How to improve your life quality daily?
How do you make life better for yourself?
We all want to make our lives better for ourselves and the ones we love and care about. For some, that means more time for the things they love, like hobbies, passions, and traveling the world.
For others, improving daily life means less stress and anxiety, more life balance, and financial peace. Maybe fewer days working, more time off with friends and family? Perhaps for you, it means the space and freedom to be yourself, feel like yourself and become your best self.
To improve your life quality, you are embarking on a journey of both self-discovery and self-improvement. To make life better for yourself, you have to look within and without.
What exactly is the quality of life, anyway? The Britannica defines quality of life as “the degree to which an individual is healthy, comfortable, and able to participate in or enjoy life events.” Simply put, it’s a subjective measure of “happiness.”
How to Improve Your Life Quality:
Meaning there is no universal definition for everyone, but rather a combination of factors that contribute to your own ideal “quality of life.” So, what does improving your life quality mean for you? What does making life better look like for you?
To help you improve your daily life and overall quality of life, I reached out to top experts asking them these same questions. Here are 50 ways to improve your daily life, with small habits and changes to make that better life a reality for you today.
Get In Tune With Yourself
You’re ready to improve your life quality and to make a better life for yourself. Instead of looking outwards to possessions or even passions, you have to first start with yourself. Before you can become your best self, you need to get in tune with yourself. You have to get to know who you are, what you’re feeling and thinking. You have to become your authentic self inside, before outside.
- Listen to Your Intuition
- Raise Your Self-Awareness
- Find Your True Inner Self
- Cultivate Your Intuition
- Pay Attention To The Patterns
- Practice Emotional Authenticity
#1. Listen to Your Intuition
The most powerful way to improve the quality of your daily life is to learn how to recognize the voice of fear vs the voice of your intuition. Fear comes from your ego and it pops up when we think of leaving our comfort zone. It comes from wanting to be safe, but sometimes it keeps you from doing things that would actually improve your life because it believes the unknown is dangerous and the known (your comfort zone) is safe, even if your comfort zone is not that great.
Our intuition however is calm and peaceful. It doesn’t send you into a spiral of dread and worse case what-ifs. It can be hard to notice when our fear voice is shouting doom and gloom at us, so to counteract that we can learn to talk to the fear as if it’s a child. Thank it for trying to protect you, comfort it, and tell it you’re going to be ok. Then your fear will be soothed and you’ll be able to connect to your intuition and make those daily decisions that will improve your life.
#2. Raise Your Self-Awareness
Some suggestions for how to raise the quality of your daily life are practical actions that you can easily see such as practicing gratitude, getting out into nature, and finding a morning routine that works for you. But the single biggest thing that you can do is something that no one else can see. It’s raising your own self-awareness.
When you raise your own self-awareness, you become aware of both what is happening around you and inside you. You start to realize things such as:
- Your triggers and what sets you off
- What motivates you
- When you need to stop and take a break
- How your actions and words affect other people around you
Problem areas that you might need to work on such as patience, active listening, worrying, letting your inner critic drag you down, overthinking things, etc.
With this increased awareness you start to have a clearer picture of what you really want out of life, gaining clarity and purpose.
You can’t fix a problem that you don’t know about. When you increase your self-awareness, it unlocks the door to a better understanding of yourself and what you need and want to improve your life.
Jennifer Webb, Contentment Questing
Witty, enthusiastic, relatable, uplifting, and informative – that’s what you can expect from the speaker and author Jennifer Webb. When she founded Contentment Questing in 2017 she was determined to not only find joy in her own life but to share what she learned. A small website soon gave way to publishing 3 books and hosting her own radio show on B2 Internet Radio.
#3. Find Your True Inner Self
My top priority in improving your life is finding your true inner self. Understanding your inner self brings more peace to your mind and keeps you grounded in times of self-doubting. As for me, knowing you’re truly yourself is only the first step of improving your life for future purposes.
Like in the present, it was always better to find one specific choice as knowing your why and its purpose, to keep motivated. As time goes when you feel lost, remember your “WHY” is so powerful. That is what I did when I keep wondering if I keep doing it right every day. If you keep reminding yourself why you start, you will keep on tracking your small happiness and being grateful even times flies so fast like a flash.
As a digital creator or blogger, I’ve realized that no achievement you can receive in one day. Always remember, the fruit of improving life is to follow your intuition of doing better for yourself and empowering others to do the same. Then, small happiness flows every day with gratefulness. We are all different but, one thing is for sure you are a flower that has its time to bloom.
Mikhaela Alyssa Adarve
Mikhaela Alyssa Adarve is a travel management university graduate, who hails in the Philippines. She is a freelancer, model, Language Translator & Digital Creator who loves to share her insightful travel tips, honest food reviews, the importance of self-love & raising the awareness of sustainable fashion.
#4. Cultivate Your Intuition
I use my intuition in my daily life, to help me to follow my True North, and lead a life I love. When I tap into my intuition and listen to my Higher Self, I’m easily directed toward the next step. Cultivating and trusting my intuition is an ongoing practice that enables me to live a life of alignment and flow.
Here are some of the ways you might recognize your intuition speaking to you:
- A sensation in your belly, chills, or goosebumps.
- A distinct feeling.
- A picture or vision in your mind’s eye.
- A thought that illuminates the next step on your path.
- A sign, such as seeing a particular number sequence on a license plate, or words on a sign that have meaning to you.
- A smell or taste in your mouth.
- A gentle massage that you hear from beyond.
Using my Intuition as my compass enhances all areas of my life. What path is your intuition leading you on to create the best possible version of yourself and a life that you love?
Talei, Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Talei Loloma supports women in the sacred process of creating a Soul-Led Life and Business. She brings together tools she has acquired over the past two decades from 1000’s hours of studying, training, and teaching as a highly celebrated Yoga Teacher, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Akashic Records Reader, Circle Facilitator, and devotee of the Mystic Arts.
#5. Pay Attention To The Patterns
If there’s one suggestion I’d recommend enhancing your daily experiences, it’s this: Pay attention to the patterns in and around your life.
Every day we encounter various patterns that provide feedback about our efforts. These patterns inform us on what works and what doesn’t – the areas in which we should direct more time and energy, and the areas in which these resources should be conserved.
Everything changes when you hone in on the processes, actions, and attitudes that truly make a difference and bring you closer to your desired outcome.
As well as paying attention to the patterns in your life, you should pay attention to the patterns in the lives of successful people whom you admire. What qualities do they all have in common? What routines and rituals have they been following for years?
On the other hand, what patterns do you notice in the people in your life who aren’t very successful? What habits continually prevent them from reaching their full potential?
Sure, you can try to reinvent the wheel, but you’ll move faster and more efficiently if you observe and apply the lessons that are all around you.
Roli Edema, Personal Development Coach
Roli Edema is a personal development coach and blogger. Her work has been featured on various online publications including Under30CEO, Thrive Global, and Addicted2Success. Through her work, Roli reaches an audience of professionals and entrepreneurs and shares practical insights to help individuals reach their goals. Roli shares how to have the Mindset of a Winner.
#6. Practice Emotional Authenticity
I improve the quality of my daily life by practicing emotional authenticity. That means acknowledging how I feel every day. If I’m feeling content and up, I’m productive, creative, and positive.
If I’m feeling down or unwell, I admit it, accept it, and try not to spiral from any negative self-talk (meaning I accomplish what I can with the amount of time and energy I have). Along the same lines, if a work or life task causes undue stress or anxiety, I step away from it for a while. Even a five-minute break can bring clarity, which affects my mood and productivity.
Jennifer, Mama Book Work
Jennifer Jarvis Burt is a mom of four who loves horror movies, crosswords and running around barefoot. You can find her featured articles on Scary Mommy. Read about her up-to-date book recommendations and parenting life at MamaBookWorm.
Shift Your Perspective On Life
Do you find that you’re often feeling overly negative about everyday life? Does the quality of your daily life feel less than desirable? It’s hard sometimes to pull yourself up from the mundanity of daily life. The days in and out of just work, home life, or school can be too much. When you cannot change the reality of your daily life you have to change the quality of your thoughts and perspective.
- Don’t Believe Everything You Think
- Use Your Imagination Every Day
- Embark on the Art of Living
- Put One Foot in Front of the Other
- Take it One Day At a Time
#7. Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Human beings have more than 60,000 thoughts per day. There is so much drama going on in our head but actually, it’s not because you think something that it’s necessarily true!
Simply, become more aware of the thoughts you’re having. Don’t beat yourself up for what you’re going to find! Look at it from a place of compassion and curiosity. Observe your thoughts passing like clouds in the sky.
This will improve the quality of your daily life in a second and you’ll definitely feel more in control of your life!
Tamara Pflug, Certified Life Coach
Tamara Pflug is a certified life coach, and a personal development champion, she’s passionate about helping millennials (like her!) become more self-confident. Connect with her at Personal Development Zone.
#8. Use Your Imagination Every Day
I like to find ways to use my imagination every day. It is the perfect way to find joy in even the most mundane tasks.
- When I shower in the morning, I turn on some candles and imagine I am at the spa.
- When I eat throughout the day, I make it look beautiful and pretend I am enjoying a special dish at a restaurant.
- I like to enjoy a coffee or tea in the afternoon with a book and some cafe soundscapes.
- It is also a goal of mine to go for romantic walks through fields and forests whenever I get the chance.
- When I go to sleep at night, I imagine myself falling asleep on a soft cloud.
The world is full of such lovely moments, but our perspectives often dull the beauty. Practice using your imagination to romanticize your life and enjoy the sweet gifts that even the most difficult days may offer. You will start to grow more aware of all of the things you have to be grateful for!
Genesis, Teacher
Genesis is a teacher and an organizational enthusiast who loves to develop routines and systems for daily life. She created her blog, In Its Season, to share those systems with others so that they can live a simpler life that is built for their unique needs. She believes that all people have the power to live an authentic life that never feels like a ‘daily grind’, and she works to help empower those around her to create that life for themselves!
#9. Embark on the Art of Living
Your quality of life can increase immensely when you take a practical approach in your Art of Living. This is a consistent observation I have made of the people around me and myself. A practical approach to life eliminates the illusions surrounding our everyday lives. We get to see things for what they are, then adapt & interact with them in a beneficial way.
Life is so much easy from a practical perspective. In fact, anxieties are greatly reduced. This is because one is able to get to the root of a problem without bias- internally or externally influenced. That is much better than blaming things and people for our misfortunes which sorta creates an illusion of comfort.
Does it make sense, dear reader?
Adopt a practical approach for every venture you embark on in your life. This includes exciting adventures, love, relationship, work, entrepreneurship, habit formation and other exciting ventures in life. A practical approach to life makes life so much easy. Besides, potential problems can be seen before they grow to be nuisances in your life. This is because you are keeping everything real in your Art of Living. Cheers!
Chimezie, Weekly Bagel
Chimezie Ukwuoma is the Founder of WeeklyBagel– an Art of Living Blog dedicated to helping young adults and millennials improve their personal finance, lifestyle & mental health awareness through practical living.
#10. Put One Foot in Front of the Other
I have found that positive thoughts, positive people, and just continuing to put one foot in front of the other have put me on the right track. I prefer to see the sunny side of life, but don’t confuse sunny for naivete because I fully realize there are clouds and shadows out there. In fact, I have had plenty of clouds and shadows in my life.
Most likely I will have more fall on my path, but until then, why worry about something that’s not in front of me right now. Why dwell on something I can’t do anything about right now? If there’s a cloud in my path and some rain has to fall, I won’t ignore it or pretend it’s not there, but instead, I will look for an umbrella to get me through it. Maybe I might just dance through the puddles that rain brings.
One thing I no longer want to do is stand and look out the window at the pouring rain doing nothing at all. So since I have the power to make the choice, I think I’ll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and focus on the sunny side of life!
#11. Take it One Day At a Time
I focus only on what I have to do today. In the past, on say, a Monday, I used to find myself worrying about a meeting I had that Thursday. Or I’d worry about how I was going to fit in my workout on a busy Wednesday. I’d worry about what to make for dinner on Saturday.
Now I only focus on one day at a time. Doing that allows me to better focus on my daily goals and consequently feel empowered with all that I accomplished! “One day at a time” is the everyday motto that I share with everyone I know since it’s been so life-changing in my own life.
Emily Feldpausch, Speical Education Teacher
Emily Feldpausch is a Special Education teacher with a bachelor’s in Psychology, and 2 Masters degrees in education. She is the parent to 3 boys under 6, and the co-owner of a CrossFit gym. She started writing as a means for processing ill feelings about social media. It led to discoveries of how ridding your life of self-identified toxins leads to a more enriched life. She’s sharing her thoughts on that in a weekly blog.
Explore Life In This Moment
If you’re thinking about improving your quality of life, it’s normal to think of ways to shake things up. Maybe you’re ready to stop daydreaming about solo traveling the world, or starting a new hobby for example. Before you can get out and explore, take a moment to be here and enjoy the now. To be present at this moment and to appreciate every aspect of it. You don’t have to travel far, to travel deep.
- Clear Your Mind with Daily Meditation
- Do Mindful Walking Meditation
- Enjoy a Few Minutes Every Day In Nature
- Take a Break or Change Your Scenery
- Find Somewhere Worth Discovering
#12. Clear Your Mind with Daily Meditation
By far the greatest tool for my daily wellbeing that I have discovered would be meditation. I simply cannot live without it! It has changed the way that I live my life completely. I have gone from a habitual worrier to someone who doesn’t overthink or over worry.
My mind is clearer and I can put things into perspective much more easily. I have been meditating for about 2 yrs now and it is a daily practice that I look forward to. I think a lot of people put too much expectation on the experience of meditating, but I believe if you allow your body and mind to relax, don’t overthink it, and start small you will learn to enjoy the process.
There are many apps available for people to try, they make it easy and enjoyable for beginners. My recommendation is that everyone should try meditation at least once, I even have my kids listening to meditation to help them sleep at night and it’s amazing!
Stephanie, Personal Growth Blogger
Stephanie Pick is a Personal Growth Blogger. She shares insights and motivations on her blog on a range of subjects including Self-Care, Intuition, Meditation, and Life’s Inspirations. She is passionate about getting people to connect with their inner truth and live their best life.
#13. Do A Mindful Walking Meditation
My tip to enhance a daily experience is this: take a guided walking meditation. If you’re anything like me, you love to take a walk to clear your head, to connect with nature by getting outside. And if you ever thought, “I really want to get into meditation but always feel like I’m super bad at it”, then taking a mindful walk may be a good fit for you.
Mindful walking or walking meditation can be an entry point for meditation practice. It combines taking a walk and using the time and slower pace to be more mindful of your breathing and surroundings. Recent research has shown it may help boost wellbeing when done regularly.
According to, a walking meditation practice can: boost blood flow, improve digestion, reduce anxiety, improves wellbeing, improves sleep quality, and even make exercise more enjoyable. I also recommend walking meditation among others if you want a more flexible start to meditate. Now you can turn a simple walk into a superpower by injecting more mindfulness into this everyday light exercise.
Helena, Certified Yoga Instructor
Helena Knows is a 200hr YTT certified yoga instructor who helps others to beat stress and build resilience. She is intensely curious about how to maintain physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing through practical, daily habits. Connect with her at Seven Sundays Yoga.
#14. Enjoy a Few Minutes Every Day In Nature
One of those quick and easy things that I take a few minutes with every day is nature. No, I’m not talking about needing a hike or getting lost out in some wild place. Think more like stopping under a flowering tree on a city corner, or getting lost in a single tulip flower outside of your office.
Nature has a way of relieving stress and resetting our mental states back into one of easy. This is something I have taken on and expanded more with my children and especially with our little autistic guy. A few moments with a simple plant can truly bring you back into a calm mental setting and that is the mental state where we can accomplish the most!
David Brace
David N Brace has been featured in places such as WaPo. He was once a quadriplegic and after having a near-death experience and miraculous recovery, now helps families grow stronger bonds and deeper spiritual connections
#15. Take a Break or Change Your Scenery
It may not always seem like it but sometimes all we need to lift our moods and improve our daily lives is to take a bit of a break from them! Whether that is a change of scenery, a pause in the everyday work-life routine, or a bit of summer sun.
Anyone can travel the world, even if you work full-time. When you travel, you explore new places, go on adventures, meet new people, and embrace new cultures and experiences. Travel broadens your horizons, gives you a taste of the unknown, and gives you real-life education. You’ll often return from a trip having learned something new. A fun fact about a destination, a new recipe to try, or a new type of music, can help spice up the mundane every day.
Plus, it gives you memories for life. Of course, you’ll have some great memories of my home life, but some of the best memories that you have will be the ones that you make in another country or on the road. Overall, traveling can shape you into a confident, more well-rounded person and is definitely a way to improve your daily life.
Alice, Travel Blogger
Alice is the author of the adventure travel and lifestyle blog, Adventures of Alice, featuring destination guides, money-saving tips, foodie guides, and travel advice from around the globe. An ex-culinary whizz turned adventure traveler and a serious lover of bucket lists, she created Adventures of Alice to help others travel for less and inspire people to explore more of the world.
#16. Find Somewhere Worth Discovering
To improve the quality of my daily life I incorporate it with traveling. Now when I say traveling, I don’t necessarily mean planning a trip to Dubai even though that would be awesome but what I mean is, finding somewhere that is worth discovering. Finding somewhere that will make you happy and forget about all your stress at work and the stress that comes with life. And no, traveling doesn’t mean you will be spending a lot of money.
Think about somewhere you will like to visit like an ice cream shop, the movie theater, you name, and do it. I promise you; you feel better. For me, it’s taking a trip to visit my family and friend for the weekend, hiking, exploring nature, and take in all the beautiful sceneries that exist. The fun part is thinking out where to go next.
Traveling is all about coming out of your comfort zone and experiencing life. Dedicating some time to travel and exploring new places can be rewarding and relaxing. Not to mention, traveling has numerous benefits especially when it comes to our health. Consider traveling more!
Wayneish, Tourism Specialist
Wayneish is a tourism specialist, blogger, and life tackler. She’s an average girl who almost let fear stopped her from building a blog that changed her life and is now sharing her life to help you tackle yours. She hopes to meet and encourage others that now is the time to take control of your life and start living.
Practice Positive Daily Gratitude
Looking for ways to improve your life quality right now? You can, by being more positive and practicing gratitude. You don’t have to defeat every negative thought or difficult moment you face, but you can turn things around with a single more positive, more thankful one. Use the following ways to make daily life better for yourself, starting with your mindset. What if you were more thankful?
- Start Your Day Positively
- Practice Daily Gratitude
- Start a Bullet Gratitude Journal
- Write Down Three Things You Are Grateful For
- Have Gratitude in Everything
- Develop a Winning Mindset
#17. Start Your Day Positively
First of all, I’d like to say this – we are not weak, we’ve just been blessed with limitations. That being said, I think hydration, rest, and sleep are THE magic combo toward starting your day on a positive note.
When you have a positive start to your day, it will carry over and affect your mindset on practically everything! Now that we’ve covered physical health, my favorite personal journeys have been all mental.
Every day, when driving to school, I say out loud “I am worthy. I am gifted. And I have been set apart.” Building the ability to resist the temptation of comparing yourself to others will take you a long way.
#18. Practice Daily Gratitude
I am someone who really chokes at routine, it kills me. I love each day to be different but here I am working a 9-5 job so it’s really important for me to be able to unpick my time and feel positive about it.
Practicing gratitude is something I have personally found really beneficial in terms of improving the quality of daily life. Practicing gratitude draws your attention to the good and positive elements in your life and within your day. This rebalances the scales when you find yourself in negative situations or sitting with negative thoughts.
I find that the daily practice of gratitude to reflect on something positive really lifts my mood and makes me feel a lot lighter and happier in myself. It also draws attention to the smaller things that often go unnoticed or are taken for granted. The people you love or the little things that went well but sometimes get overshadowed by bigger things.
#19. Start a Bullet Gratitude Journal
Rarely in my life have I been a regular journaler, and the few times I have, it didn’t bring the tremendous benefits it’s supposed to. I would write about all the things that went wrong or that annoyed me instead of reflecting and growing as a person.
Then, weeks, months, or even years later, I’d look back on my journal and read all these petty little problems that I’d completely forgotten about. Why on earth did I want to record that for posterity? I’d ask myself after reading how a coworker slighted me at the office kitchen in 2015. It’s easy to say we should find gratitude – I found it harder to do in practice.
I was only inspired to write when I was not in a positive mindset. This caused me to associate journaling with unhappiness, which naturally made it both hard to continue and hard to find benefits in doing so.
Both these problems — my inability to stick to journaling, and my lack of benefits from journaling — made me want to look for a solution. And I found it in a simple three-bullet gratitude journal.
Simply by asking myself to record three good things that happened every single night, I was able to transform my journaling problem into an opportunity for me to find the right mindset for gratitude.
#20. Write Down Three Things You Are Grateful For
Life is full of ups and downs and back and forths. There is no one in the world that has amazing days, every day. No matter what, something can come up and make you feel down in the dumps. So how do you deal with the worst days? The answer is being grateful.
Develop a habit to daily write down 3 things that you are grateful for from that day. I personally have a calendar event on my phone that reminds me every day at 8 pm to practice gratitude. This way, even during the worst of days you are forced to dig deep and identify the positive things that came out of that day.
Being grateful gives you a perspective of the things that are important and forces you to be positive. You begin to appreciate the things in life and your outlook and perspective completely changed. Even on the best of days, it forces you to live in the moment and appreciate the good things that are happening. This is single-handedly the best exercise to increase motivation, get out of a bad mood, and learn to live in the moment, every day.
#21. Have Gratitude in Everything
My secret for living my best life: practicing gratitude in everything I do. It starts the moment I wake up, and it’s something I try to consistently do throughout each and every day, and ends with one final thought of gratitude when my head hits the pillow each night.
Our mindset is our most powerful weapon, and it can also be our biggest weakness. When we view our stressful situations as that: stressful, distracting, defeating, then our attitudes and behaviors will start to follow suit.
But when we can shift our mindset and view every obstacle as an opportunity, and when we can take it one step further and be grateful for the opportunities in front of us, then that is when our life will change and happiness will become our norm.
Natasha, Truly Simply Healthy
Natasha Funderburk is a wife, #boymom, NASM-Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and ACE-Behavior Change Specialist at Truly Simply Healthy. When not watching her son play baseball, she can be found on various writing platforms, coaching her clients to live their best lives, drinking all the coffee, and conducting living-room dance parties.
#22. Develop a Winning Mindset
For me to develop a winning mindset and attitude daily as part of my morning ritual, I spend 20 minutes reading or audio listening to business lessons and life experiences of highly influential people ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Alibaba founder Jack Ma and Joel Osteen.
The objective for me is to learn both from their failures and success, how they keep believing in themselves and their life purpose when nobody else did, and how they overcome life challenges as human beings and leaders continuously during different seasons of their lives. They’re teaching me how to invest in my path to success.
What I draw from their life experiences is the ability to embrace my personal life challenges from a more objective perspective, and to remind myself that every opportunity and setback that I am going through is designed to impart the wisdom that I need to level up my life.
Subsequently, no matter how hard it is, I spend time applying in my own ways what I have learned to different aspects of my life in relation to self-discipline, humility, resilience, positivity, vulnerability, consistency, and goals setting.
Unplug and Live in the Moment
Are you constantly on your phone or devices? What about always thinking about the future, what’s next, or living in the past? It’s hard to improve your life quality when you’re not even living today. Use the following tips to help you unplug and live in the moment. Less is more when it comes to a truly fulfilling quality of life.
- Enjoy a Mindful Cup of Coffee
- Focus On Yourself in the Morning
- No Notifications After Work
- Unplug From Work And Devices
- Embrace The Values of Minimalism
#23. Enjoy a Mindful Cup of Coffee
My morning routine improved dramatically after I learned about Specialty Coffee. Since then, I experiment with coffee brewing methods, using most principles, and learning through practice. Elevating my coffee experience has allowed me to enjoy more every sip of coffee, enrich my mornings, and cut my coffee intake, surprisingly!
I recommend learning about Specialty Coffee to every coffee lover out there. It’s life-changing. Every morning my home fills with the scent of freshly ground coffee, and then with its aroma as I brew it. My perspective about coffee pricing has changed as well after I started to buy from local roasters and learning about the people who grew and picked the beans. Certainly, I spend more money per pound than before, but as I enjoy more my coffee, I don’t drink it without thinking about it like I used to.
In short, I am more mindful about my coffee brewing and drinking, and it has enhanced my awareness and focus. Moreover, I am healthier now, as I quit smoking and I drink a couple of coffee cups a day, instead of my old coffee binging.
Yker Valerio, Bon Vivant Caffe
Yker Valerio is a coffee blogger who writes to help coffee enthusiasts enjoy all the coffee pleasures. After more than 10 years as a management consultant, Yker is a full-time content writer specializing in coffee, food, and travel. Connect at Bon Vivant Caffe.
#24. Focus On Yourself In the Morning
There are so many internal and external factors that influence your quality of life. Hopefully, you’ve learned that you can’t often control many external factors, but you can control how you choose to show up for yourself and others.
I tend to focus on enhancing my daily experiences by working on my personal development and growth. Starting your day with some breathwork, light reading, and journaling are a few ways to work on nourishing your mind.
How you spend the first bit of your day sets a precedent for the rest of it. Wake up a little earlier than you usually would, and instead of getting down to work – switch it up and focus on yourself.
I genuinely believe to live a quality life, we need to invest in our minds, take care of ourselves, and feed our souls. To pour into others, we must first pour into ourselves.
Ilakkiya, Wander Is Calling
Ilakkiya believes that we are multifaceted beings on a lifelong healing journey. She is a mindset coach, blogger, adventurer, and enthusiastic storyteller. She dedicates an invaluable amount of time to self-development and learning. Connect with her at Wander Is Calling.
#25. No Notifications After Work
As a parent, I am always looking for ways and strategies to improve the quality of my daily life. Via modern wisdom such as Atomic Habits or Anti-fragile, I sandbox time with my family and remove all notifications from my life after 5 pm.
This has brought about giant positives to the time I spend with my kids. Removing notifications from my post-work time is, without doubt, the biggest improvement to the quality of my daily life because by being present, your time is of a higher quality. You’ve got to stop your internet addiction and be more present.
#26. Unplug From Work And Devices
One thing I like to do every day to make life better is to completely unplug from work at the end of the day. I work from home, and at first, I found it difficult to take much-needed time for myself. When you work from home, it can be easy to work longer hours and not get the same kind of work-life balance you might have working in an office.
I like to turn off my computer at night and put it away in another room – out of sight out of mind! That gives me a physical and mental distance from work like commuting home from the office every day might do for you.
And if my mind starts racing with to-do list items I’ve forgotten, I write it down on a notepad that I can save for when I log back on the next day. From my experience, unplugging at the end of the day is a really effective way to prevent burnout and improve quality of life.
Erin Amborski, Self-Care Seeker
Erin Amborski is a self-care enthusiast and blogger. In her blog, Self Care Seeker, Erin helps women through their self-care journeys by writing about physical and mental health topics such as exercise, skincare, anxiety, etc. In today’s world with life’s daily stresses, we could all use more self-care. To embark on your own self-care journey, check out and subscribe to download free life-changing self-care resources.
#27. Embrace The Values of Minimalism
Minimalism is the art of living with less and buying everything with purpose. It helps you clear your mind, live with intention and save money. Some habits I do partake in minimalism daily are sticking to drinking water, leaving items in my cart, and selling unused items.
I also strongly value experiences over things as I have learned that experiences are what leave me with true happiness. Investing in items that help me reduce the number of things I own such as organizers and reusable containers has also helped me live with less. I clean spaces and surfaces as I go as well as recycle as much as I can.
Minimalism is completely achievable by every person. Being a minimalist has improved my quality of life tenfold. After becoming a minimalist, I now live with less clutter and a free mind and it’s been an amazing experience. I encourage everyone to try implementing in their daily routine. Try these minimalist lifestyle tips to save money.
Create Daily Routines
When looking to improve your daily life, breaking your day into routines and rituals is the perfect place to start. How can you improve your mornings, afternoons, evenings, and nights? Think about the things you do day in and day out and how they influence and impact you. What if they inspired, empowered, and motivated you instead? Start creating daily routines like these and you will begin to feel that way.
- Feel Good In the Morning
- Wake Up Early for “Me” Time
- Do Something Fun in the Morning
- Take Care of Your Mind, Body, and Soul
- Implement a Healthy Morning and Night Routine
#28. Feel Good In The Morning
One thing that will greatly improve the quality of your life is having a morning routine. There are many beneficial things you can do as part of your morning routine. Yet, the most important aspect is taking the time each morning to get yourself in a good feeling place.
Every day starts with morning and hence mornings are the times that initiate the momentum for the day. So you want to make sure that you start your days with positive momentum.
I recommend including meditation in your morning routine. Yet, when it comes to creating a morning routine, it’s more important to find something that works for you. This might be journaling, reading, going on a walk, doing yoga, visualizing, saying affirmations, petting your dog, or a combination of those.
And whenever you feel like you have milked a practice, don’t hesitate to change your morning routine up. You are a human, not a robot.
I know, many people have to get up early. Yet, getting up an hour earlier to have some time to yourself will have a tremendous positive impact on the quality of your life.
#29. Wake Up Early for “Me” Time
One way I improve my quality of life is to wake up early and have some ‘me’ time. Having a 14-month-old has made it difficult to find time for myself, so I optimize the time he is asleep. My ‘me’ time looks different everyday. It could be enjoying a quiet cup of tea, journaling, listening to a podcast, taking an Epsom salt bath, or getting in a yoga session.
Before I set aside time for myself, I was easily overwhelmed and constantly worn out. My relationships felt strained and my work was suffering. My quality of life was not what I wanted it to be and I started evaluating what could be done. I have always been a morning person so it was obvious that I would use that time for myself. It was difficult at first but once I tend to my needs, I am ready for the rest of the day, whatever it may bring!
Try these habits to quickly center yourself when feeling overwhelmed.
Stacie, Living Out Inner Peace
Stacie is a first-time, working mom who strives to help those, like her, live a more peaceful life. As a laid-back, Enneagram 9, she wants to create harmony wherever she goes. She is an American Sign Language interpreter, bridging the gap between the hearing and d/Deaf world.
#30. Do Something Fun in the Morning
I work at home full-time which can sometimes mean that it’s hard to self-motivate and be productive.
I’ve found that doing something fun like watching a TV show while drinking my morning coffee, reading a chapter of my book, or working on a puzzle first thing in the morning helps get me out of bed earlier and it starts my day on a pleasant and productive note!
Use these tips to start your day successfully while working at home.
#31. Take Care of Your Mind, Body, and Soul
I believe that improving the quality of your daily life starts in your own mind. As someone who has struggled with mental health, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to live a truly fulfilling and enjoyable life when your own mind is saying otherwise. That’s why I firmly believe that it starts within yourself.
This involves taking care of yourself—your mind, body, and soul. In order to feel truly fulfilled, you need to feel like you are enough as you are. For me, this included improving my self-confidence surrounding my body and my appearance. I struggled with an eating disorder for a few years and learning to love myself as I am was one of the only ways to help me get back to living a life that I truly loved.
Delaney Smith, Authentically Del
Delaney Smith is a productivity and self-improvement blogger that focuses on discovering new ways to live life as your best, most authentic self. She is the CEO of her company, Authentically Del, in which she runs a blog and social media accounts focusing on topics surrounding success, authenticity, self-improvement, and mental health.
#32. Implement a Healthy Morning and Night Routine
I improve the quality of my daily life by implementing a healthy routine for my nights and mornings. After dinner, I place my cell phone on a charger and I don’t pick it up for more than 5 minutes. This allows me to focus on relaxing, creating a to-do list for the morning, and getting a GREAT night’s sleep.
As a result, I easily wake up at 5:30 am to get a jump start on my day. I work best once I have my coffee in the early morning hours! This small change to my routine has made mornings incredibly productive and my nights incredibly relaxing!
Use Self-Care Rituals
Do you rush throughout your day without taking a moment for yourself? When was the last time you treated yourself to a little self-care? One of the best ways to improve life quality is to pamper yourself, take care of yourself and enjoy some me-time. You are important! What’s the point of life if you’re don’t take a minute to enjoy and celebrate yourself.
- Start and End the Day with Self Care
- Set Daily Stretching Sessions
- Spend 10 Minutes Per Day on Self-Care
- Plan A Daily Self-Care Activity
- Take Care of Your Body, Inside and Out
#33. Start and End the Day with Self Care
I start off my day with a workout, and when I’m done with that I either do a DIY face mask, lip scrub, or body scrub. Using a DIY product helps me relax and start off the day calm, ready, and energized. These DIY products contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals to improve the overall health of your skin.
Self-care is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves to feel good. Because when you feel good, you can do anything. Not only that, but you can see a difference in the quality of life. I use these things both when I start my day, and when I end.
It just helps with making my day better. I like using them to end my day because I can let go all of the days stress with a good body scrub or face mask, like these amazing oatmeal face masks. Not only that, but they smell good too!
#34. Set Daily Stretching Sessions
Three stretching sessions daily help me improve my life. When I first started, I had lower back and pelvic pain, and physical therapy didn’t help. I knew how beneficial stretching could be from my psychology study, so I figured out what muscles needed the most stretching; for me, these are the legs, abs, and lower back. I searched for stretching exercises for these muscles, and after one week, I already saw a considerable improvement in my mood and pain levels.
Stretching keeps me active; it lowers my pain level, keeps me mobile, and improves my mood. I always feel renewed and ready to go after a stretching session. I can recommend it to anyone, especially if you don’t have the time or energy to go to the gym. These are good habits to start.
#35. Spend 10 Minutes Per Day on Self-Care
How much time in a day do you spend on self-care? Are you guilty of not prioritizing yourself because of your busy schedule?
You don’t need to spare a chunk of your time for self-care activities. Spending as much as 10 minutes per day doing self-care activities can have many positive effects on your life. When you make taking care of yourself a priority it can reduce your stress, boost your mood and make you more productive. It will also help you to better serve the people around you. A brisk walk in nature, reading your favorite book, or spending time doing nothing – all of these come under self-care activities. You just have to pick one or a few self-care activities and practice them daily according to the availability of your time.
Spending a few minutes a day doing self-care activities is neither selfish nor a waste of time. It will significantly improve the quality of your daily life and help you live better.
So, from today onwards start prioritizing time for self-care without feeling guilty. You deserve it, undoubtedly. Here are 20 self-care ideas for your well-being.
#36. Plan A Daily Self-Care Activity
I make sure to plan one self-care activity each day. It doesn’t have to be complex or time-consuming, but it has to be one activity that truly nourishes some part of me.
Plus, It could be as simple as repeating positive affirmations or writing down a gratitude list, but it’s solely for *me*.
It used to be a challenge for me to find time for self-care, but now that I *make* time for self-care by scheduling it into my day, I’m making it happen!
It’s such a simple change – just writing down my self-care activity for the day in my planner – but it’s made a huge change to my daily life.
More than that, I’m seeing a real impact on my mindset and perspective. Every act of self-care reminds me that I am worthy and deserving of that attention and love!
Adriana Thani
Adriana Thani is passionate about helping women find balance, clarity, and direction in their lives. She creates content around personal development, productivity, wellness, and self-care. You can find out more about Adriana and discover her blog at!
#37. Take Care of Your Body, Inside and Out
Taking care of your body on the inside and out is so important and can make a huge change in the way you feel about your daily life.
One ritual that has boosted my confidence and self-esteem is adopting a consistent skincare regimen. I use cruelty-free, vegan skincare products that I know are good for my skin and I can feel good about supporting them.
Since taking a few minutes to myself each morning and evening to do my skincare routine, I have seen a noticeable transformation in the health and appearance of my skin. I struggled with acne since my adolescent years, so to finally feel confident in my skin has done wonders on my self-esteem. (Check out these cruelty-free vegan skincare products).
The transformation isn’t just on the outside, though. Using this time to focus on myself, reflect on my day, and enjoy the tranquility is one way I begin and end my day with a feeling of clarity and the knowledge that I’ve done something beneficial for myself.
When I feel good about myself on the outside, I can spend more time improving myself on the inside. Sometimes small things like giving yourself some extra TLC can liven your spirits and make your day a little more enjoyable.
Lacey, Guide to Vegan
Lacey is a professional writer who specializes in health, wellness, and skincare. She is a huge advocate of her long-time plant-based diet, and she loves to help people improve the way they feel in their own skin. Since graduating with a BA in English, her work has been featured in Healthline, Livestrong, Verywell Fit, EltaMD, Simply Recipes, Business Insider, and more. In addition to owning her own writing business,, she also has a blog,, that revolves around cruelty-free living.
Set Productive Routines and Rules
Would your quality of life be improved if you were more efficient and effective? Whether at home, school, or work, productivity (or rather how productive we feel) definitely impacts our sense of life quality. When you are more productive, getting things done, and crushing your to-do list, you feel more successful, more accomplished. Use these daily habits to help you improve your life quality today.
- Stick To the Rule of Three
- Write A To-Do List
- Just Go With The Flow
- Use the 5-Minute Rule
- Get Daily Support and Accountability
- Schedule Your Day the Night Before
- Plan Out Your Dinners and Shopping
- Use a Problem Solving Trick
#38. Stick To the Rule of Three
The Rule of 3, that’s the one strategy I follow to feel accomplished and happy. The satisfaction of doing what makes a difference to my goals in life is the one thing that keeps me excited and makes my daily life better. It makes my time meaningfully spent.
If you are wondering what the Rule of 3 is, let me explain…
Days can be full of endless to-do-list, unexpected requests, boring “stuff” that has to be done… A million different things that can drag us down and consume our energy and motivation.
My Rule of 3 is very simple.
I set 3 weekly deadlines at the end of the week for the coming week. I define these based on my goals.
Then every day, I set 3 priorities for the day. I dedicate my most productive time of day exclusively to my 3 priorities for the day. That means for me that I time block the whole morning to crunch through the important 3. No distractions, no other things that pop up. Just what matters that day.
The Rule of 3 is my framework to achieve my goals, when so many competing tasks demand my time.
Isabel Talens
Isabel Talens helps online entrepreneurs level up their skills on content creation, mindset & digital marketing in She’s had leadership roles in corporations for 24+ years. She has executed transformation programs worth $1billion+ working at the senior level, led teams of 200+ people across global geographies, operating with very large, medium, and small organizations… you name it, she’s done it!
#39. Write A To-Do List
The best thing I did to make my life quality better is “Writing a To-do list”. I have a dedicated diary for this purpose.
I write it daily and include everything I need to do the next day. My house chores, meal timing and menu, workout schedule, prayer timings, and even my self-care goals. It just takes 3-5 minutes to prepare my daily planner.
Of course, I can’t follow it 100% but this practice has helped me a lot in staying more organized and energetic throughout the day and I feel like I’m much more productive than ever before.
We’ve always been taught in school about the benefits of writing a plan rather than just thinking in the mind. Now when I implemented it in my life, I started realizing its benefits. A written plan definitely helps in completing life goals with efficiency without wasting time, energy, and other resources.
Just make sure to keep the diary in any place where you spend most of the time of the day, just like in the kitchen or on the side table of your bed, and keep ticking the things you have completed.
Farwa, The Homemaker Mama
Farwa is a stay-at-home mother of a toddler and is passionate about finding better ways of parenting and organizing the home. She is a Chartered Accountant but left her career after becoming a mother. Connect with her on the Homemaker Mama.
#40. Just Go With The Flow
Simply going with the flow. In my new life out of corporate and into blogging, I work with a coach to ensure I am focusing on the “right” things.
And important to getting those done: setting quarterly and monthly goals, not daily or weekly. I generally outline post content/topics each week but by allowing myself to focus on longer-term goals. Try it!
You can be productive when you are in the flow and not force yourself onto projects when your head and heart are not in it. Here are 3 reasons why you need flow state as an entrepreneur.
Daphne Reznik
Daphne Reznik is the creator of the Free at 50 blog, which focuses on life after corporate, how to transition into professional freedom and resources to create income streams. She has a diverse background having worked in state government, small business, and most recently, a large corporate entity.
#41. Use the 5-Minute Rule
I have started to use the 5-minute rule to help fight procrastination. It started with dirty floors. I kept thinking to myself every day I needed to sweep these floors. But my tendency to procrastinate just kept putting it off.
I told myself if I just take 5 minutes to sweep at least a room or two a day I could get it done. I set a timer for 5 minutes and started sweeping and even though the timer went off I completed my task. It only took me 7 minutes total to sweep all the floors that needed to be swept. Here’s what to do with 5 minutes as a dad.
I have now started to use the 5-minute rule for other things around the house. Folding laundry, cleaning up junk drawers, cleaning my desk, are all tasks that I have tackled, and I am beating my procrastination. Now when I look at those clean floors, I feel so much better and feel I am making progress to beat procrastination.
#42. Get Daily Support and Accountability
I have a daily support buddy that I check in with at least once a day to help me stick to my routine, using Supporti, the accountability partner app. Having a buddy keeps me accountable to consistently sticking to positive behaviors, but even more importantly, it’s a way to meet new, friendly people and have something genuine to chat about (our goals, and the challenges of putting in the work regularly to meet them). I get to learn about my partner’s habits and help them stick to it, which makes me feel like a cheerleader.
Plus, I get to share my successes with them too! Personally, I prefer to connect with people one-on-one instead of the pressure of social media. During the pandemic, having a virtual accountability partner has been a lifesaver not only for helping me stick to positive habits, but also for helping me meet new people and feel socially connected! Social support is a real stress fighter!
Brigitte Granger, Supporti
Brigitte Granger is CEO and Founder of Supporti, the accountability partner app. Supporti helps procrastinators stay motivated and on track with their self-improvement goals by pairing them together as accountability partners. Her goal is to help people find the social support and accountability they need to achieve more and be their best selves.
#43. Schedule Your Day the Night Before
I found that organizing and scheduling my day the night before is how I’ve been able to improve my life in all aspects. I would go to my computer and add tasks that I would want to be completed the next day and fill in my trackers like fitness, expenses, earnings, and studying.
Visualizing the tasks that need to be completed throughout the day is a good method to avoid missing or forgetting anything and only getting back to it a few days later. Not only that, it has increased my overall productivity as I have a proper plan to stick to and time is spent on working on the things that are most important first, with dedicated breaks in between.
#44. Plan Out Your Dinners and Shopping
I use spiral menu planning for monthly shopping. It is a simple, easy to use method using a spiral notebook for meal planning. At the end of each month, your following month of dinners is already planned and the shopping list already made.
Knowing what’s for dinner takes a huge load of stress off of a busy day. Most of the time, frustration and discontent can be the fault of poor planning. Having my menu planned frees up time to explore fun and exciting new recipes that I didn’t have time to look through before. It also helped me declutter my cookbooks.
Jessica, Cedar Birch Musings
Jessica is a lifestyle blogger at Cedar Birch Musings who has been baking exclusively gluten free for over ten years, homeschool for over 11 years, and an retired exercise physiologist in cardiac rehab. She can be found with her family out on the water learning to sail or exploring nature.
#45. Use a Problem Solving Trick
I use this one simple trick to solve my problems easily and I hope that it will work for you too.
So, the trick is, whenever you are stuck in a problem or not able to come up with a solution, just try to solve the problem like you’re solving someone else’s problems. Behave like the problem you are facing is some other people’s problem and try to find the solution. Most of the time this trick works because when we need to help others, we try to find all the available solutions to help them, but that’s not the case when you want to solve your problem.
I have been using this trick for more than a year now and believe me, this way, I am able to solve my problems faster than ever.
Make Time for Reading
One of the best ways to improve your quality of life is to read more often. Escape from your reality, enhance your skills, learn new things, discover unthought-of solutions and so much more in books. Reading is also one of the most affordable ways to make your life better.
- Find New and Interesting Books
- Enhance Your Life WIth Reading
- Read Self-Help Books
- Find Solutions in Books
- Read Books Consistently
#46. Find New and Interesting Books
One effective way I make my life more interesting is by reading new books. Don’t let the fact that I said reading books get the best of you. Sure there are books on basically everything, but the key is filtering out the kinds of books you want from the sea out there.
I don’t rely on one genre of book, (it gets boring fast), rather, I read all kinds of books. Romance, Science Fiction, Self-help, Biographies, and more. Books are such a lovely way to get an insight into someone else’s life and understand how they saw the world. One of my personal Favorites is ‘To Kill a MockingBird’. Besides, when you want to strike up a conversation with someone, talking about the latest book you just read is a hot topic for debate.
#47. Enhance Your Life WIth Reading
Carving out a specific time each day to read is something that enhances my daily life. First and foremost, reading is something I really love to do, so making time to read each day, and immerse myself in another world for even a small amount of time, helps me to be a happier person.
Also, as a librarian, staying on top of new and popular books is important, and if I spend even a little time each day doing something that helps with that, it’s less overwhelming when I have to do job-related things like order new books for the library or recommend books to a student.
We’re all busy people, and it’s easy to just let that reading time slide into something else, so I make sure to schedule out when I’ll be reading each day-if I end up having additional time to curl up with a book, that’s great, but at the very least I’ll have that specific time set aside for reading.
Mrs. G
Ms. G is a school librarian by day, and an avid reader by night (and…most other times too!). She has been working in schools for a decade, and loves reading and recommending books to kids of all ages. When she isn’t working or reading, she loves to travel, bake, and hang out with her two cats.
#48. Read Self-Help Books
The effect of reading books in my life was dramatic. I did not grow up as a reader. I would have the excitement to start reading a book but I was not committed enough to finish it. Until I reached the rock bottom of my life, I needed help and the cheapest and easiest way I could find was to read self-help books. At that time, I had the commitment to finish my first book.
I also noticed, every time I put down a book, I am left inspired, in awe, and often itching to make my life better. Reading self-help books is one of the most effective ways to improving one’s life. The experts have said it. Successful people have emphasized it, but it is worth mentioning again.
Books are ways to gallivant around the world, change our perspectives in life and we get to live the life of other people by reading their work. Books are the ferry we need to travel across continents; the lens we need to widen our horizon; the source of inspiration and motivation to keep us moving forward. I highly recommend it.
Ali, Share to Inspire
Ali is the creator of Share to Inspire Blog. She is a self-growth enthusiast, and she created this platform to inspire and empower fellow women in the aspects of personal growth, productivity, relationships, and finance. Visit Share to Inspire Blog and get some fresh inspiration.
#49. Find Solutions In Books
I’ve found that, by far, reading is the best way to improve the quality of my daily life. Whatever problems I face, whatever obstacles I come across, there is a book out there with the answer, written by someone much smarter than me.
Someone who has spent a great deal of their time learning, consolidating, and ultimately sharing what they know.
Some of my favorite books include:
- Relationships: How to Be a Power Connector by Judy Robinett
- Business: The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
- Resilience: Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell
- Empathy: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
In your own reading, I encourage you to use books as a tool for learning, not for showing off to others. Read to learn. Then, apply what you’ve learned. Search for books in categories that interest you and expand out from there.
So long as you explore your interests and apply what you learn, you will change your daily life for the better.
Corey Fradin, QuickBooost
Corey Fradin is the founder of QuickBooost, a blog that helps you achieve your goals. Through his work, Corey shows you how to create a life of meaning and fulfillment. One of true goal success. Here’s How to Set Goals When You’ve Come Up Short in the Past.
#50. Read Books Consistently
Reading nonfiction, self-help books on a daily basis can greatly improve the quality of daily life and can positively impact your overall mood.
You can read books about personal transformation, how to improve your finances, relationship building, improving daily habits, or spiritual guidance. There are so many books available with an infinite number of perspectives and advice.
Learning these new skills not only improves your own daily life but can also have a positive impact on those around you as well. You can pass along information that you learn to friends and family to help them improve their own daily lives.
Make it a goal to read at least one book per month to stay consistent and never stop learning!
Tegan, Blissful Budget
Tegan is the founder and author of the website The Blissful Budget. This is a blog about helping you save more money, make more money, and reach financial freedom.
Improve Your Life Quality with Emotional Wellness
You can make your life better today by finding a way to make your life happier! When you are happy, relaxed, and enjoying life your quality of life is better.
Why not start with improving your emotional wellbeing? Get your FREE Improve Your Wellness eBook, with 35 more tips for living your best life.
Get your FREE eBook
Don’t forget, only YOU can decide what a good quality of life is. Coincidently, only YOU have to power to make better choices in your daily life to get there.
Start today, choose one of these many daily habits for better living, to help you get there.
Cheers to living a life you love!
How can you make your life better? Here are 50 practical ways to improve your life quality daily. Each small change can lead to a happier, healthier life. #HappyLife #BetterLife #InvestInYou #LiveBetter #ChangeYourLifeHow do you improve your life quality daily?
Last Updated on November 1, 2024