” — Henry David Thoreau
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6. “Some of the days in November carry the whole memory of summer as a fire opal carries the color of moon rise.” — Gladys Taber
7. “If months were marked by colors, November in New England would be colored gray.” — Madeleine M. Kunin
“November always seems to me the Norway of the year.” — Emily Dickinson
9. “Spring is brown; summer, green; autumn, yellow; winter, white; November, gray.” — Henry David Thoreau
The Best November Is Quotes
What are the best November quotes? The following inspirational hello November quotes to welcome winter are all about what November is. November is a mood and a feeling all to itself. How would you describe it?
10. “No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds—November!” — Thomas Hood
11, “So dull and dark are the November days. The lazy mist high up the evening curled, and now the morn quite hides in the smoke and haze; the place we occupy seems all the world.” — John Clare
“Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul, I shall recall the memory of warm, sunny, late summer afternoons like this one, and be comforted greatly.” — Peggy Toney Horton
13. “The house was very quiet, and the fog—we are in November now—pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost.” — E.M. Forster
14. “There is music in the meadows, in the air —
Skies are gray, but hearts are mellow…” — William Stanley Braithwaite
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15. “November is usually such a disagreeable month . . . as if the year had suddenly found out that she was growing old and could do nothing but weep and fret over it.” — L.M. Montgomery
“This is the month of nuts and nutty thoughts — that November whose name sounds so bleak and cheerless — perhaps its harvest of thought is worth more than all the other crops of the year.” — Henry David Thoreau
17. “The wind that makes music in November corn is in a hurry. The stalks hum, the loose husks whisk skyward in half-playing swirls, and the wind hurries on… A tree tries to argue, bare limbs waving, but there is no detaining the wind.” — Aldo Leopold
18. “November at its best—with a sort of delightful menace in the air.” — Anne Bosworth Greene
Inspirational Fall Leaves Poems and Quotes
Do you love the pretty falling leaves? Nothing says autumn is ending like November. The next selection of inspirational welcome November quotes is all about the beautiful changing and falling leaves. Are you going out to enjoy the fall foliage?
19. “But there is always a November space after the leaves have fallen when she felt it was almost indecent to intrude on the woods…for their glory terrestrial had departed and their glory celestial of spirit and purity and whiteness had not yet come upon them.” — L.M. Montgomery
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20. “Leaves grow old gracefully, bring such joy in their last lingering days. How vibrant and bright is their final flurry of life.” — Karen Gibbs
“The world is tired, the year is old, the faded leaves are glad to die.” — Sara Teasdale
22. “That soft autumnal time, the woodland foliage now is gathered by the wild November blast.” — John Howard Bryant
23. “November’s sky is chill and drear, November’s leaf is red and sear.” — Sir Walter Scott
24. “In November, the trees are standing all sticks and bones. Without their leaves, how lovely they are, spreading their arms like dancers. They know it is time to be still.” — Cynthia Rylant
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25. “Dull November brings the blast, Then the leaves are whirling fast.” — Sara Coleridge
“Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.” — Elizabeth Lawrence
27. “November; Crows are approaching – Wounded leaves fall to the ground.” — Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
28. “Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.” — Cyril Connolly
29. “Wind warns November’s done with. The blown leaves make bat-shapes, Web-winged and furious.” — Sylvia Plath, The Collected Poems
“Have you seen my heart, somewhere in your castle of yellow leaves?” — A Waltz for Zizi
31. “Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.” — Chad Sugg
32. “The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” — Henry Beston
Novemeber Sunset and Sad Sky Quotes
Have you ever enjoyed the beautiful red November night sky? The following collection of inspirational happy November quotes describe the clarity and clearness of a November sunset. There’s a sad beauty to them.
“There’s a fire in November sky.” — Unknown
34. “Now in November nearer comes the sun down the abandoned heaven.” — D. H. Lawrence
35. “November is chill, frosted mornings with a silver sun rising behind the trees, red cardinals at the feeders, and squirrels running scallops along the tops of the gray stone walls.” — Jean Hersey
“Even when November’s sun is low and Winter flaps his fleecy wings, Thy gold among his silvery snow a solace in the sadness brings.” — James Rigg
37. “This sunlight shames November where he grieves / In dead red leaves, and will not let him shun / The day, though bough with bough be over-run.” — Dante Gabriel Rossetti
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38. “It was November–the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines.” — L.M. Montgomery
39. “The river this November afternoon / Rests in an equipoise of sun and cloud: / A glooming light, a gleaming darkness shroud / Its passage. All seems tranquil, all in tune.” — Cecil Day-Lewis
40. “I can not only see the colors now / I can do everything, everything / I can not only see November Skies / I see you everywhere, everywhere!” — Tomas Barfod
Fall Quotes and Sayings for Novemeber
Do you see November as Autumn or Winter? Nothing says welcome November the season of Fall in full bloom and burst This selection of inspirational happy November quotes describe Autumn in all its beauty. November has a way of straddling two seasons, doesn’t it?
41. “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne
42. “It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” — Sarah Addison Allen
43. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” — Lauren DeStefano
44. “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” — Jim Bishop
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” — Albert Camus
46. “I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadow less like silence, listening to silence”
— Thomas Hood
47. “Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” — Stanley Horowitz
Inspirational Novemeber Poems and Quotes
Does November make you feel a bit sad and melancholy? These hello November poems and quotes describe that indescribable quality of the month. The emotional, grayness of November. Seasonal affective disorder is a real thing, be kind to yourself during these dark, lonely, and often sad months.
“Will you forgive me these November days?” — Anna Akhmatova
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49. “This is going to be a November to remember.” — Charmaine J. Forde
50. “November is usually such a disagreeable month as if the year had suddenly found out she was growing old and could do nothing but weep and fret over it.” — Anne Shirley
“In November, the earth is growing quiet. It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers and small creatures. The bed is white and silent, and much life can hide beneath its blankets.” — Cynthia Rylant
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52. “And November sad, – a psalm Tender, trustful, full of balm, Thou must breathe in spirits calm.” — Caroline May
November Blessings Quotes
Looking for sweet November blessings to get in the mood? What does November mean for you? The next collection of inspirational hello November quotes that share about family and friends. Nothing says November like family and friends.
“Don’t wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of Thanksgiving!” — Charmaine J. Forde
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54. “November—the very best month of autumn. It’s a holiday month, but instead of the hurried rush (not to mention shopping for all those presents!) of Christmas, you get to spend time with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving traditions and take a moment to reflect on all that makes you grateful.” — Maribeth Jones
55. “What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?” — Erma Bombeck
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” — W.T. Purkiser
56. “In November, people are good to each other . . . They travel very far on a special November day just to share a meal with one another and to give thanks for their many blessings.” — Cynthia Rylant
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58. “The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.” — Henry Rollins
Motivational Thanksgiving Day Quotes
Ready to enjoy thanksgiving with friends and family? Looking forward to the holidays? The following collection of inspirational hello November quotes is all about Thanksgiving. I cannot ignore the history of Thanksgiving, but perhaps we can be thankful for facing that truth.
“Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.” — Amy Grant
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60. “You shouldn’t just give during Christmas and Thanksgiving, you should be giving all the time.” — Alcurtis Turner
“Thanksgiving is so called because we are all so thankful that it only comes once a year.” — P. J. O’Rourke
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62. “Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.” — Nigel Hamilton
“He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart.” — J.A. Shedd
64. “Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” — Edward Sandford Martin
65. “And though I ebb in worth, I’ll flow in thanks.” — John Taylor
Thanksgiving Quotes About Food
What’s your favorite part about Thanksgiving? The following selection of inspirational hello November quotes is all about food and eating. Nothing says November, like a Thanksgiving feast.
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66. “In November, the smell of food is different. It is an orange smell. A squash and pumpkin smell. It tastes like cinnamon and can fill up a house in the morning, can pull everyone from bed in a fog. Food is better in November than any other time of the year.” — Cynthia Rylant
“I love Thanksgiving because it is a holiday centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.” — Marcus Samuelsson
68. “Real ballplayers pass the stuffing by rolling it up in a ball and batting it across the table with a turkey leg.” — Tom Swyers
69. “If you think about a Thanksgiving dinner, it’s really like making a large chicken.” — Ina Garten
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70. “I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.” — Erma Bombeck
71. “But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie; Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!” — Margaret Junkin Preston
November Welcomes Winter Weather Quotes
Are you ready to say hello to winter? This final collection of inspirational hello November quotes and saying are all about winter! Somewhere in between falling leaves and sunsets, November turns into a winter wonderland. Love it or hate it, winter is coming soon. But don’t worry, Spring will soon follow in the new year.
“November: The last month of autumn, but the beginning of a new adventure; time to take a risk and do the unexpected.” — unknown
73. “This November there seems to be nothing to say.” — Anne Sexton
74. “November… leads the month’s wintry round.” — Anne Hunter
75. “November wind has a sound different from any other. It is easy to imagine the cave of the winds in some mythical Northland where the winds are born and the gods send them out to conquer the quiet air.” — Gladys Taber
76. “There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life’s July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an alpine November.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
77. “In November you begin to know how long the winter will be.” — Martha Gellhorn
78. “While November numbly collapses, this beech tree, heavy as death on the lawn, braces for throat-cutting ice, bandaging snow.” — Edwin Honig
“Thicker than rain-drops on November thorn.” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge
80. “How sad would be November if we had no knowledge of the spring!” — Edwin Way Teale
Free 30-Day Gratitude Journal
Why not make November all about thankfulness and gratitude? Get your FREE Printable Gratitude Journal, with 30 days of self-reflection prompts to help you be more thankful this November.
Enjoy these 30 days of November, they come and go so quickly. Before you know the season of family meals and gatherings will be in full swing.
Take a moment to be present, and enjoy the falling leaves and beautiful clear night skies, before you know it the wind and cold will be blowing.
This might be your last chance to enjoy the benefits of a walk or to spend time outdoors comfortably.
Wishing you a very happy November!
Ready to welcome November? For the month of family and friends? Click here to celebrate November's arrival with these 80 Inspirational hello November quotes and sayings. #November #NovemberQuotes #HappyNovember #WinterQuotesWhich inspriational hello November quotes do you like?
Last Updated on July 26, 2024