What personal end of year reflection questions should you ask? How do you do a year-end review and reflection?
Whether you’re working towards your personal goals or business goals, it’s so important to take time to reflect.
Before any new year planning or even making New Year’s Resolutions (if that’s your thing), you should always first do a year-end reflection and review.
Back in 2023, you looked forward to 2024 with hope in your eyes, goals set, and ready for our best year yet. But, now that it’s come and gone, how did you actually do? Did you accomplish what you set out to? Make the most of all 365 days? In any case, maybe 2025 will be better.
But our sights are on 2025 now. Your success in the new year and your ability to finally achieve your goals just might depend on your ability to process 2024. Review and reflection is the best way to do that.
Taking time for an end of year review and reflection can make the difference between success and failure for you or your team in the New Year.
How can you achieve your goals, make progress, and finally follow through if you don’t know what works best? If you have no idea what the areas of growth are? Or where you can improve?
365 days is a long time, and we often have really short memories when it comes to remembering the right things. That’s where your year-end review comes in!
With the New Year right around the corner, now is the time to sit with a journal and reflect with these 100 personal end of year reflection and review questions. Also, get your FREE Review Your Year Workbook with the top ten questions you need to answer.
Top 10 End of the Year Reflection and Review Questions
Let’s be realistic, answering all 100 end of year reflection questions can feel overwhelming and isn’t exactly a quick and easy task either. The purpose of the personal year-end review is to reflect upon the past year, and to learn whatever lessons we can, so we can move forward successfully into the new year.
Thankfully you do not need endless review questions to come to that conclusion. You just need the top ten year in review questions in this blog post that get straight to the heart of last year.
Here are your ten essential questions to reflect on the past year:
1. How do you feel about your last year?
2. Did your life change and/or stay the same in the last year? How?
3. List three of your “greatest hits” from last year.
4. What are you most proud of from the past 12 months? And why?
5. What was the biggest “boss level” challenge you faced?
6. Would you have done anything differently?
7. What major life lessons did you learn?
8. What were your “ah-ha” moments?
9. Did you set goals for last year and did you achieve them?
10. How did you achieve your goals? If you didn’t, what went exactly wrong?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Why You Need To Review Your Year
You can easily take these questions a bit deeper by asking the follow-up questions, “why” or “why not?” Remember, we want to figure out what worked best in 2024, so you can do even better in your personal or professional life in 2025.
Often times the “shortcut” to success is simply remembering the lessons you’ve already learned and applying them to how you prepare for the new year.
End of the Year Reflection Part 2:
10 Year-End Reflection Questions for Your Health
There’s a reason that fitness goals are the #1 choice for New Year’s Resolutions! It’s the first thing we think about when seeking to improve our lives and we tell ourselves we stop making healthy lifestyle excuses. On some level, we all want to be stronger, fitter, in better shape, and look good.
But, being healthy is about more than just our physical bodies and how much we exercise, it’s about our mental health and how we care for ourselves emotionally as well.
Here are ten end of year reflection questions to review your overall health:
11. What was your typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner like?
12. How much sugar or junk did you consume daily?
13. Did you have any allergic reactions to anything you ate or drank?
14. Did you exercise or move your body every day?
15. How did you practice self-care?
16. Did you take any mental health days?
17. How did you relax and rest?
18. How much “me time” or alone time did you spend?
19. What stressed you out the most or gave you major anxiety?
20. How did you relieve or release daily stress?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Healthy Habits List: 10 Changes With Big Results
Asking and answering these end of year reflection questions about your health isn’t enough! Take it one step further, by asking yourself “how can I make healthier choices for my mind and body in 2025?” What changes can you make to reach your health goals?
End of the Year Reflection Part 3:
10 Simple Reflections Questions for Your Emotions
Let’s go even deeper into your mental health with the next set of end of year reflection questions. By taking a journey into your subconscious mind and mindset you can uncover challenges you’re facing and even beliefs that are holding you back.
Often time our emotions (or our reaction to thoughts and experiences) tell us so much about our internal thought life.
Ever wonder why you’re constantly struggling with the same problems, or trapped in a destructive behavior loop? Perhaps, someone said something that triggered you? The answers are in your mind!
21. What did you complain about the most?
22. What are you most grateful and thankful for?
23. Who or what challenged your worldview or your faith?
24. Were you ever “triggered”? By whom or what?
25. What were you most afraid of happening?
26. What made you the happiest and the saddest?
27. Do you have a favorite memory?
28. Is there a memory that you can’t stop replaying in your mind?
29. What was your biggest disappointment?
30. What if anything, worried you and kept you up at night?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Train Your Subconscious Mind
Now that you have some evidence from your emotions as to what’s going on in your mind, start to think of ways you can address the underlying issues. Do you need to stop the negative self-talk, and be more positive? Perhaps you’re always overthinking everything?
End of the Year Reflection Part 4:
10 Personal Year-End Review About Your Daily Life
Let’s talk about how you feel about your daily life over the year. Was it awesome, great, good, okay, not bad, or horrible? What could be better?
The unfortunate side-effect of the New Year can be feelings of lost opportunity or even anger and disappointment for the choices we’ve made – or didn’t make. Staying stuck, stalling, and being stagnant in our lives can leave us feeling furious and frustrated.
31. What did you want to do, but didn’t?
32. Did you step outside your comfort zone? When?
33. Do you feel as if you missed out on any opportunities?
34. What was your daily, morning, or nightly routine?
35. How did you waste the most time every day?
36. What negative daily habits did you break?
37. Did you create any new habits?
38. What do you wish you could do more every day?
39. If there was one thing you could stop doing, what would it be?
40. Does anything feel incomplete or left undone from last year?
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Now you have a better idea of how you spent your daily time. Take notes on these habits and routines, as this is powerful intel, as it’s your daily habits and routines that help you become successful. How can you improve your days? You’ll be happier and more successful once you do.
End of the Year Reflection Part 5:
10 Review Questions on your Experiences from Last Year
Now it’s time to take a walk down memory lane and talk about what actually happened in 2024. What did you do, not do, and wish you did?
We hate that we didn’t take that trip, or we didn’t clean out our closet or that we’re still trapped in a life we hate. Sometimes it’s the little things like a leaky faucet we never fixed or not reading enough personal development books, other times it’s the BIG things like wishing we could escape our toxic workplace or start a profitable business.
41. Where’s the best new location you visited?
42. What’s the most exciting new thing you tried?
43. Did you accomplish anything on your bucket list?
44. What did you plan to do, but never did?
45. Have your tastes or interests changed this past year?
46. Do you have a new favorite food or drink?
47. Do you feel guilty about anything you did?
48. What hobby did you spend the most time on?
49. Did you enjoy learning about something new, if so what?
50. What experiences stand out in your mind as “the best” and “the worst”?
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They say life is all about experiences and memories. How can you create more epic memories in 2025? What new adventures will you go on?
End of the Year Reflection Part 6:
10 Best Yearly Reflection Questions for Your Relationships
A big part of our lives is the relationships and connections we have with others. No one is an island (as much as some of us might try). Whether at home or at work or school, we interact with and spend so much time with others.
Whether you like it or not, you cannot reach your goals on your own! The people in your life will either encourage and support you, or bring you down and destroy you. It’s okay if some friendships die, some relationships come and go, that’s okay!
51. Who did you spend the most time with?
52. Who are the top 3-4 most influential people in your life?
53. Did you have a go-person? Someone you can always count on?
54. Is there anyone you could have apologized to but didn’t?
55. Did you have a falling out with anyone?
56. Which relationships feel apart, which came alive?
57. Was anyone toxic or destructive to you?
58. How did you give back or contribute to your community?
59. How much time did you spend with your family or loved ones?
60. Who supported you and helped you grow the most?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: Have No Friends?
Now that you’ve taken time to review your relationships, which ones do you need to invest in? And which relationships do you need to distance yourself from in 2025? What are your relationship goals? Will you make new friends and find an accountability partner?
End of the Year Reflection Part 7:
10 Must-Ask Review Questions for Your Career
When we’re not at home, most of us spend the majority of our time either at work or at school. Your professional life is a huge part of not only your life but also your identity. So many of us associate who we are, with what we do from 9-5 (or whatever your working hours are).
61. Are you happy with your job/school?
62. Did you enjoy the work/learning you do?
63. Were you excited to go to work or school every day?
64. Did you get a promotion or raise/graduate or pass your courses?
65. What one thing would you change about your job/education?
66. How did you advance your career last year?
67. Do you have a good relationship with your boss or teacher?
68. Is your job/school fulfilling you?
69. Are there opportunities for advancement?
70. Did you start or take on a new venture (side-hustle, part-time so on)?
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So much of how we define or feel success is wrapped up in our careers. How can you improve your professional life? And bring more happiness and fulfillment to this area in the new year? What goals can you set for school or work?
End of the Year Reflection Part 8:
10 Review Questions that Explore Your Finances
No end of year reflection would be complete without talking about your money and how you managed your finances. I know it can be scary to think about it and to have to take a serious look at your spending, savings, and debts, but you really should. So often how you spent or saved your money will determine what you’re able to do in the new year.
71. Did you pay off existing debts (credit card, school, or otherwise)?
72. How much money did you save?
73. Did you create a budget for last year and stick to it?
74. What was your annual income for last year?
75. Were you living paycheck to paycheck?
76. Did you take out new loans (including mortgages and car payments)?
77. What did you waste too much money on?
78. Did you have a best find or purchase from last year?
79. Do you have a retirement savings plan? Did you contribute to it?
80. Did you put money towards an emergency fund?
👉🏽 RELATED POST: How to Achieve Your Financial and Money Goals
What’s the world on your finances and what steps do you need to take to get in better shape? Do you have a financial plan? What sacrifices do you need to make this coming year, so you can live even better in years to come?
End of the Year Reflection Part 9:
10 Light-Hearted and Fun Year End Review Questions
Congrats, what an amazingly thorough personal end of year reflection and review you’ve done! We’re almost at the end. But, to help you relax a bit and get ready to start planning for the New Year, let’s have a bit of fun with ten light-hearted review questions.
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81. When you say 2024, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
82. Is your favorite color still the same this year as last year?
83. What’s the most shocking news you received?
84. What new skills did you develop or discover?
85. Did you have a favorite quote or saying?
86. What’s your favorite song, movie, book, and or TV show from last year?
87. What was the best compliment you received?
88. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rank your year?
89. What three words best describe last year?
90. If you wrote a book about last year, what would it be titled?
End of the Year Reflection Part 10:
Top 10 Personal Reflections Questions for Next Year
Let’s be realistic, answering all 100 end of year reflection questions can feel overwhelming and is no easy, or quick task either. The purpose of the personal year-end review is to reflect upon the past year, and to learn whatever lessons we can, so we can move forward successfully into the new year.
Thankfully you do not need endless review questions to come to that conclusion. You just need ten year in review questions that get straight to the heart of last year. Here they are.
Here are your ten essential questions to reflect on the past year:
91. Where do you want to be one year from now? Describe it.
92. What’s the number goal you want to achieve in 2025?
93. Choose one word that sums up your main theme for next year.
94. What’s your New Year’s Resolution or goal?
95. What are your top 3 priorities for the new year?
96. Write a personal mantra or affirmation for next year.
97. What does your perfect day or week look like?
98. What beneficial daily habits can you start in 2025?
99. How will you take action towards your goal?
100. Who do you hope to become in 2024?
Printable End of Year Review Template
Ready to answer these personal end of year reflection and review questions? Get your printable year review template with the top ten questions you need to ask yourself about last year.
Congrats on taking the time to review your year and ask yourself all the right questions.
Remember, the purpose of this is to figure out what works, what didn’t, all so you can start off 2025 right!
Let’s all exhale 2024 and breathe in the possibilities of the new year.
It's time for your year-end review! Here are 100 personal end of year reflection and review questions. Plus, get your FREE Printable Review Your Year Workbook. #YearInReview #GoalSetting #2025Goals #NewYears
What is your favorite end of the year reflection question?
Last Updated on November 15, 2024
Sara says
I’ve never really thought of reviewing my year!!! But you’re so right and by doing this it can only be of benefit for the year ahead! I hope you have a happy, healthy, successful 2019!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Sara,
It’s such a great way to close down the year and prepare for the new one.
A wonderful new year to you too!
Vanessa Smith says
I really love how you broke down the end of year review questions into different section. I am definitely going to use some of these questions to help me journal my year-end review. Thank you so much for this post.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Vanessa,
Somehow it’s just easier that way for me, instead of thinking about how to reflect upon your entire life. There are so many aspects of our lives that we can forget about or not even be aware of.
Happy end of year reviewing!
Marjie Mare says
This year was a roller coaster of great and worst events which all help me grow. My greatest hit was moving and living the cold behind for good.
Nadalie Bardo says
So sorry to hear this year has been tough on you, Marjie. I so hope that the New Year brings better memories and experiences. Hopefully, a personal year-end review can help to remember all the good that happened – no matter how little it feels.
Tomiko Harvey says
My number one goal is master SEO and get into Mediavine. I also want to create my facebook on teaching other bloggers how to pitch not just a contact swap but how to actually pitch like business women and be successful.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Tomiko,
Love those very clear blogging goals – SEO is a huge bump for your blog.
Lauren Floyd says
I had a beautiful year. I quit a job I hated and started my blog with my husband’s support, and I got to cap the year with my son’s first birthday party. I just hope to keep growing, loving and laughing in 2019.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Lauren,
So happy to hear that you had a wonderful year! So, you’ll totally have an enjoyable end of year reflection and review with these questions. Yay for love and laughter in the new year too!
Ivelisse Estes says
Omg I love how you broke everything down into categories!! Super helpful! I am probably going to have to come back and re-visit this.
Nadalie Bardo says
So glad you enjoyed the ten categories of review questions. Personally, I’ve found it a lot easier to think about my life this way.
Happy end of the year reviewing!
ShaBree Henry says
I absolutely love this! Were you triggered and by whom? I’m definitely sharing this post. We are always ready to go into the new year but didn’t settle the dust.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey ShaBree,
Yay, so glad that you enjoyed reviewing your year.
That question is sooo big – the answer can really reveal a lot about yourself!
Holly says
lol some of these questions just make me think…”do better.” Others are like yep doing good!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Holly,
Me too, me too! We can’t be 100% at everything, there are over 100 personal reflection questions. For me, it’s like, oh do more of this or yikes, do way less of that in the new year.
Joyce Brewer says
This is an amazing list. Just tweeted it to my followers and to bookmark for myself for later.
Nadalie Bardo says
Thanks so much for sharing these amazing reflection questions!
Stacie says
Wow, this is an awesome resource! I plan to take another look at it when I have time to sit down and think about things.
Nadalie Bardo says
It’s the perfect date night with yourself! Nothing like getting to really know yourself with these reflection questions. Great way to prepare for the New Year too!
Mimi Green says
This is an excellent list, as I was reading over some of the questions I wasn’t sure about my answers. I love that it made me think, and really start to reflect. I need to sit with these questions and answer honestly.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Mimi,
Yes, nothing like a great reflection question to get the mind thinking. It’s the perfect way to spend an evening with your journal. =)
Kendro says
I love that mentioned created a reflection before a resolution! Great idea because it’s always important to go over the ups and downs of your year to prepare for a greater comeback! ❤️
Nadalie Bardo says
You’ve got it! I love that, end of year reflection before new year’s resolutions!
Michelle Thames says
I love this list! This is definitely a great time to reflect and set goals for 2019! I will use these questions. Thanks!
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Michelle,
So glad you loved these personal end of year reflection questions. Perfect warm up for setting achievable new year goals!
Deidre says
Really enjoyed this list. Thank you for creating it. I have successfully reflected on all the areas I wished to, and created a decent direction for 2019.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Deidre,
So glad you enjoyed taking time to reflect on the end of the year. You’re well on your way to an amazing new year!
Britney @ The Happiness Agreement says
Hi there! I always love your quotes and other articles. I’m glad you made this post about end of year reflection – it’s so needed (especially moving into a whole new decade).
I’ll be working on this while working on my blog relaunch! This is going to help me so so much.
Nadalie Bardo says
Hey Britney,
Glad you’re enjoying the blog! Wishing you all the best with yours.
Marta says
Looking forward to ringing in the new year. A little look-back never hurts.
It's All You Boo says
Hey Marta,
Definitely looking forward to ringing in the new year too. Agreed, a little look back never hurts. Hope you love these personal end of year reflection questions.
Mimi says
I definitely need to answer these questions and reflect on the past year. Thanks for the inspiration
It's All You Boo says
Hi Mimi,
I’m happy to be part of your inspiration! GO ahead and answer these end of year reflection questions!
Amber says
Love all this. Reflection is the best way to really zero in on new goals for the new year! And, I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. OMG, it is just hitting me,
It's All You Boo says
Hey Amber!
I’m glad you love this end of year reflection questions. Time does fly really fast… Who would’ve wondered its already end of the year!
It is always good to take stock at the end of each year. This list is such a great way to do that!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Jen,
I’m happy you love this list of end of year reflection questions!
Tisha says
I feel like this year flew by….can’t believe it’s almost over. Love being able to look back and reflect on what occurred and plan for the next year.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Tisha!
So true!!! Time does fly really fast! Thanks for reading and I’m happy you love this personal end of year reflection questions.
Nicz Escat says
I really enjoyed reading this amazing list. I’m really glad that you made this list. Thank you so much!
It's All You Boo says
Hi Nicz,
I’m so happy you enjoyed this list of personal end of year reflection questions. Feel free to share. Thanks!
Shar says
As at the end of every year, the time has come again! Yes, reviewing my goals, resolution, and reflecting is ever so essential. Thanks for reminding.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Shar,
Yep, it’s that time of the year again! Thanks for reading and going through this personal end of year reflection questions.
Emman Damian says
It has been a very challenging yet fruitful year. I really do believe that these things can guide me for next year. Thanks for compiling them.
It's All You Boo says
Hi Emman,
Indeed the past couple of years have been challenging for everyone but despite everything there’s always something to be grateful for. Thanks for reading!